Coming from someone that has tried to quit for quite a while now, here is some things that I have noticed about the good and bad about quitting techniques.
1) Irrational anger is going to happen, there is not too much you can do to stop it.
2) While some people have had success with e-cigs to quit, many others have just replaced smoking for e-cigs
3) Patches, for myself at least, led to difficulty sleeping and really lucid (and insane) dreams. I would personally say gum is better than patches.
4) Avoid alcohol and other people that smoke at all costs.
5) Avoid places that you would smoke at during certain times. For example, I noticed that I would smoke at a certain point when I was driving to work.
6) Have someone help you with rewards, if possible.
7) Set a goal that you could do with the money that you will save by no longer buying them.
8) If possible, avoid stress. If you are able, take vacation time for the first hump.
9) The kinda 21 day rule;
As with any addiction there will be a withdrawal process produced in your body and re-enforced within your brain. The withdrawal is very real and can be documented by tracking the demand loads from the cell receptor sites. During primary withdrawal, about 14 days, it is quite important to tie the habits/behaviors consciously to the opposite area in Professor Plutchik’s circumplex model charts. Easier said then done for most, but if one breaches this critical gap, within an additional 14 days (28 days from start), the majority of the work would already have been done. By the 45-56 day mark, your cells would have been deemphasized for a particular neuropeptide requirement and emotionally, one would not feel the same level of attraction to the unwanted behaviors/habits.
I have more, but it's a good start