Account Details
SteamID64 76561198045848599
SteamID3 [U:1:85582871]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:42791435
Country United States
Signed Up March 2, 2015
Last Posted May 16, 2016 at 8:38 PM
Posts 8 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.5
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech g502
Keyboard Ducky Shine 4
Mousepad QcK Steelseries
Headphones Sennheiser 598 + Modmic
Monitor ASUS VGE248qe
#13 Make UGC Great Again in TF2 General Discussion

That is true

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Make UGC Great Again in TF2 General Discussion

I feel it's in really poor taste for the admins to just keep deleting the threads about this issue. I understand that they want a civil discussion about the removal of gold. But there won't be one till all the backlash is gone. They should allow the community to vent it will be better than letting the anger just build up even more.

posted about 8 years ago
#16 looking for headphones in Hardware

Recently purchased a modmic and 598s and could not be happier. The 598s have amazing sound quality. I don't even think I can ever go back after that switch. Modmic is a real good quality mic too. It costed me about $181 total for both items (Might be cheaper since I have to pay 10% sales tax) but expect to pay around that much if you plan on saving that extra bit for the 598s Only issue with going mic/headphones are just the extra cables but it isn't really a big deal

I heard the 558s are almost as good as the 598s but considerably cheaper. I hadn't tried those myself but seeing as they are cheaper and fit into your budget much better than the 598s I'd definitely recommend going for that + a zalman/modmic. If you happen to go modmic, getting the muteless variant will save a good $10.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Dark souls 3 in Other Games

Dark Souls 1 is a master piece. I loved every bit of it. The atmosphere, gameplay, and lore was amazing. I cant seem to tear myself away from playing it. The second one was pretty easy as far as I got in it. It doesn't feel that comparable to the first one but still is a good game.

Pretty hyped for the 3rd one mostly cause of how closely related it is to the first one. 2 felt a lot more seperated. Plus it's cool revisiting some areas from the first one. Also having a lot of the armor from the first game just contributed a lot to my excitement. Look's very solid too.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Lan Syndicate Seattle April 15-17 in LAN Discussion

I might go, i love seeing some seattle lan action finally. Pretty hyped.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 TF2 FPS Loss in TF2 General Discussion

Are you watching regular youtube or the new gaming youtube? I've been finding that the new gaming youtube eats a lot more resources than the older one so that could probably do it. If not what processor are you running with the 750?

posted about 9 years ago
#81 Concerns about Flares that Care in TF2 General Discussion

If he had good intentions wouldn't he still continue the event despite the information coming out? I think it is clear after he bailed when Digresser (many thanks btw) revealed this.

posted about 10 years ago
#54 what is your favorite nostalgic game in Off Topic

Super Mario RPG
Legend of Zelda Wind Waker
Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask (N64)
Kirby Air Ride

I can keep this list going but i'll say these are pretty high up on my list.

posted about 10 years ago