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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:12956700
Country Denmark
Signed Up July 19, 2013
Last Posted April 23, 2016 at 4:43 PM
Posts 23 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.65 - 1.9
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Raw Input 1
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60 Hz
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Keyboard Laptop
Mousepad Steelseries QCK
Headphones Random
Monitor Laptop
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#39 Nursey joins Planet Express in News

somebody call a doctor cuz this medic be sick af

posted about 8 years ago
#35 Cool new hobbies in Off Topic

if you like fiffling around with computers, then offer to fix people's computers for cheap, or maybe buy defect computers, replace the parts and sell them for profit. I dont do it myself, but I know a couple who do, and its pretty cool to be able to earn money by enjoying your hobby.

start reading. Can be something slightly educational like philosophy, politics, geography etc. , maybe some crime fiction, horror, the most autistic japanese cartoons you can find etc etc etc - all possibilities are open. But don't just stop there, try to get to know some people (irl or online) that like reading the same kind of things as you so you can recommend each other books and talk about them.

pick up an instrument. Doesnt have to be super ambitious practice 24/7, plenty of people noodle around on their instruments for fun too. Just dont be that guy who ends up playing Wonderwall three times in a row at the campfire to impress girls. If you wanna be able to bring your instrument around, then absolutely pick something like guitar, blues harp etc. See if you can out what you want before you invest too much money and time in it, or you'll just be stuck with an instrument youre suddenly tired of and wanna sell.

serial killer is also an option, but its illegal so be careful.

posted about 9 years ago
#64 Calling all Jewish Players in TF2 General Discussion

oy vey antisemites

posted about 9 years ago
#740 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

how can i hack? im tired of getting destroyed all the time and i wanna learn how to be good

posted about 9 years ago
#144 eXtv-Vlog: The Future in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 10 years ago
#77 baud banned again.. in TF2 General Discussion

can someone please teach me how to sex im tired of being a virgin

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Music to Use for Twitch Streams in TF2 General Discussion

gas the twitch stream war when?

posted about 10 years ago
#1116 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion
paulitocan they fix invisible models now kthx

MY GOD THIS. So fucking tired of it.

and they should also remove engie imo

posted about 10 years ago
#1097 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion

now i feel like a fucking idiot

posted about 10 years ago
#1084 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion
thrasherFreddyTeddyyou DONT change core mechanics after so many years. Its disrespectful
I agree with you there 100% but some of your other points were off IMO.

You implied that this was a sign that valve doesn't care and only listens to what pub players want. Have you ever played on a pub? Medics that don't know to build on the way to mid, or before the gates open on bad maps. Engineers who on push maps sit on their last the entire time. 37 spys/snipers per team. I seriously doubt they nerfed the sticky launcher because the average pub players who most likely need Velcro sneakers were asking them to. Also like you said, in pubs playing against an engy stack is harder now with the nerf. It wasn't because pub players were asking for it.

I only ever played like 2 seasons in highlander so I really don't know how their demos play compared to 6s, but its not game breaking. It's not like they removed ubers from the game or gave the scout 300hp and a rocket launcher. If we're lucky the Internet will rise up, and valve will revert the nerf but I don't see that happening. Worst case, we adapt. It'll be ok.

I honestly have no clue how many pubbers actually wanted a sticky nerf. Im constantly bombarded with people who defend the nerf by saying "everyone was asking for it" while other people say it was only SPUF-users who complained about it. I havent really seen any complaints ever on the servers where I play, but I dont play everywhere obviously, so idk. But tbh it seems like the reason that makes the most sense to me - Valve trying to cater to the average player to make them happy and buy a little key, and perhaps to make more people buy Tide Turners from the store as well.
Considering Valve's really good history of adding amazing unlocks like the buffed Short Circuit and release Tomislav, I would say that its very likely that they actually added this nerf without thinking about further consequences with Wrangled sentries etc. Its no secret that the current TF team is, to put it very nicely, a bunch of confused individuals.

also someone on SPUF just wrote now that an update is incoming! MAYBE THEYRE REVERTING THE NERF GUYS #HYPEHYPEHYPE #HASHTAG #CUT4BIEBER

posted about 10 years ago
#1082 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion

Look at the bright side of this nerf. If before you were in doubt that Valve stopped giving a shit about anyonee but braindead idiots who think that anything they cant kill by running in a straight line is OP, then you have your conclusion now.

There were literally a billion better ways to nerf if (because lets face it, it WAS a tad strong) than this, and they better listen for once, because this is not a random unlock that you can ban. Its a core mechanic (and first of all, you DONT change core mechanics after so many years. Its disrespectful).

I dont actually think its gonna affect 6v6 as much as people make it out to be (apart from making it less fun). What im concerned about is Highlander and pubs because Stickies were a really reliable counter to wrangled sentries and overhealed heavies, and now you can stand there and spam all day long without doing jack shit. And you cant defend yourself that well against flanking players either. Also, Engie stack in pubs is a nightmare now, and when I encounter it I usually just leave instead of even trying.

