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Signed Up April 12, 2014
Last Posted October 27, 2014 at 6:45 PM
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#13 got 2 payday the heist gifts for free in Off Topic

rollin. many thanks.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 Elaborate new phising scheme in TF2 General Discussion

If someone is willing to accept you trading your stuff to a friend (or anyone that isn't a steamrep middleman) as any proof of anything, you are getting scammed. They also like impersonating middlemen, so you have to watch out for that as well. This was pretty popular a couple years ago and it's apparently making a comeback with enough people not falling for the "add this guy staemcomunilrty.com/whatever"; phishing link anymore.

And steam probably isn't gonna help with this since your account wasn't hijacked. Shit sucks.

posted about 10 years ago
#74 Best location for NA tf2 lan. in TF2 General Discussion

Another Raleigh vote. The hotels are pretty dead in the summer as long as PNC/Carter Finley/Walnut Creek don't have a concert so a decent room block rate shouldn't be hard to come by.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Newbie tournament at april 20 in TF2 General Discussion

Why are any of the heavy secondaries banned?

Also the blutsauger, booties, and loose cannon.

posted about 10 years ago