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Signed Up January 23, 2020
Last Posted May 17, 2024 at 9:14 PM
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#42 - TF2 stats collected from in Projects
RahmedThere seems to be an error

Hey man, no shame in success :)

posted 10 months ago
#39 - TF2 stats collected from in Projects

Two new shinies since last time:

posted 10 months ago
#33 TF2 Log Searcher in Projects

see also:

posted about a year ago
#38 - TF2 stats collected from in Projects

Small update: RGL matches are now also tracked. They haven't really fixed their API (and there are a lot of data issues in older seasons), but it's good enough now to use. I'm still working on improving the UI, especially regarding roster dates.

Regarding OZF, I have no plans to implement support atm. When linking logs to matches, I look for logs within 12 hours of the scheduled match time with enough players from both teams. However, OZF doesn't store the scheduled match time anywhere. All they have is the last time the match page was updated, which includes comments from way after the match.

No plans for UGC, CEVO, etc. since I don't have anything from before 2019 imported at the moment. Maybe in the future.

posted about a year ago
#36 - TF2 stats collected from in Projects
WiethoofdForty-Botautomatically combine all logs in a matchKinda neat feature, does this have some API output if the parsing is better than (properly combining team scores on stopwatch maps for instance isn't flawless: 6-0 score when team names are known in the 2-1 series)

The scores are combined properly. The scores in ETF2L don't necessarily match the round scores. As I understand it, there are always 6 points to be won. So if you win a map you get 6 points.

Also noticed a thing with testing the combining, and noticed that because of the serveme + pickup site duplicate uploads your detection for that at least works, but then still combines them in the output, e.g. this.

If you explicitly request to combine two logs, they will be combined. No matter if one is marked as a duplicate or not.

(and in case when combined, chronologically order them?)

Combined logs are ordered in the order you check the boxes (I think).

Logs might now also support pause duration in the output, is this parsed yet and taken into account for DPM calculations?

Pauses should be accounted for when calculating durations. That said, I don't re-parse logs (yet) so the stats are all the same as on

Also ozfortress should have an API, could link their matches and logs too!

Yeah, I'm interested in doing ozfortress as well. I couldn't find their API, if it exists.

posted about a year ago
#34 - TF2 stats collected from in Projects

This one's been a long time coming, but logs are now linked to ETF2L matches. That means you can go to your team and see all your matches and their associated logs, automatically combine all logs in a match, filter your logs by whether they were part of a match, and see which players had the best DPM this season (or all time).

I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. 97% of matches are linked automatically, but I will be continuing to improve this over the coming months.

I did ETF2L first because they have a proper API. RGL has been working on theirs, but they are still lacking in some major areas. I hope to add RGL support soon, once they iron out their issues.

posted about a year ago
#33 - TF2 stats collected from in Projects

Long time no update. I's been over two years since I started this website, and almost a year since the last update, so I figure a post is long overdue. I've been doing mostly incremental changes over the past year. Similar to last time, a lot of stuff is on the backend

  • In general, performance should be better. We now keep track of when the backing data for a page changes and only regenerate it when we have to. The header for each player is cached in memcached. More data is denormalized so we don't have to do as many joins. And a lot of queries were rewritten to work aroung postgres's query planner. The overview page in particular has been getting a lot of hatelove.
  • A lot of bugs got quashed. The site should now crash less often and be more robust when things fail.
  • There are now some basic tests, mostly for the various fetchers. There are also some smoke tests which try to access every page on the site. Much better than pushing directly to prod.
  • We now have backups(!)

In addition, there have also been some feature updates

  • You can now sort almost every table on the site.
  • Logs are now linked to their demos on I'm hoping to use the same techniques to link to ETF2L and RGL match pages.
  • There is now a maps page where you can view your stats broken down by map.
  • The "averages" table on the overview has been moved to the totals page. It's been replaced with format stats.
  • Duplicates are now used to ignore later logs rather than earlier ones. This should increase the accuracy by exluding most combined logs.

Once again, please send me any bugs or suggestions you have either on Discord, Steam, or as a reply in this thread.

posted about 2 years ago
#63 Mannbase Alpha (5cp) in Map Discussion

This map is way too big for 6s. Maybe it's good for pubs (12v12).

posted about 2 years ago
#11 ultiduo_introduction in Map Discussion

Can you remove this wall

? It's really oppressive if you stand on it.

posted about 2 years ago
#98 new dm servers in Projects

OK, here's my collected list of grievancessuggestions for DM. I think DM is like 70% of being perfect. I don't know how difficult these are to implement from a technical PoV. Disclaimer: I play open scout.

