Hire Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 (2:42:08) GMT
Days to present date: 2,238
Total Hours: 3389.39
Equivalent Days: 141.22458333333333333333333333333
Equivalent Months: 4.5556317204301075268817204301075
Average hours played per day: 0.01247 hours/day.
i think i calculated the hours per day wrong somehow LOL
i played a ton the first year because i was taking a year break from highschool to college and it dropped off by at least 70% when i stopped being able to compete in leagues due to school
edit: numbers would be a lot bigger if i used hours that tf2 was actually open, but i think a lot of times i forgot to close my game
4,600 hrs on record
and i don't remember if the game tracking hours was always there or not, or added later (since i know steam didn't log 1.6 hours until way after i was already playing tf2)