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Last Posted April 25, 2020 at 6:17 PM
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#49 Mirelin banned from ETF2L in TF2 General Discussion
GentlemanJonrocketslayGentlemanJonmlotta stupid shit is getting said here but cheating in a league setting vs spinbotting on a jailbreak map are two very different things please stop using slippery slope shit to equate themI don't get what people are up in arms about either. What difference does it make if someone straps on a cheat in another game to fuck around in a pub? Completely different to a competitive setting.yeah i too enjoy ruining other people's fun in video games to feel good about myselfI didn't say it made him a good person or that he improved people's lives by cheating. He got a ban, that's the end of it.

It displays a fundamental part of your character. If you're willing to cheat in a game, you can't be trusted to not cheat elsewhere. It's pretty much that simple.

posted about 7 years ago
#43 Mirelin banned from ETF2L in TF2 General Discussion
-protoaieradude if you get vacced in any game ur a shitlord (except mw2 or whatever the fuck)csgo vacs shouldnt matter in tf2 tho we all have at least 1 account with a vac lets be real here

Not everyone is a piece of garbage who cheats man

That's typical bullshit. "Oh everyone else cheats so that normalizes my behavior".

They don't. It doesn't. You're a dick if you cheat. End of story.

posted about 7 years ago
#32 New Map Cup sponsored by announced in News


posted about 7 years ago
#5 Made this for class in Videos

How do you feel about the Steam Market's prices?

posted about 8 years ago
#29 VNN DRiller Interview in TF2 General Discussion
faggetShouniccan we finally put to rest that they "don't care"?If they cared it wouldn't have taken such long time for these changes to be teased. My best guess for why things are this way is that they are lazy af.

Your insight into how game development works is truly exemplary, fagget.

posted about 8 years ago
#26 VNN DRiller Interview in TF2 General Discussion
mousiopecomplaining about the current competitive format LOL
a format that´s been successful for all these years with all the hardwork from the community with zero of dev support, when they created the current piece of shit known as MM .... that is so BAD that drove away so much keyplayers and community contributors from this game this past year that´s not even a joke .....
keep pursuing that mentality its making wonders for this game, and next year instead of doubling the unusual rate to meet the objectives for the year, you´ll have to quadruple it ...

Are you okay dude

posted about 8 years ago
#22 VNN DRiller Interview in TF2 General Discussion
mousiopevalve pr at their best, after all the shitstorm from last year in tf2 and cs go, this is how they chose to handle it and people still eat it with a large spoon
7 years of tf2 have thought me the only thing to expect is major disappointment
and if you know a thing or two about body language just look at the guys surrounding dave riller when he answers how many actual coders on the team ...
and to finish it off they spent the largest portion of the meeting discussing skins .... the only thing that actually matters to valve ....

There were other people there interviewing them lol

It wasn't like valve just said "hey let's talk about skins"

Critical thinking is important fam

posted about 8 years ago
#3 VNN DRiller Interview in TF2 General Discussion

I get that you don't like VNN or something but I don't see why Dave Riller literally saying shit that hasn't been confirmed before warrants a "No", but alright fam.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 VNN DRiller Interview in TF2 General Discussion

This is actually pretty informative.

Some notes:

-Biggest update yet?
-New campaign + pyro pack
-New Comp ELO System
-Placement Matches
-New 4-5 minute TF2 Short
-New Valve Map

posted about 8 years ago
#16 selling all my keys for paypal in TF2 General Discussion
ShdSteelHMU if youd like to get rid of the rest of your keys.

back off bud

posted about 8 years ago
#12 selling all my keys for paypal in TF2 General Discussion
DoggerelSpyromancerIf you want someone here to buy them, charging above market price isn't the way to go about it.
It's quite easy to find established sellers for 1.85 per.

It's around 2.50 on the steam market and 2.05 on isn't it???

Well the SCM has garbage prices for some reason and has prices slightly higher than the "free market" because you're not risking getting scammed, you're not risking a chargeback, and it's a hell of a lot more convenient than trying to sell them manually.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 selling all my keys for paypal in TF2 General Discussion

Mate you're not gonna get 1.9 anywhere other than

posted about 8 years ago
#40 Most U.S. Religious Groups Support Gay Marriage in World Events

I think the answer is pretty simple. There's a difference between creating content for a customer and creating a customer's content.

You should be required to serve to a black/gay person anything you would serve to a white/straight person. You should not be required to serve something you would not serve anyone else.

Discriminating based on the specific service you're being requested to perform is understandable. Discriminating based on the people you are being requested to provide a service to is morally reprehensible.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 Habib cheating confession?? in TF2 General Discussion
zeFrostythe event was sponsored by weed and we are worried about prescribed meds????

Yeah, I don't see you guys worrying about great deals without trade holds.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 B4nny's thoughts on Whitelists in general in TF2 General Discussion
BBiA_duchess-Even to this day, when you respawn, you can see your teammates through walls AND ENEMY SPIES. If you respawn, you can instantly notice when someone is a spy near your spawn. If any of them actually played the game as much as they say they do, they would have noticed.

You realize it's literally impossible to fix this, right?

What are you going to do? Make the outline not show around spies? Great, just look for the dude without an outline.

posted about 8 years ago
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