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Signed Up January 2, 2014
Last Posted September 8, 2015 at 8:04 AM
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#66 KOTH Sandstone in Map Discussion

Changes include:

Some lighting muck-a-round, I really wanna hear thoughts on it. Here's an example

Turned this wall into a one way window!

Closed this room off and moved health kit

Some technical work: Before After

There are also other changes including the rock at mid being rotated.Fade distances are a lot more apparent so do tell me your opinions.

If you guys could all notice the following and tell me your thoughts that'd make b12 much easier:
-Fade Distances (Are they distracting?, etc)

And of course gameplay!

Big thanks to b4nny for the advice, and Jackylegs for the motivation, and the folks over at tf2maps as usual. This map has been through a crazy year.

posted about 10 years ago
#65 KOTH Sandstone in Map Discussion

Update coming today tommorow, sorry for broken link, but it'll be fixed

posted about 10 years ago
#332 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

Add me on steam, I somehow have a working version of propper.

posted about 10 years ago
#62 KOTH Sandstone in Map Discussion

So, after by brief-hiatus to go work on koth_backwoods/nikori I'm back to work on sandstone.

I'm probably going to implement the feedback I currently have from b4nny and then some more, so what would you all like to see as well be changed?

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Koth Nikori in Map Discussion

So, I feel like posting the last thing I will in this thread since the map is done.
This was made for the Merc's v.s aliens contest over at and i'm very proud of it.
Here's an album:

Map filename: koth_backwoods_b13
Map download:
Author: Fantasmos

Now back to work on sandstone.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Koth Nikori in Map Discussion

If anyone is interested in the artpass:

Here's the full album

posted about 10 years ago
#23 CEVO s6 maps in Map Discussion

I propose koth_sandstone to be added. It's been getting a lot of love recently by competitive and i'd love to see it be given a chance for players to experience it in the league.


posted about 10 years ago
#5 New Serve... What Maps? in Map Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#7 Koth Nikori in Map Discussion
wv2016download is broken for me

Try here;
Also latest version of nikori is released! Use the link above to download

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Koth Nikori in Map Discussion

Map filename: koth_backwoods_b13
Map download:
Author: Fantasmos

Giant motherships have been appearing all over the world, and with our precious hats in danger it's up to tf industries to construct jump-pad lasers in order to destroy them!

However, they accidentally hired both Red and Blu teams to construct them, and neither are letting the other taking the fame as saviour of the hats.

Status: Finished

posted about 10 years ago
#61 KOTH Sandstone in Map Discussion

-Minor aestethic fixes
-Added some optimisation
-Fixed collisions in 2 caves to block 2 hiding spots

posted about 10 years ago
#60 KOTH Sandstone in Map Discussion

B8c here:

Floating ladder
Lightmaps for below balcony, I thought it'd fix the slight lighting problem but it didin't, will fix in next update!

posted about 10 years ago
#59 KOTH Sandstone in Map Discussion

Here is b8b:

B8c will be out momentarily to fix a lighting issue and a floating ladder

posted about 10 years ago
#58 KOTH Sandstone in Map Discussion

Patch incoming tonight:(roughly 5 hours)

-Updating torch's colors to look like the light they emit
-Updated the standing torchs to have fire
-Updating shrine to look like the light they emit
-Updated clipping on the bridge
-Removed stairs from both balcony's
-Fixed hills being broken
-Fixed wood barrier floating
-Fixed people being able to stand on truss and not be able to move
-Fixed textures in red/blu house
-Removed beams on ramps making players unable to slide

This will be b8b since it's only bug fixes and adds nothing to gameplay, have fun!

posted about 10 years ago
#53 KOTH Sandstone in Map Discussion

Here is b8, a small update to fix some of the more prominent problems, a lot more changes are coming soon to help with demoman spam and the map feeling closed.

Here they are:

Upgraded mini-health in cave to medium health
Made barrier near balcony twice as high
Made balcony easier to jump onto
Added new path into houes
Blocked the balcony close to spawn off


Patch forecast:
Turn the double mini health packs into a singular medium depending on soldier spam
More permanent solution to demoman spam
Make the map feel more open, a common complaint is that it's too cluttered
Help move-ability towards flanks
Update the ramps for sliding improvements
Make the caves more like-a-ble

Other than that as much feedback as possible! Also if you wanna play it be sure to check out's 6v6 section and request for the map.

posted about 10 years ago
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