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Last Posted November 15, 2018 at 2:54 PM
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#1 FACEIT & Class picking matchmaking! in TF2 General Discussion

Hello everyone, in the past year we launched several community initiatives to support TF2 on FACEIT platform. We've been closely collecting your feedback on how our product needs to change in order to provide better experience for the TF2 players and give you the features that you all asked for. FACEIT loves TF2 and it's a game and community that we want to continue supporting in the future, and we need your help now to test the features we've been working on!

FACEIT is running a test on TF2PL for the next week (until November 21st at Noon PST). A temporary unrestricted hub will house a new bot feature being tested, which will allow users to select a class preference, and require that teams have all the classes necessary prior to initiating a match.

Q: Where can I find the hub?
A: https://www.faceit.com/en/hub/07b2d742-0817-42f0-b2b1-8dc11dc4d84b/ClassPick%20HUB

Q: When will testing begin?
A: The hub is now live- you can sign up and begin playing immediately.

Q: What are the restrictions on this hub?
A: There are no level or region restrictions, however servers are located in Chicago.

Q: How does class selection work?
A: Once you’ve entered the hub, type into the all-chat “@pootisbot” and then list the classes you’d be willing to play. The bot will save your preferences. You can then press PLAY to enter the queue as usual. You can do this solo, or in a group of up to 5, however take care to be sure your group doesn’t have incompatible classes set (such as three of you only have Scout selected).

Q: What classes are available?
A: Per team, there are two Scout, two Soldier, one Demoman and one Medic (please decide amongst yourselves which scout or soldier rollout to play). You can select any combination of these roles.

Q: What will happen if I do not set a class preference prior to queuing?
A: You will be automatically assigned a class based on what is required for a match to fill.

Q: How will we know who is playing which class?
A: Pootisbot will post in the all-chat with the class assignments for your match.

Q: How will communication work? What is required?
A: No voice systems are required for testing, in-game voice is recommended if necessary.

We hope you all enjoy your time testing, and that this feature is useful for Team Fortress 2. Once you’ve tried it out, here is a short survey should you wish to leave some feedback:

posted about 6 years ago
#6 Help test new FACEIT beta in TF2 General Discussion
b4nnyFACEIT_MikeyImportant to say is also, whatever you see today in test: League, UI, Leaderboards and system = will be available to everyone soon who wants to create the hub/inhouse league for their own community or just group of friends, and have full freedom to edit all the settings/maps/queues and leagues/prizes/membership.Hoping this will be able to serve every competitive community from Newbie Mixes to Invite pugs. Could finally be able to consolidate everyone onto one platform which would be huge for our scene.

Thats the goal! And we hope to support everyone with the technology, prizes and also variety of options so everyone can create what they want for their community.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Help test new FACEIT beta in TF2 General Discussion

Important to say is also, whatever you see today in test: League, UI, Leaderboards and system = will be available to everyone soon who wants to create the hub/inhouse league for their own community or just group of friends, and have full freedom to edit all the settings/maps/queues and leagues/prizes/membership.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 FACEIT TF2 Christmas Ladders are happening tonight in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys!

Merry Christmas from the FACEIT crew, hope you are enjoying your holidays!
We wanted to make them a little bit better by throwing some ladders for all of you, for both EU and NA region.


EU Christmas Ladder - https://www.faceit.com/en/tf2/event/35a020a7-7e82-442d-91e2-5c8b882175fe
NA Christmas Ladder - https://www.faceit.com/en/tf2/event/03315969-a0cd-4ba4-88d8-bb39c5caed84

Prizes are:

1) The B.M.O.C.
2) The B.M.O.C.
3) The B.M.O.C
4)-250) 25,000 FACEIT Points

Come reserve your slots and snatch some santa hats tonight!

posted about 8 years ago
#1 FACEIT Open Beta begins today - $2,500 Launch Tour in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys!
Mikey from FACEIT here!

Today we are very happy to announce the launch of our open beta for Team Fortress 2.
During the last period of time, we received a lot of feedback on our product, which we used to improve and develop some cool features. More are still to come, but we feel we are ready for an open beta where all the community can join and test out our system.

We would like to take this occasion to thank all the players that have helped us in our journey so far; your feedback is super important to us and we will be listening to the community very closely in the next weeks to make sure we can deliver the best possible gaming experience.

Let’s get started!