Idk if they did this to make more people use Tide Turner or whatever, but every single pub demo now uses it. Its annoying AS FUCK to play against and I dont think they should ever have added it, but it seems like it could make Demoknight much more viable because you can actually get away after your bullshit charge pick. Has someone tried running it in a mix/pug with good results?

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Flashing textures and buggy NVIDIA drivers in Q/A Help

Good news, I managed to get 306.97 to install with a working NVIDIA Control Panel!
Freddy > NVIDIA
What I did:

1. Enable the hidden administrator account (look it up)
2. Restart comp in safemode, log into the new admin acc that appears next to your own acc
3. Go uninstall everything NVIDIA-related from Start->Control Panel. It will most likely not let you uninstall PhysX in safemode, but dont worry - were gonna take care of that. When it prompts you to restart, say no.
4. Now go delete all NVIDIA-related folders and files on your comp. They're typically located at C:\NVIDIA, C:\Program Files\NVIDIA and C:\Program Files\NVIDIA CORPORATION.
5. Now run Driver Sweeper (google it) and delete all the leftovers it can find. When it prompts you to restart, say no.
6. Now run CCleaner and do a complete registry clean.
7. Now run the driver setup package and make it extract the files to C:\NVIDIA. When it opens, and starts installing, cancel it. Now go to C:\NVIDIA\driverversionnumber\DisplayDriver and look for the really big file it's executing when trying to install. Rightclick that one, and choose "extract" with 7zip, winrar or whatever program you're using. Just extract them in something like C:\NVIDIA\toplel so it's easier to find.
8. NOW you can restart. Go into safemode again.
9. Log into the same admin account. Go to the start menu and type "device management", and open the one that comes up. Scroll down to graphics card, and you should notice a card called something like "Standard VGA Adapter" where the name of your NVIDIA card/chip would normally be. Rightclick that one->update driver->look through the computer for driver software->point the dir to C:\NVIDIA\toplel (aka the folder you extracted all the files from the installation package to). Remember to check the little box with "Include subfolders" or some shit.
10. Now just wait until it's done. Then restart.
11. Now just log into your normal account and everything should be working - INCLUDING the nvidia control panel

Seems like you HAVE to do everything in this specific order if you're having the bug where the control panel doesn't update with the driver.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Flashing textures and buggy NVIDIA drivers in Q/A Help

So yeah, I was aware of the issue with the flashing textures in TF2 in any NVIDIA driver newer than version 306.97 I was running 310.xx for the last 2 months and didn't have the issue though, but for some reason it just started happening today.

Of course I then start downgrading my drivers. It turns out that 306.97 and everything below fixes the infamous flashing issue, but instead it makes me unable to open the Nvidia Control Panel and change my settings. Now, this wouldn't be a big deal normally, if it wasn't for the fact that the default settings in the panel are absolute shit and on top of that override the settings I have in-game, causing me to get fps drops galore.

Any driver above 306.97 and the Nvidia Control Panel works again, but then the flashing textures-issue remains...

I've tried 9 different drivers today, and none of them can fix both things. But wait, it gets worse.

"Why can't you just find an alternative to Nvidia Control Panel then?!" Let me explain why:
1. No matter what pre-306.97 driver I'm using, Rivatuner says in the bottom that the driver isn't supported/detected, and that causes me to have no graphical settings to change.
2. No matter what driver I'm using, nHancer says: "nhancer the nvapi reported no attached nvidia displays in the system" and refuses to open.
3. Nvidia Inspector is an overclocking program and not a settings program.
4. NVTray keeps telling me that it's hiding some settings (ie. all useful settings) from me because I need to reboot and I have to make sure a compatible driver is installed bla bla bla - in other words, it won't detect any of the pre-306.97 drivers either.

Running the game in DX9 is not an option for me because I need to squeeze out every frame I can get.

And as usual, NVIDIA's support is unprofessional and lackluster in every way.

So what the fuck do I do now? I would really like to avoid testing every single driver version in existance for my card (GeForce GT 425m - yes it's a laptop and yes the card isn't good, but I can get the 60+ fps that I need with low settings and thats fine.), as it doesn't really seem like it's gonna do anything after what I've experienced so far.

And yes, I DID do 100% clean installs in safemode with every single driver.
My god, I swear to god that NVIDIA is never getting a penny from me again. Their drivers are a joke.

P.S. The first one who suggests validating the game files will receive the "Moron Award of The Year".

posted about 11 years ago
#42 New Upward Bug/Exploit in Map Discussion

Okay Fico, so have you guys actually discovered a glitch that lets you noclip without typing the command like I heard, or are you just trying to troll people? To me it sounds like trolling.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 freddy's fragmovie! in TF2 General Discussion

All these people downvoting me are just jealous because they're fucking worthless scrubs at this game :(

stay blazing, people! #420

posted about 11 years ago
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