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Signed Up December 30, 2014
Last Posted November 13, 2015 at 8:03 PM
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this is a nightmare, just listening to this turns my stomach.

for people who dont understand french, he talked about being in the bataclan with his mother, when the terrorists entered the building and kept randomly shooting into the crowd and luckily after a few mins he was able to escape with his mother.

posted about 9 years ago
#69 League of Legends World Championships in Esports

Should be an easy clean 3-0 sweep for skt, every single lane is individually stronger for skt and their synergy is way better than og's (they havent even unleashed the faker :D )

posted about 9 years ago
#1370 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
FireFeyne...Well, i cant tell you exactly where you did something wrong, but this is just the default font that appears when the given font couldnt be found ( is that english ? ). Im not sure if this indicates where the mistake could be, its just my personal experience that misstakes happened quite often when naming the fonts. I am not entirely sure, but i think you need to take the name that appears on top of the window when you open up the font in Windows, and not the filename.

If that doesnt work you need to w8 for a more experienced editor :(

//fuck german autocorrect

I rechecked and i did use the correct titel/name, thx anyways!

posted about 9 years ago
#1365 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Hey so i got this problem, i recently installed RaysHud because i wanted to customize a hud and since rays uploaded a bunch of tutorials i thought i should try and customize my own. Now the problem i got is that the font i want to install, does not look like it should ingame, after installing the font, the ammo/hp numbers and everything that changed, doesnt look like the old font, nor the new font, just some new random font, no idea where that is coming from.

So, this is how it looks like atm: http://imgur.com/eek2KOY (not supposed to look like that)

And this is the font i originally wanted to install: http://www.dafont.com/de/russo-one.font

I installed the font like rays explained it in his video, so if anyone got an idea how to fix/ what i could have done wrong or if the font might be "broken", let me know pls

posted about 9 years ago
#1 nervousEnergy Season 19 Team Fragmovie in Videos


great season with great people <3

thanks to mop for making the video!

posted about 10 years ago