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Last Posted December 8, 2012 at 8:15 PM
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#19 Those in need of servers in Off Topic

Hello Tranchemusic -

No, I completely understand where you are coming from.

It's what people tend to think now a days in this industry, for one reason, and one reason only.. It's true with these new Game Server Providers.

We're re-joining the industry. I was formerly the General Manager of Go-Networks Servers under the original ownership/management. We had this company rolling, we truly provided fantastic services. The owner of Go-Networks sold the business, the person that who bought it has shown he has no experience in the industry, or just does not care.

So many Game Server Providers have came and gone in such a short amount of time, that this theory/saying/ideology whatever you want to call it has been made.

It's time to change that, and I'm truly not asking you to leave your provider if you're satisfied with them. That is stupid.

It's like any business, if you like the service why leave and go elsewhere? If you found that business that really truly satisfies you, why leave?

posted about 12 years ago
#13 Those in need of servers in Off Topic


I'm really confused as to what EmberCore has done to Tragic.

Not sure I want to ask. I've spoke with Nathan and he seems like a great guy, he actually lives 45 minutes away from me.

I hope that things work out between both companies.

From looking around it looks like EmberCore and Tragic have said some very unprofessional things toward one another. I do not believe that this is the road any company should take toward success.

Further researched showed that EmberCore's Gaming Community Dex N Dan or something, used to advertise some of Tragic's servers -- and then Nathan started his own company, and has been doing rather well.

I'm staying out of it, and I think everyone else should too. Let these two companies deal with their problems.

All in all, I hope that some of you come check our company out, and if you would like to share any thoughts or questions feel free to email me

posted about 12 years ago
#10 Those in need of servers in Off Topic

Hi folks,

First, I would like to thanks Nin2246 for mentioning our upcoming company.

Now, I would like to address the comment about "You get what you pay for". Let me say, that we're not like most other Game Server Providers. As you may know, is a division of Main Street Savvy, LLC. We also own a Dedicated Server Provider Http:// where we have cabinets in Chicago, Illinois with many servers.

We definitely will not be a "You get what you pay for" sort of company. Owning a Dedicated Server Hosting business will come to our benefit, because like many of these new companies that are renting servers from people like our sibling company PDS, they try to overload their servers to make the most money and hope people do not notice. Don't get me wrong, their are a few Game Server Providers (that rent their machines) out there that are familiar about balancing their servers, it is just that their are not many.

Than you have these GSP's that are ran by kids who think having WHMCS Client Billing Panel as their "website" will make them a multi million dollar company, and use NFO "VDS" for their "company".

I encourage you to check our site out when it goes live, and ask that you do not judge this company now, and wait until we at-least open.

EDIT: Our plans are to open before Christmas - All depends on our design team.

Thank you,


posted about 12 years ago