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SteamID64 76561198055183373
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Country Australia
Signed Up August 13, 2014
Last Posted March 11, 2016 at 3:37 AM
Posts 188 (0 per day)
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#125 bernie or hillary in Off Topic

Not sure why you replied to me but you forgot to signal how trump is also homophobic, white supremacist and literally Hitler
Why would you move to the netherlands and not say brazil or mexico? I'm sure some people would find it racist that you would move somewhere with less diversity

People dont just vote for trump because muh racism and muh dumb redneck
They vote for him because he's the only person who's putting white interests first. Non cucked republicans realize that if you dont stop immigration then the republican party will never win again because mexicans vote democrat. They believe if he wins it'll destroy the republican party or at least reform it. His foreign policy isnt in favour of fighting wars for our greatest ally. Whites would rather not be replaced further (america is already 60% white). Some people would rather not have the higher crime rates that come with having more more non whites/asians. I can go on but you should hopefully get the point

I dont want to start a huge trump thing on the bernie/hillary thread so reply to me on the trump thread

posted about 8 years ago
#120 bernie or hillary in Off Topic
sacCan any of you Americans explain why Rand Paul has lacked the support that ron paul had except a lack of charisma and Donald Trump whio appeals to the former Ron Paul base? I'm curious on how well Trump will do in the next caucas states, becuase the Rubio and Cruz surge are intersting to watch, especially since I haven't bumped into an American yet who declared his support for either, and I imagine if they run, they would probably lose vs Sanders? Or is this skewed?

I'm not an american but I've interacted with them enough on forums and other platforms to have a decent idea why

Rand decided the best way to get elected was by being another cuck
Started pandering for BLM and SJW crap
Did the typical republicuck thing of putting the interests of others before people who are actually going to vote for you
Not clapping enough for Bibi
A lot of his "supporters" did the whole "I'm not supporting the jackboot by voting" signalling
And like you said Trump

posted about 8 years ago
#71 bernie or hillary in Off Topic

posted about 8 years ago
#291 Donald Trump in World Events
thmpsnhow yall feel about ted cruz winning the iowa caucus

Iowa means nothing for republicans

It was funny watching people go crazy when they found out he lost tho

posted about 8 years ago
#19 What PC game made you stay a PC gamer? in Off Topic

Once I discovered avernum, arcanum and neverwinter nights I just stopped caring about consoles because they didn't have those types of games available

posted about 8 years ago
#35 Account Details Belonging to Someone Else in TF2 General Discussion

its been fix'd nvm

posted about 8 years ago
#5 CS:GO update for 12/15/15 (12/16/15 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Edit: Ninja'd

posted about 9 years ago
#23 Windows 10 worth it? in Hardware

Been using it for about 3-4 weeks and the only problem ive had is trying to do the major update that came out a few days ago (I just get a black screen when it tries to restart)

Thankfully from what I can tell I dont need the update so it isnt really a problem

posted about 9 years ago
#213 Donald Trump in World Events

what a shocker the lefty wants to kill a bunch of white people

posted about 9 years ago
#8 CS:GO update for 12/9/15 (12/10/15 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

– Fixed a disappearing smoke exploit.

I abused the fuck out of this for a few games and now im waiting to see if I get an ow ban for it

posted about 9 years ago
#136 Donald Trump in World Events
flatlinedon't forget about umpqua

I'm pretty sure mercers beliefs were never confirmed

flatlinealso banning Muslims isn't even legal under the first amendment so trump would have to amend the constitution (!!!!) with an amendment that overturns the first amendment (!!!!!!!!!!) trump obviously doesn't even understand the country whose presidency he's trying to attain. He's a moron move on thread done

I could be wrong but im pretty sure he can

posted about 9 years ago
#134 Donald Trump in World Events
flatlinei'm pretty sure there were only 3 shootings committed by muslims out of the ~355 or whatever this year

chattanooga, san bernardino, and another one (the tulsa one?)

I hate using stuff from news papers but I cant find anything else atm

so depending on your definition muslims committed 1/4 mass shootings

posted about 9 years ago
#119 Donald Trump in World Events

35% of Palestinians have a favorable opinion of Al Qeada.

1 in eight Muslims worldwide has a favorable view of al Quaeda.

1 in 3 Muslims favorably views Hamas, a known terrorist organization.

25% of Egyptian Muslims support terrorist attacks to enforce Shariah law.

65% of European Muslims believe that Shariah law is more important than the law of the country they reside in.

European Muslims are 7.5x more likely to be fundamentalists than Christians.

45% of European Muslims believe that Jews cannot be trusted.

60% of European Muslims are explicitly homphobic. This is not due to poverty or education.

78% of Egyptians support attacks on US soldiers in the Middle East.

62% of Palestinians support the use of suicide bombings.

38% of Muslims believe 9/11 was partially or wholly justified.

posted about 9 years ago
#112 Donald Trump in World Events

Signal harder Avast

posted about 9 years ago
#6 MAJOR CS:GO update for 12/8/15 (Winter Update) in CS2 General Discussion

"– Users’ options are now stored independently in a Steam account-local data folder and can be different across Steam accounts on the same machine."
can this be removed? When I change settings I'd rather not do it 3 times

posted about 9 years ago
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