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Signed Up October 13, 2012
Last Posted March 30, 2017 at 10:30 AM
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#7 The Round Robin Halloween Special TEAM Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Which whitelist will we be using?
Please say ESEA 6v6 Please say CEVO HL

posted about 11 years ago
#5 The Round Robin Halloween Special TEAM Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Round robin will be kinda insane if this gets popular.
What happens if more than, say, 16 teams sign up?

posted about 11 years ago
#46 Smash Brothers Documentary in Off Topic
r4ptureKind of disappointed and amused in the last chapter, a little bit of fibbing going on that one of the youtube comments reminded me of. The EVO 2013 poll was not, in fact, won by was won by My Little Pony: Fighting Is Magic. I shit you not, I remember that really well and how outrageous it was. In the end, FiM ended up bowing out because the game was still in Alpha and the devs didn't want an Alpha on the main stage of EVO, and it went to Melee by default.

Gee, I wonder why they completely skipped over that?

Because Fighting is Magic got a C&D order or summat.

posted about 11 years ago
#20 The great Gatsby in Off Topic

The sad fact is, most "classic" literature is actually complete trash that is not worth anyone's time. This fits very firmly in that category. Watching idiots continue to be idiots and reflecting on their musings is just plain pointless.
Same goes for Dickens, Austen, and whoever else writes incredibly outdated books that are only studied because the only people who are "successful" in teaching literary studies are those who drink the kool-aid.
Sad, but very true.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 Weird glitches you've never known before in TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

On the subject of weird glitches, there's a tiny hole on all the cp_[blah]front maps. You can shoot stickies through the wall on the left hand side of the rock between second and mid, and they end up in the area closer to mid, inside the wall. They will splash through it.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 koth_airfield in Map Discussion

Because of the massive number of rocks, I had to check for texture glitches.
And seriously, kudos to you; there are almost none.

This trap is completely invisible and has a huge splash radius.

Here's a spot on the same rock. One of the stickies is inside the rocks, and will splash on both sides. The rest were fired through the gap. Rockets can also be fired through. This definitely needs a fix.

Lastly, here's the worst of the three glitches. You probably still want to fix it though.

posted about 11 years ago
#34 now that breaking bad is over... in Off Topic

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Idea for next MGE in TF2 General Discussion
vanillaWasn't someone in the top 4 of this last tournament a relative no-name? Polar (I think was his name) did really well and he's only playing his first season of open.

I think unless you can convince ALL the top players to participate (not just b4nny and platinum, but TLR, Ruwin, clockwork, squid, etc), then it's better to just leave it open.

Polar's a Regular in the TrashedGamers server and does well there.

posted about 11 years ago
#51 Swagyolo Tf2 vid. in Off Topic

Does anybody have a copy of the video?

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Downloading maps from servers in Q/A Help
Prototypesdownload them manually

Yeah, but there are some maps that can't be found online, particularly when pubbing.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Downloading maps from servers in Q/A Help

For some reason, when I connect to a server, it just says that it's missing the map and doesn't download it. Anybody know how to fix this for maps that don't show up elsewhere?

And yes, I do have the setting that actually says I should be able to download maps from servers.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Sprays not showing in Q/A Help
FzeroBroken upload?

Of the image? I haven't been able to see other players' sprays, either.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Sprays not showing in Q/A Help

This still is broken; anybody have any other suggestions?

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Sprays not showing in Q/A Help
reimu-r_decals 200

This didn't fix it. It was set to 0 before.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Sprays not showing in Q/A Help

Hey, I'm trying to get sprays to show and for whatever reason, it isn't. cl_playerspraydisable is set to 0 and r_spray_lifetime is set to 2. I've restarted my game, so that's not the issue. I'm running DX9, if it matters.

Any ideas as to why I can't enable sprays?

posted about 11 years ago
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