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SteamID64 76561198079853160
SteamID3 [U:1:119587432]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:59793716
Country United States
Signed Up May 21, 2020
Last Posted January 23, 2025 at 8:12 PM
Posts 7 (0 per day)
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Mouse Razer Death Adder v3/Viper v2 pro w. zeromouse mod
Keyboard Custom 65%
Mousepad Various deskpads
Headphones Audeze Maxwell
Monitor Some 240hz thing
#7 FullBuff.gg - Server hosting/development in Projects

Quick update, we have a public TDM server running 24/7 now! (in chicago, eu coming in the future if enough want it)
You can search for "FullBuff" in the community server browser and it should come up, or direct connect here:
connect chicago-1.hosting.fullbuff.gg:27021

also here are the configs if you want to see them or use them:

posted 1 month ago
#6 FullBuff.gg - Server hosting/development in Projects

Hey Everyone,

First update with a project I have been working on. We have finally gotten to have our first, successful, play test of a new plugin I made that, for the first time that I am able to find, implements a proper Team Death Match mode in TF2 (please make me aware of any that may already exist).

By "proper" I mean, while the plugin is running, a round will play out to completion with no time limit while counting the total kills of each team, ending when one team reaches the specified "fraglimit".

Those of you who have scoured the full list of available console commands and variables in TF2 (found here) will probably recognize this term from the already existing command "mp_fraglimit".

This command does essentially what a TDM mode would do, end the map when a specified number of kills is reached. However, this command seems to only function properly inside of maps created for the "arena" gamemode, which limits what maps we can use it on significantly.

With this context, I have successfully recreated this behavior in a standalone plugin that can be used on any map, on top of any gamemode. While some quality of life features such as customizing the HUD elements have not been fully implemented, using the plugin in its current state will give you a classic TDM style experience, hopefully with FFA in the future as well.

If you would like to check this plugin out for yourself, I have named it simply "fraglimit". You can find it on our GitHub here:

Since this is still a WIP, all feedback is welcome! If you would like to check out the new gamemode but dont have a server or enough players to play with (so far we have stuck with a 4v4 format) come by our discord where we will be trying to run games more regularly. I will also be making an announcement there when I setup a 24/7 TDM server for the public to join.

TLDR; I made a cool TDM plugin for TF2! Check it out on our github and come play with us sometimes on our discord!

posted 1 month ago
#5 FullBuff.gg - Server hosting/development in Projects
TankerzUnitedAwesome. I'm just wondering if there is any chance that non comp servers would be added? I've noticed almost any server hosting for casual play is a lot rarer and I'm wondering if that's because modes like MvM (presumably) use up a lot of resources.

Yes! This is definitely in the works. I have actually been working on this with someone who does MvM Lowmanning and uses one of our servers. As far as I am aware, the only resource limitation they have hit was on storage, but that was due to an error I discovered on their server which I was able to resolve.
As for standard casual servers, I would love to add a config option for them to our offerings, we just haven't had any request for one yet. Modifiable server resources are also on the to-do list, so for casual servers with 20+ people connected we should hopefully have that covered also. This should probably be the easiest config to get working if people want this.
As always though, all of our servers have the same base and can be completely manipulated by the owner. Adding or even removing whatever plugins, maps or configs you need is totally possible, now.
If any of that interests you, feel free to reach out!

posted 3 months ago
#2 name change in Requests


posted 9 months ago
#1 name change in Requests

change from Owlae to Fuko

posted 9 months ago
#293 yomps has passed away. in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 4 years ago
#10446 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 4 years ago