  • It's hard to seed a server because you get kicked after 1 minute of inactivity. That's fine when the server is full, but when it's empty you can't even idle for a bit while you wait for another dude. You should only be disconnected from inactivity when there are more than (say) 4 players in the server.
  • 2v1s and 3v2s are not very balanced. Especially in a 2v1, it's very easy to have a terrible time if the other players don't go easy on you. Being on the losing end for an extended period of time is a great way to get players to leave. A small buff (like overheal) for the smaller team would help balance things.
  • There's no swapping when the teams have odd numbers of players. The team with more players is going to do better. Being stuck on the losing team for a long time sucks. Players should be swapped around so they don't have to be on the losing team for too long.
  • It would be great if there was an ability to offer to swap teams or classes. Sometimes you want to practice a class that's full on your team but has open slots on the enemy team, and you can't join the other team because you don't have more players.
  • Sometimes you don't get healed even if you did 100+ damage to a player. Not sure what's going on here, but it sucks when you take a 1v1, your teammate finishes off the other player, and you're stuck on 20 hp.
  • It takes a really long time to regen out of fights. In real games, sometimes the best decision is to disengage. Sometimes you fight but don't get regen'd. Whatever the case, it's easy to have to wait 10-15s just to regen up to fighting strength. I'm too spiteful to killbind.
  • The spawns are terrible. Sometimes you respawn on top of other people. Sometimes you spawn on top of someone's rocket. Sometimes you spawn behind someone. Disabling spawns within a certain radius of other players would go a long way.
  • People above are complaining about map variety, and I agree. There are not very many maps in the pool, and it can get stale if you play DM every day. I know the "variety maps" server doesn't get a lot of players, but IMO that's mainly because it's #4. People basically never rtv or nominate on regular servers, so I think it's OK to add some more maps to the regular servers. I would love to see additional sixes maps being played, even if they were never (or only briefly) official. E.g. cardinal, propaganda.
  • Building off of that, I would love to see seconds and lasts be playable. A lot of playing DM is about getting familiar with how to move around the maps. It's not all about the mids.

Please let me know how I can help out and make some of these happen. I really appreciate the DM servers; I think they've helped me become a lot less bad.

posted about 2 years ago
#329 match stats in Projects
ArieProbably wait for a response by zooob to remove all these fake logs.

Unlikely to happen IMO...

posted about 2 years ago
#6 Offi: browser plugin in Projects

Can you add a license? I'd love to have a look at this.

edit: Thanks!

posted about 2 years ago
#324 match stats in Projects
RendoasHey, idk if there is somewhere better to mention this or if you've already been notified, but some loser is uploading a bunch of doctored logs with slurs n nonsense.

Banned from Nothing I can do about

Does the upload time get updated? And is there a limit to when a log can get updated? E.g. could I update a log I uploaded 1 year ago?

And just to answer my own question, the upload time gets updated any time the log is modified. Logs can be updated at any time.

posted about 2 years ago
#32 - TF2 stats collected from in Projects

It's been a while since the last update. I'm still working on the site, but recently a lot of that has gone into stuff behind-the-scenes.

  • The whole site configuration got added to version control. I can now spin up a new server in around 30 minutes. I can also track configuration changes with the rest of the site. This has been particularly helpful for working with nginx.
  • I switched to Digital Ocean from Azure, since my student discount ran out. I'm pretty happy with them. I may upgrade to a larger instance if I ever see an uptick in traffic. The database could really use more ram.
  • I added tracing/error reporting using Sentry. This should help me address slow queries and determine if the changes I made are having the affect I wanted. It also has helped me quickly identify errors. I've pushed out several bug fixes recently using errors I found with Sentry.

In addition to the above, there are also some feature updates

  • There is now a recent logs page where you can see all logs uploaded to the site.
  • You can now filter by player. The search is for aliases like the search box, but it only shows their current name. I may try and fix this at some point.
  • Weapons now use their in-game names. I'm using a semi-automated process for this, so let me know if you see any weird weapon names.
  • The combined log limit has been increased to 10. This is primarily so that you can do combined logs for long series like the RGL s7 6s grand finals
  • There is now an API for querying for players and logs. It is pretty basic at the moment because it is just for internal use. If anyone is interested in using the data from, please send me patches for improving the API :)

Once again, please send me any bugs or suggestions you have either on Discord, Steam, or as a reply in this thread.

BYS_ShadowFenixHey just wanted to comment and say thanks for putting in the effort to create and maintain this site. It's really cool

Thanks :)

posted about 3 years ago
#321 match stats in Projects has been dead since yesterday

ninja edit: main page down now too :L

posted about 3 years ago
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