Not sure why you replied to me but you forgot to signal how trump is also homophobic, white supremacist and literally Hitler
Why would you move to the netherlands and not say brazil or mexico? I'm sure some people would find it racist that you would move somewhere with less diversity
People dont just vote for trump because muh racism and muh dumb redneck
They vote for him because he's the only person who's putting white interests first. Non cucked republicans realize that if you dont stop immigration then the republican party will never win again because mexicans vote democrat. They believe if he wins it'll destroy the republican party or at least reform it. His foreign policy isnt in favour of fighting wars for our greatest ally. Whites would rather not be replaced further (america is already 60% white). Some people would rather not have the higher crime rates that come with having more more non whites/asians. I can go on but you should hopefully get the point
I dont want to start a huge trump thing on the bernie/hillary thread so reply to me on the trump thread