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Signed Up October 27, 2012
Last Posted January 13, 2013 at 3:57 PM
Posts 15 (0 per day)
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#3 Graphics in Off Topic

I might be interested, it depends on what you want to develop. Is it vidya related?

posted about 12 years ago
#54 Public Apology in TF2 General Discussion

The best bet to not look like a clown in any community is just take a personal vacation from it for a very long time

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Removing/replacing bleed/jarate overlays in DX8? in Q/A Help

Is this possible at all? I tried playing with it on the other day, everything was going fine and I enjoyed the rather hefty FPS boost.

However, as soon as I got hit by piss, everything looked awful. Then people told me about the bleed effect, which is even worse.

Attempts to look for a fix on Google which go back to forum threads from 2010 were futile. Does anyone here know of a method to fix this?

posted about 12 years ago
#35 A rollout trainer I made in Map Discussion

Sorry I've been away from this thread so long. Interesting to see it still has attention. I'll be working on it more after the semester is over since most of my work time right now isn't for personal projects.

Last time I worked on it I was halfway into adding Snakewater after redesigning the spawn room from ground up, so a2 will make a nice addition.

posted about 12 years ago
#26 A rollout trainer I made in Map Discussion

I don't want to do any round resets etc, I'm designing the map around the ability to make it work on multiplayer, as a great way to practise rollouts is being helped by someone else.

Another new thing: to simulate overheal at a very basic level, the midway points in the maps will passively heal you.

posted about 12 years ago
#24 A rollout trainer I made in Map Discussion

Perhaps. I may have to make two maps, doubt I'm going to fit more than one into this unless I make a lot of cutbacks.

edit: I don't /really/ want to make more than one map though. I really just want to do the popular maps.

posted about 12 years ago
#22 A rollout trainer I made in Map Discussion


Anyway, I've stripped every single overlay from the map to conserve a little bit of space. Process has been made much lighter (turns out the light_environment had a sun angle of FIFTEEN, don't know how I didn't figure that, I just thought it was the high walls)

New lobby (still needs more even lighting)

Fixed cp_process

posted about 12 years ago
#20 A rollout trainer I made in Map Discussion

Started work again today. Remaking the lobby since I was hardly finished on it and the design I was going for was looking poorer and poorer.

Hence, here's a new design I'm working on. The lobby will have a basic training area for various types of jumps in vertical space, as in the area which hasn't been filled in yet.

Snakewater is also in the works.

posted about 12 years ago
#18 A rollout trainer I made in Map Discussion
DrakeMegrimA really nice addition to these would be if hitting mid does mp_restartround 1 and hurt me -160 while in the same "map". It's a great concept and is very clean.

What I'd like to do is keep it as multiplayer-friendly as possible. I know people will want to rollout with friends to educate them on how to do things, so I'm catering to that.

posted about 12 years ago
#29 unboxing some new ram in Off Topic

The purple paper was a big giveaway.

posted about 12 years ago
#11 A rollout trainer I made in Map Discussion

It's for the convenience of having multiple maps in one. Switching between maps can take a while for some people.

It's just an alpha - I'd like to add more.

posted about 12 years ago
#8 A rollout trainer I made in Map Discussion

I have the sources for them and I have trimmed them somewhat - Snake and Gully just require a lot of work before I can include them. Both have annoying geometry, especially Gully.

A map like Granary on the other hand is literally a rectangle.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 A rollout trainer I made in Map Discussion

Currently it contains map excerpts for granary, process and badlands. I want to add more soon, specifically gullywash and snakewater, though I have to account for Hammer file limits.

If push comes to shove I'll just make a separate map containing extra rollouts, because some maps have a clusterfuck for a layout when it comes to trimming out the fat and fixing the leaks after removing a lot of detail is tiring.

Suggestions would be nice, thanks~

posted about 12 years ago
#4 raffle! in TF2 General Discussion

Not sure why it has been doing that. The group is actually open but for some reason it's set to invite only.

Loot has been updated, by the way. Forgot to mention.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 raffle! in TF2 General Discussion


We're hosting a Hallowe'en raffle - you're all invited because free stuff. All you need to do is join Bazaar's steam group, sign in to and follow the link here:

As it stands, the loot is only keys and metal. We want to add something really awesome to the pot but we need more people on board this ship before we can do that.

We have a feed widget on the Dashboard, by the way.

Don't forget to invite your friends~

posted about 12 years ago