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Last Posted July 27, 2017 at 2:16 AM
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#49 New type of playing for 6s in The Dumpster
And in what way would that be better?
Pyro is useless at midrange and can't deny chokes, sniper and/or heavy can now just walk in and wreck everthing.

We've had this for a week when degreaser was unbanned in EU. Some ran pyro(s), everyone was mad, then the heavies and snipers came out and they got rolled.

1) I didn't say it would be better, just ALTERNATIVE;
2) Can't deny chokes? AIRBLAST?SCORCH SHOT?;
3) Pyros can counter both heavies and snipers, can't see the problem :P

posted about 7 years ago
#7 New type of playing for 6s in The Dumpster
AvvyHow many refs for pixel art of my heavy loadout

Why you write these things here?

posted about 7 years ago
#6 New type of playing for 6s in The Dumpster
corsasounds fun

Yeah it is, isn't it?

posted about 7 years ago
#4 New type of playing for 6s in The Dumpster
Raptor00X2 pyros is banned in most if not all leagues, not for the reason that they could replace the soldiers but because you could deny the whole enemy uber on an advantage push
If the first pyro dies/ is low you just let the 2nd pyro airblast the remaining uber

But no, 2 pyros could not replace the 2 soldiers to answer your question

For the fact that playing 2 pyros in a team is illegal, maybe playing them as a separate type of 6s will actually allow them. For the enemy uber denying fact, I personally think that if both teams can do it, it would not be that big problem.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 New type of playing for 6s in The Dumpster

Today me and my friend thought about a new way to play the 6s. Maybe someone already thought about it, but I didn't find any thread here, so I hope this can be the first. As we all know, in 6s there are 2 soldiers, a roamer and a pocket. Why don't exchange them with pyros? It can sound pretty crazy at the beginning, but if we think about a pocket, maybe with the phlog and the scorch shot, and a roamer with a degreaser (or the stock flamethrower) and a flaregun (or a detonator for more movement freedom), it can nearly become a real thing. Me and my friend thought about a pug to test it, if someone is interessed just comment down below.
The composition would be:
-2 pyros
-2 scouts
-1 demo
-1 med
This can always change after some pugs and some tests. Have a good day and thanks for reading all this stuff.

posted about 7 years ago