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Signed Up July 27, 2012
Last Posted June 22, 2016 at 1:35 AM
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#20 Formers smokers in Off Topic

Coming from someone that has tried to quit for quite a while now, here is some things that I have noticed about the good and bad about quitting techniques.

1) Irrational anger is going to happen, there is not too much you can do to stop it.
2) While some people have had success with e-cigs to quit, many others have just replaced smoking for e-cigs
3) Patches, for myself at least, led to difficulty sleeping and really lucid (and insane) dreams. I would personally say gum is better than patches.
4) Avoid alcohol and other people that smoke at all costs.
5) Avoid places that you would smoke at during certain times. For example, I noticed that I would smoke at a certain point when I was driving to work.
6) Have someone help you with rewards, if possible.
7) Set a goal that you could do with the money that you will save by no longer buying them.
8) If possible, avoid stress. If you are able, take vacation time for the first hump.
9) The kinda 21 day rule;

As with any addiction there will be a withdrawal process produced in your body and re-enforced within your brain. The withdrawal is very real and can be documented by tracking the demand loads from the cell receptor sites. During primary withdrawal, about 14 days, it is quite important to tie the habits/behaviors consciously to the opposite area in Professor Plutchik’s circumplex model charts. Easier said then done for most, but if one breaches this critical gap, within an additional 14 days (28 days from start), the majority of the work would already have been done. By the 45-56 day mark, your cells would have been deemphasized for a particular neuropeptide requirement and emotionally, one would not feel the same level of attraction to the unwanted behaviors/habits.

I have more, but it's a good start

posted about 10 years ago
#27 help me sleep in Off Topic
KhakiMasterKuniDon't look at a screen within an hour of going to bedIs this a thing? I've never heard of lcd screens causing sleeping problems

It's not the LCD, or screen, itself. Rather, the brain being in more of an active and stimulated state. Melatonin works great to get yourself onto a good sleep schedule, but doctors will say that your body can become dependent on it. Basically, your brain may stop producing the hormone itself.

-I've heard that books help some, but those that get "into" the books may have the opposite affects to sleep.
-White noise can help some too
-Don't watch TV in your bedroom, at least not before you go to sleep.

posted about 10 years ago
#60 fzero in Off Topic
futureFzeroYeah, sorry, I just buried another family member Tuesday, so I did/am going off the deep end badly.
the fact that you are bringing your dead family member into this is even creepier

I am not sure how that is creepy? That shit is really tough to handle after multiple deaths. While I know that people die, 4 deaths in 2 months is quite difficult for me to handle. I only wanted to explain my frame of mind. I honestly thought that my mother losing her her life at the WTC would be the hardest thing ever, but losing the rest of that side of the family, is just as difficult if not worse.

Either way, Can someone explain to Bape that I am truly sorry. I feel like that I need him to understand that I never meant to hurt/upset him.

posted about 10 years ago
#55 fzero in Off Topic
blinKboth sound creepy and weird

fzero really needs some serious therapy though, hope he gets help.

Already on it. It was just too much for me to handle anymore. I actually never meant to say anything bad, bape just got to me when I was already grieving. So I am sorry bape. Too many deaths in too short of time. Be back in a few weeks with everything in a better place.

posted about 10 years ago
#40 fzero in Off Topic

Yeah, sorry, I just buried another family member Tuesday, so I did/am going off the deep end badly.

posted about 10 years ago
#89 Why that class? in TF2 General Discussion

I actually started as a solly in 8v8 with two meds in TWL. After finding out that I played scout in TWC, people wanted me to go to that. I was decent in both scout/sniper but don't ever buy the Acer monitor. I swear that the lag is beyond controllable.

posted about 10 years ago
#37 psychedelic experiences in Off Topic

Going a very long time without sleeping is very odd. I once tried to push 80 hours when I was younger, but only got to around 68ish. I wouldn't truly say it was psychedelic but you see/hear some things that are not there. It's kinda like dropping into a dream state while awake, you're never really sure what your mind is doing other than trying to force you to sleep.

posted about 10 years ago
#24 Ukraine in Off Topic

If anyone is having issues with the video, embedded via firefox seems to not be working, but directly from youtube does work.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 fox scout looking for team (6s) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Still a nice guy after all those years. Even said after I left for awhile, that I was still a good sniper, now that is a nice guy :) Should just pick him up for being great, let alone the skill.

posted about 10 years ago
#42 CEVO Season 5 Announced in News
CEVOPipherfreakinJust curious, is the prize pool for a season equal to the fees from the previous season or does CEVO also contribute?This season's prize pool is made up of 100% of the previous season's league fees + crowdfunding. We don't keep anything for the company other than the transaction fees that PayPal charges us to process the payments and pay out the winners.

We don't contribute anything over and above the league fees that we bring in during the previous season, but CEVO takes a loss regardless of how many teams register to cover the costs associated with hosting the website, league operations, LAN costs, etc..

To be fair, every single summer season has less teams/players than the others. This season will likely be no different.

posted about 10 years ago
#21 What happened to mge servers? in TF2 General Discussion
HellbentglissHellbentWell that's what you get for buying a tragicserver. Should really just get an nfoserver.is it not the same thing
pretty sure tragic just picks up servers from wherever and labels them as tragicservers. just what i heard anyway.

there is a reason people buy nfoservers even though they cost more money

Nah, he actually uses NFO's.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 need a rocket jump script in Customization

No idea if this works or not since I just googled it

alias +rocketjump "+duck;+attack;+jump"
alias -rocketjump "-duck;-attack;-jump"
bind mouse2 "+rocketjump"

posted about 10 years ago
#7 ESEA-IM S17, CEVO-M S5 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
kigbariomWill ESEA-IM teams be allowed to start in main for CEVO season 5?

I think there was a discussion about this in an old thread. Likely best to ask cevo if they decided what they are going to do.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Luxury/Sport Cars in Off Topic
Merchanteggtartthe point of a car should be to get you from point A to point B -- not to show off
the point of your life should be to insure your genetic line continues -- not to have fun

Well, that's not good since I am childfree

posted about 10 years ago
#6 in the market for a monitor in Hardware

Yeah, fuck that Acer one. I don't even see how they can say it's only 2ms input lag.

posted about 10 years ago
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