Account Details
SteamID64 76561198087251749
SteamID3 [U:1:126986021]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:63493010
Country United States
Signed Up April 21, 2022
Last Posted March 18, 2025 at 5:47 PM
Posts 62 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.4
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input  
1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Mionix castor
Keyboard Razer deathstalker
Mousepad Corsair MM200
Headphones Ikko OH10
Monitor Asus vx229h
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#2 team colored background on ammo and timer in Customization

If you're going to use default hud I recommend running Enhanced Default HUD or Improved Default Hud .

Otherwise you need to modify the hud elements in the tf/custom folder. It's a lot easier to do this after installing a custom hud because you wont have to make all the folders yourself. If you don't have the hud element files, download GCFScape. Use GCFScape to open the tf2_misc_dir.vpk file in your /tf folder - this is where all the hud elements are contained. If you're looking for a specific element to edit, I use this reference list

For the ammo background, you need to modify the HudAmmoWeapons.res file. In that file, you have to change the values under HudWeaponAmmoBG. Im not sure if the "visible" setting actually works so I just changed the xpos value to 9999 so it places the background off screen.

I have not actually changed the timer background but I'm guessing its in the hudobjectivetimepanel.res, maybe the TimePanelBG setting.

The biggest thing to remember when editing a hud is that you have to use the command in the console "hud_reloadscheme" to refresh the hud after any changes are made. The only way I know how to edit a hud is though trial and error by changing the value in the .res file, saving the file, then using hud_reloadscheme and seeing what moves around on the hud.

posted about a year ago
#3 Wang Gang LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)

Bump looking for pocket soldier

posted about a year ago
#115 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion

Next stream title: Going to Best Buy, buying a PC, installing TF2, then playing my playoffs match.

posted about a year ago
#1 Wang Gang LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)

Change in roster. Looking for pocket soldier.

Current Roster:

Combo Scout Legit
Flank Scout: Holly
Pocket: ????
Roamer: Fireball
Demo: Dogdayboy
Medic: Slicerogue

Message me or Slicerogue on discord: fireball7d7, slicerogue

posted about a year ago
#36 RESUP LAN 3 - LocalHost Philly Sep 30-Oct 1 2023 in LAN Discussion

cu@ + LFT

posted about a year ago
#1 WANG Gang Looking for Player in Recruitment (looking for players)

Looking for a full time pocket scout for the rest of the advanced season.

Current roster is:

Flank scout: Holly
Combo scout: ???
Roamer: Fireball7d7
Pocket: b0nes
Demoman: Dogdayboy
Med: Slicerogue

Contact me, b0nes, or Slicerogue through discord:


posted about a year ago
#13 Transparency with the community [RGL] in TF2 General Discussion

Thank you for hosting this talk. I have a few questions listed below

How are decisions on RGL Plugins made?

Recently, there were discussions on TFTV about various 6s plugins (Projective Teammate Phase , Soldier self-damage) How are decisions made regarding whether or not to run plugins? Does RGL look at other competitive leagues and feedback from players when making these decisions?

I think RGL could benefit from a test server with plugins enabled and having players within the league test out plugins and give feedback.

How are decisions on what maps to add in/remove made?

RGL recently hosted an experimental map cup. This cup was an enjoyable experience and has led to the inclusion of Sultry in the map pool. Before the start of this season, RGL did a poll for voting a map into the Advanced pool. Has RGL considered expanding the map pool to allow more maps instead of voting in/out a map each season at higher divisions? Additionally, how are decisions made regarding whether or not to add a new map into the pool like Sultry?

How are decisions on weapons bans/unbans made?

RGL has a weapon ban survey at the end of each season, however, the results of previous season were not publicly released. How are weapon bans/unbans decided?

For example, the buffalo steak sandvich was recently unbanned, but no one was really sure why it was unbanned. The blog post stated “In the post s10 survey, 41% of polled players voted to unban the Buffalo Steak Sandvich, 31% voted to keep it banned, and the remaining 28% were neutral. In the spirit of change, we’re unbanning the Buffalo Steak Sandvich this season. We will be monitoring games to see how this item impacts game flow, if it does at all.”

41% is not even a majority of the poll, however 28% of players were neutral on the change. Are there certain percentages the league looks at before considering whether to ban/unban a weapon? Does RGL look at how “broken” a weapon is before unbanning (Steak sandvich vs mad milk/wrangler)?

Is there a specific reason why the Main division does not follow the pick/ban format?

As someone who has recently played 3 seasons of main, I feel that Main players are at a high enough skill level to pick/ban maps. I understand the need in lower division for exposure to the entire map pool, but I believe Main is a division where players are capable of picking and banning maps. Personally, I did not enjoy playing a weekly map system because every scrim for an entire week was the same exact map. Once playoffs started and I was playing up to 4 different maps a night, it made me realize how much I dreaded scrimming the same map for a week straight.

posted about a year ago
#44 RGL S12 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
GritomaBig thanks to wang for agreeing to play tonight despite slice's debilitating illness, good looks guysbearodactylget this post to 50 upvotes and we cut him for posting that

You know what to do...

posted about a year ago
#8 wang gang 4.0 adv s12 Med in Recruitment (looking for players)

Looking for Pocket Soldier sub. Guaranteed playtime this week and possibly the following weeks.

posted about a year ago
#1 Stream Sidebar Request in Requests
United States
Experience playing multiple seasons of RGL. Currently playing in Advanced.

Stream my matches/scrims/warmup.

posted about a year ago
#66 RGL S11 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

We picked Clearcut and didn't learn from last season.

posted about a year ago
#14 (Team Name in the Works) High Main LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)

I come with a message from the future - this team is still looking for players

posted about a year ago
#6 TF2 update for 3/20/23 in TF2 General Discussion
GrapeJuiceIIIscratchhthey broke sunshinemap not actually broken my server just got that cosmic radiation bit flip that half

It has to do with weird custom servers. See 2 instances on different servers

posted about 2 years ago
#44 RGL S11 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Got a photo with the GOAT Youngsanity. Thankful he could take time out of his busy basketball schedule to take a photo with a real fan like me. The main thread misses you.

posted about 2 years ago
#9183 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 2 years ago
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