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Last Posted March 30, 2017 at 10:30 AM
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#7 reality(crashed) in Videos
flatlinewhy do spy mains fall off the map and return with incredibly cryptic incredibly long videos years later

Are you asking because you're worried about your future?

posted about 9 years ago
#22 New Portal TAS in Other Games
Gemmellnessif you understand the saveload portal glitch much of this makes more sense. basically the glitch allows you to, when behind the plane of one portal, shoot portals relative to the OTHER portal. so if you're 1 unit directly behind the portal you saveloaded on, and you shoot a portal, that portal comes out one unit behind the other portal with the same direction applied

Save glitch isn't used for that purpose outside of 11/12. It is used in under elevator strat and for the propfly in 10.

Here's an explanation video:

Slightly more comprehensive explanation:

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0/1: The light gets tilted, and if you save/load while something is inside you, the game will try moving you out of it. It normally moves you down, but since the lamp also imparted some upwards velocity, as long as the save/load segments are 1 game tick long, he will keep going up. Once at the top, he waits, then save/loads again to get into the ending corridor of ch1.
2/3: ABH launch off the slope of the door (see video), strafe to grab the radio, then do a stucklaunch (bunch of ABH launches in a row) off of it. Hit portal gun, then do some OOB tech to trigger the ending elevator as fast as possible. Once that's triggered, get in front of the elevator exit with a camera, using camera bug to save up speed in preparation for the next chamber.
4/5: Use the speed that is stored up from camera bug to launch to a spot where you can shoot to chamber 5 as quickly as possible. This also starts the necessary dialogue right away. Once again, the TAS triggers the elevator as soon as possible, then gets to the top of the next chamber with a camera to launch ahead.
6/7: Shoot through a seam near the start, putting a portal under the bottom of the ending elevator. Enter it, and, once again, end up at the top of the ending elevator shaft with a camera.
8: Launch across as fast as possible.
9: ABH to the button, put the portal under the door as normal. Strafe and ABH to the ending elevator. Use OOB techniques to bring a chair to the top of the ending elevator shaft.
10: Stuck launch off the chair to trigger dialogue as soon as possible. Put a portal on the wall, save/load once it's open to start save glitch. This lets you go through walls as long as you are sufficiently far from the starting portal and you haven't hit an emancipation field or changed maps. You can launch off the chair and go towards the end. Directly above the ending elevator is a trigger that, when hit, will instantly change the level to 11/12. Since you are going so fast, you end up just outside of the elevator shaft.
11/12: Fire a portal on the wall next to you, then fire another OOB and go inside before it catches. Do some combination of save glitch and oob techniques to trigger the elevator as fast as possible, get the orange portal gun, and bring a camera with you to the bottom of the shaft so you can fire sooner on 13.
13: Fire a blue portal at the top of the front bit as soon as possible. By going through the top of the orange while being quantum crouched, you can fire oob for a moment. Fire at the bottom of the ending elevator shaft so that you can trigger the elevator as fast as possible, then use oob techniques to get yourself and the camera to the top of the next shaft.
14: Launch off the camera to the end.
15: By being at the top of the portal as you go through, you can see oob for just long enough to shoot a portal under the ending elevator. Trigger it, then bring a camera with you to the bottom.
16 and 17: Same as 13, except get to the bottom of the shaft with the camera at the end, not the top.
18: Similar to the above, but you need to trigger glados's speech at the top platform to start the speech. Now you just use oob tricks to get to the top of the elevator with the camera; the camera is only there to fire the first shot faster.
19, e00, e01: Just a very optimized, slightly modified route of the standard oob escape segment. Camera added to shorten the first firing time.
e02: Use OOB techniques to get to the part where the turrets are dropped down. By putting an orange portal on a slanted surface in the room with all the turrets, and a blue one on the floor, going through the blue one at a sufficient velocity causes the game to mix up which portal is the start and which is the end, putting you in glados's chamber. One can then fire an orange portal to get a turret into the chamber. Whenever glados takes damage, a core drops and her dialogue gets sped up. Quickly collect all the cores, then use an edge glitch to make a portal on the incinerator, skipping having to wait for the cores to drop, drop all three cores, then put the first core glados drops in a normal run into the incinerator to complete the game.

That explanation skims over a lot of details. Would be happy to answer questions.
posted about 9 years ago
#6 The 10 greatest FPS multiplayer levels of all time in TF2 General Discussion

Why dm17 instead of literally any other quake map lmao

dm17 is awful. Even dm6 is better.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Top 10 TF2 plays - September 2015 in Videos

The video was pretty good, as usual.

My one criticism was the the sound was very overdone in clip #2.

posted about 9 years ago
#49 Why Are These Unlocks Banned? in TF2 General Discussion

Last time people suggested unbanning the phlog, the reason given was that it's dumb that you can spam scorch shot, go through water, and taunt on point when pushing gully last.

posted about 9 years ago
#70 How did you guys got introduced to comp tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

Watched some of Star_'s stuff; made an iron HL team with a bunch of online friends from other places. Played demo because no one else wanted to.

That team eventually picked up Nursey somehow. GGs.

posted about 9 years ago
#38 Games you played as a kid in Off Topic

3D Ultra Lionel Traintown and RuneScape.

posted about 9 years ago
#214 ESEA S20 Playoffs: froyotech vs. Team SoloUber in Matches

posted about 9 years ago
#126 what is ur favourite pokemon :) in Off Topic

posted about 9 years ago
#86 Think of a new name for me please in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#7 ShaDowBurn’s Fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion

Donated $20; want to watch you stream since you're honestly one of my favorite players to watch.

posted about 9 years ago
#89 oldschool runescape in Other Games

Assuming they fixed the plentiful bugs that were in the livestream 12 hours before release, should be decent.

posted about 9 years ago
#20 Quakelive is steam only now in Other Games
funhaver1998isn't there supposed to be a voice system thing too or was that scrapped? also i want to know if anyone is finding their sensitivity different because a guy in the server i played said his mouse was different and i feel a difference too (i think they just changed the hit reg and the mouse is the same as yesterday)

There's a voice chat bind in the menus so I would assume it does exist.

really don't understand why they did this. i was just in a ca game and a lot of people were talking about not playing any more (one guy after 16 years of playing, he claims) on top of newer players having to now pay $10 to get what i and many other players deem a lesser experience to the games i played yesterday, i think it could kill the game.
another thing is, since they took out elo and ranking based things, there are all sorts of different skill levels playing and you can see it just by spectating there are a lot of people who don't even know where top are and then there are, in the same server, people hitting 50% accuracy and getting like 700 damage per round while the rest of his team are doing like 150

I think some of the elo stuff just got reset in the steam transition; it might get fixed with time. I don't know what you mean by the experience being worse beyond that.

another thing i noticed is that when you're getting lg'd there's little particles and it's fucking annoying and idk how to to turn it off.

settings->game->impact sparks off

posted about 9 years ago
#17 Best transtitions and smooths you saw in fragmovie in Videos

Not TF2 but is a good concept that I haven't seen used elsewhere.

posted about 9 years ago
#21 ESEA mining MTG cards on our computers in TF2 General Discussion
riot124what is wrong with cevo again?

never got why people hate cevo so much, seemed fine from my perspective

Honestly, there wasn't much of an issue with it. People just didn't realize the deadline for the second season and there were 6 or 12 _players_ total signed up at the deadline so CEVO dropped it.

posted about 9 years ago
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