To celebrate the launch of our Open beta we have partnered up with Teamfortress.tv and we are very happy to present you this awesome tournament:

Dates: November 18, 19th and 20th (Friday/Saturday/Sunday)
Tournament format: Open tournament
Prize Pool: $2,500 USD plus FACEIT Points
Registration: http://bit.ly/2gaCIIi
Tournament Details: http://bit.ly/2fRNFhh

A few things you should know about our system before getting started:

  • When you register on FACEIT, you will be assigned an initial default elo. By competing on the platform, your elo will increase with every victory and decrease with every defeat. Your elo is what determines both your skill level and global rank, which shows how well you are performing in your country and continent.
  • You can choose between two main types of competitions: tournaments and ladders. Ladders can be joined by playing into our matchmaking or pre-selecting them from the ladders page - make sure to select the right event you wish to play for when queueing. Tournaments are shown at the bottom of the tf2 main dashboard or on the tournament page.

  • You can join our daily tournaments as solo, party or premade team. Solo players and parties of less than 6 players are allowed to join only 30 minutes before the tournament starts and will be randomly matched by our algorithm. If we do not find a match-up for you by when the tournament starts (e.g. you joined as a party of 4 and there are no duo parties to match you with), your party will be removed from the tournament and you can join the next one.

  • Our matchmaking queue can be joined as solo/duo. We have decided to take this approach to guarantee the most competitive environment, whilst we keep working on several team features!

  • We also have our own ranked system for premium and support players - we are going to start with 3 leagues (silver, gold and master). After playing three matches, you will be placed in a league. Seasons are monthly.
    By competing in Leagues, Ladders and tournaments, you earn FACEIT Points. You can redeem your points on our shop, where you can get TF2 related prizes, hardware and more. Check-out our shop at this link: https://www.faceit.com/en/shop/tf-2

  • All reports count - we have recently launched our FBI system, which keeps track of your performance and attitude in every match. Check here( http://bit.ly/2fa2fNE ) for more details. Be nice to each other ;)

I'm around to answer any questions that you might have. Post them here or PM me directly!

TL;DR: FACEIT launches its TF2 open beta today. Join us and play one of the many different competitions we host every day!

See you on FACEIT!

posted about 8 years ago
#22 FACEIT to conduct big closed beta test on 20th Sep in TF2 General Discussion

Beta is live guys!

Code: TF2FTW
Link: https://www.faceit.com/en/tf2

You can also invite up to 2 more friends.

posted about 8 years ago
#284 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys, we are conducting another beta test tonight at 21:00 CEST (15:00 ET) for both Europe and North America!

You can find more information here on how to get a beta key tonight -

Cheers and hope to see you tonight!

posted about 8 years ago
#7 FACEIT to conduct big closed beta test on 20th Sep in TF2 General Discussion
DougI will be back there.

See you!

posted about 8 years ago
#6 FACEIT to conduct big closed beta test on 20th Sep in TF2 General Discussion
BumFreezewill parties still be limited to 2 for this event?

You will be able to queue with friends, no limits.

KonceptAny idea when the test might end? I have class at the exact time that the test is happening and I'd really like to see if I can play

Competitions are set for 20th-25th September, so you will be able to play on all 5 days under dev supervision.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 FACEIT to conduct big closed beta test on 20th Sep in TF2 General Discussion

Hello guys,

we have been carefully collecting your feedback from recent beta tests in order to understand what you guys need and how we can offer you a strong service that will help competitive TF2 and give a home to many of you who seeks one.

Several more features have been added that we wish to test on 20th September at 21:00 CEST (15:00 ET).
Both Europe and North American region will be open to players that have access to beta / have a beta key.

Our discord channel is: https://discord.gg/tf2faceit
We will be dropping beta keys in that channel, 20 minutes before beta test begins. On top of that, everyone that has access to beta, will be able to invite their friends to join the platform.

We will prepare a lot of ladders and cups with FACEIT Points as prize in order to reward the activity of the beta users. As always, any feedback/question you have - feel free to ask them here or on the Discord channel.

Thanks a lot for taking your time to read this and i hope we will see you tomorrow!

FACEIT TF2 Homepage

Code: TF2FTW

posted about 8 years ago
#44 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Just created an account here ^^, so ill make the same reply as i did on reddit:

Hey guys,
we are very happy to have an opportunity to meet your community and have a chance to make a difference in competitive TF2 and casual play.
If you are familiar with Discord, it would mean a world to us to be able to listen to your ideas and feedback every day. It's the most important thing that will help us in creating a system that fits you well and competitive TF2, especially during BETA.

You can join on this link (new, non-expired one): https://discord.gg/013dP1BU6B57MVO4a

Thank you and i hope we will be able to deliver an amazing experience to you guys on the platform.

p.s. obv. we will share beta codes to active people on Discord who are willing to help out!

posted about 8 years ago