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Country Pirate
Signed Up October 22, 2012
Last Posted March 26, 2023 at 5:05 PM
Posts 2284 (0.5 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 ⋅⋅ 150
#52 lft 6's roamer for IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

Will you ever take any of this advice or will you just continue spamming your thread with "Thanks for posting." or some shit like that?

posted about 10 years ago
#16 Invis Watch TF2 Name in TF2 General Discussion

I fucking hate you.

posted about 10 years ago
#19 Rap you like in Off Topic

tony macaroni

posted about 10 years ago
#7 cleaning your mechanical keyboard in Hardware

Approximately how long did it take you guys to remove and clean all the keys (not including the drying process)?

posted about 10 years ago
#39 Asus 144hz for $250 in Hardware
cyzerI don't, right now my thinking is I'll get a 144hz when G-Sync is released

I'm pretty sure it's been out a while ago. It's really pricey though.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Twitch nuking VODs: we need help saving them in TF2 General Discussion

Aren't most of the tf2 content like tip of the hats and most of the matches on youtube?

posted about 10 years ago
#1 UGC Plat: mTs vs. ET in Events

Skyrolla to get 2nd place again.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 ESEA S17 Open Power Rankings Week 3 in News
Mr_Owlscrimshaws back has to be hurting by now, geknaiir is pretty heavy.

You're pretty heavy, bitch boy.

posted about 10 years ago
#37 London Calling - hurry up in TF2 General Discussion

You're a fucking idiot.

posted about 10 years ago
#312 what's yo inches/360 in Off Topic

unless the advertised dpi on the Zowie AM isn't actually 450

It's ~520 or something

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Engineer glitch in TF2 General Discussion

Owl, they're getting closer to finding out what the device is!!!

posted about 10 years ago
#135 The Mouse/Mousepad Thread (last updated Sep. 9, 2013) in Hardware
JimiJamWhat's the best cloth pad in terms of speed? I have the QcK right now and it feels like there's too much friction sometimes. I've been looking at the Artisan Hayate but i'd need a second opinion before I spent that much on a mouse pad

I had a qpad from esea and that felt really fast, almost slippery if I had to describe it.

I heard the new goliathus was also pretty fast. I haven't actually used it to tell you from experience though.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 Time to upset caboose in Off Topic

If China is 12 hours ahead of us, why didn't they warn us about 9/11?

posted about 10 years ago
#19 ESEA S17 Open Power Rankings Week 2 in News

I was overhyping my play so then people can look over the fact that i had a "legend of geknaiir" moment. Sorry.

posted about 10 years ago
#17 ESEA S17 Open Power Rankings Week 2 in News

My butt was clenched during the entire maus trap match holy shit.

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 ⋅⋅ 150