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Signed Up April 9, 2013
Last Posted August 25, 2013 at 9:10 AM
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#716 i49 in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#10 teamfortress.tv app in TF2 General Discussion
mthsadenigmainstead of writing an app, it'd be much easier for me to just do one of the following:

1) write a mobile stylesheet that hides the sidebars and makes the center content responsive
2) redirect to a mobile version of the site
a mobile version would be as good as an app imo. maybe an app that adds events to your phone's calendar or something in the future, but a mobile design would be awesome for the time being.

An "announcer app" would be ideal, great idea. Just so you can get the upcoming events on your lockscreen etc. Maybe this is even a possible feature for a mobile website... I am not sure though.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 teamfortress.tv app in TF2 General Discussion
crespiWhat do you mean by "a bit buggy"? What kind of phone do you have?

I don't really know what I meant in all honesty. I guess I meant that the app wouldn't really be perfect at a start. But this is the case for most apps I guess.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 teamfortress.tv app in TF2 General Discussion
enigmainstead of writing an app, it'd be much easier for me to just do one of the following:

1) write a mobile stylesheet that hides the sidebars and makes the center content responsive
2) redirect to a mobile version of the site

Yeas it would be great and also enough to just make a mobile version of the site. Never really thought about that... ^^ I guess I didn't really think about the whole thing a lot before I did the post.

I do however like Crespi's ideas in general.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Solocast of Tri hards vs Top Guns on ze youtubes in TF2 General Discussion

You've got yourself a new subscriber ;) didn't even know u had a youtube channel <3

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Super Smash Brothers 4 Official Trailer! in Other Games

❤.❤ I need.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 teamfortress.tv app in TF2 General Discussion

I was on my phone on the tf.tv forums a couple of days ago and it was a bit buggy so I got the idea of a teamfortress.tv app. You'll have to excuse me if this topic has already been discussed but I couldn't find anything like this on the forums.


> An easier access to the forums from a portable device.
> I don't know about others but I would totally be ready to pay a "reasonable" amount of money to get this app which in that case would support the community.
> I think there would be considerably more activity on the forums as most people always have their portable device with them.
> Active feedback


> I am not at all aware of how hard it would be to make such an app.
> And if there would be money involved how much of this goes directly to the tf.tv crew etc.
> The app would most probably be buggy at the start.

Some sort of short overview thingy.

I personnally would love to see a tf.tv app because atm the mobile internet page is not "ideal" and I think I am not the only one who has this opinion. The community would most likely get more active in general. I don't know about others but if there was a way that people could help on making the app or improving it I believe that many people would make some effort to do this actively.

I understand what I've written here is rather broad but I'd love to see your responses :)

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Broder fundraiser for i49! in LAN Discussion

GL, I am going to donate, but I feel that if there are no furthre "tiers" of donating as Kaneco stated, people might not feel it is worth it for them for example donating anything between 5€ and 70€ as there is no difference in "side-price". Maybe consider think of some other ideas to give people a bigger "gain" if they donate 20€ as opposed to 5€.

GL anyhow :)

posted about 11 years ago
#107 yahud in Customization

I have been using my slightly cusomized OMP hud for over a year now and have gotten real bored of it. Thx for giving us this awesome hud, I personally love the Black Box version.


posted about 11 years ago
#12 TF2 Update 5/17/13 in TF2 General Discussion

I don't want my game to get worse just because valve decided to quit working and add more hats. :,(

posted about 11 years ago
#11 TF2 Update 5/17/13 in TF2 General Discussion

Please tell me this is not actually true. :,) electric effects.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 ETF2L Prem: Crack Clan vs. Skidmark Central in Events

thx ^^, sorry for being generally retarded <:o)

posted about 11 years ago
#6 ETF2L Prem: Crack Clan vs. Skidmark Central in Events

ummm, when is this game CET? sorry i am not very familiar with the NA timezones. :P

posted about 11 years ago
#93 Giveaway contest for all-stars! in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#15 Spare Steam cash? in Off Topic

Any of the Total War game series really, they are all basically awesome.

This is ofc only if your into turn based/real time strategy games.

posted about 11 years ago
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