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Last Posted January 7, 2014 at 5:44 PM
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#7 Scout LFT ESEA/CEVO Open/IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

posted about 11 years ago
#3 RJ Scout/Roamer LFT CEVO in Recruitment (looking for team)

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Pocket LFT CEVO/ESEA Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

posted about 11 years ago
#1 CEVO Season 4 Team Looking For Players in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 11 years ago
#16 Apocalypse Rising: A Custom Gamemode for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Saxton hale turns you into a ghost if you die. But you can't kill anyone.

There is a zombie mod for Team Fortress 2 where you just have to survive for x amount of time and restricts zombies to three classes/survivors to six. So being able to play all classes would be pretty cool.
Maybe having multiple stage maps (goldrush, Thundermountain, Dustbowl) could be used in this and you get rewarded for each win and you would get similar rewards to mvm like explosive headshot and slow effect with jarate/milk.

This is a rather good idea that I may take up in the future.

obsidiianAbout the mood: you can change the maps to be darker and more eerie. Just use a night skybox and night environment settings. Steal them from Pipeline or a Halloween event map.

I've already addressed this in earlier posts.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Apocalypse Rising: A Custom Gamemode for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
unfCould this become like the Zombie mod for C.S. was? Where you have one zombie (a real person), and if they hit someone they become zombies too, until there's only the last man standing on Red side or whatever?

I tried something like that, but it got way out of my level of coding way too fast. Maybe in the future I'll revisit that, but not for now.
-Gideon Seymour

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Apocalypse Rising: A Custom Gamemode for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
LoronixThose aren't zombies. They're skeletons.

Looking at the code, they are classified as being "tf_zombie"s. That's my reasoning behind it.
-Gideon Seymour

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Apocalypse Rising: A Custom Gamemode for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
MiNiThis game mode seems like it would be best if it had maps specific for it. Like an a/d maplilypichuloverThis looks really fun, do you think you will ever be making maps for this mod?

To answer your questions, no. I will not be making maps for this mod. However, there are instructions in the README.txt that guide people through adding support for other maps by copy/pasting a few lines of code. As I said above, this should work for any map that is compatible with Team Fortress 2, with the exception of Mann vs Machine.

As I said, I will not be making maps for this gamemode, but anybody who wants to could add support for this, so if someone were to make a map, it would be easy for them to make it into a zombie apocalypse. This is not in any way a "mod," in fact, I consider it more of a base for people to work off of, create their own zombie gamemodes, maps, boss fights, and whatever the hell else they want.

-Gideon Seymour

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Apocalypse Rising: A Custom Gamemode for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
TheJesterKinda sounds like it's Left 4 Dead in TF2 form? If that's the case, adding equivalent "special infected" to it might be cool, maybe regular TF2 classes with the zombie soul thing equipped.

That would be interesting, but I'm considering doing something with an Arena map and the neglected "Skeleton King" from the most recent Scream Fortress. It'd be sort of like a boss fight, although I would still have to work out a few things for that.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Apocalypse Rising: A Custom Gamemode for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
r4ptureThe idea is pretty cool, but it would need a lot of work to really shine. I can't code/mod for ****, so all I have is idea input.

Thanks for the feedback! This is my first time doing something like this, and I'm happy to have some helpful criticism.

r4ptureWhen I hear "Zombie TF2", I think of things like Til Death Do Us Part (and Part Two) which paint a good picture of what a gamemode zombie TF2 could be like. Dark levels, waves of enemies and and a feeling of hopelessness

This is actually what I based the initial experience off of. I wanted to make something that would allow for people to experience those feelings. In fact, for most of my testing, I had "Who Will Save You Now," the song used in Part 2, playing in the background. As for the dark levels, I do think you're right about that. Upward and Process do not have the sort of environment one would expect from a Apocalypse (although Kong King does), and I truly have no idea why I chose those two maps for this gamemode. However, in the README.txt included in this mod, there are fairly simple steps detailing how to add support for any map compatible with TF2, with the exception of maybe MvM maps.

r4ptureAnother thing to take from the videos (and the zombie genre in general) is the idea of infection. One idea you MAY be able to use with your no downloads standards, would be the death of one of the four players becoming a zombie itself.

This is actually something that I tried to create in this gamemode, but, this being my first time doing something like this, I was unable to. It is quite possible that something like that is possible, but I'll remind you that everything in the gamemode operates out of about 2 config files. I'm limited to using the basic commands that come with the source engine/tf2. I know that it's possible to spawn a "super zombie," such as the Skeleton King from the latest update, but I don't know how I would cause that to happen using the console commands.

r4ptureAnother thing I just realized. You said you wanted this to be no download so anyone can go and play it...but with a four player limit, whats the point?

The four player limit is meant to encourage the players to voice chat, to get to know each other, and how the others will react. As I found out, making it through Upward is incredibly difficult when I'm playing with people I don't know. I based this part of it off of MvM, in how you would get a party of people together to play it.

r4pturePlus, without the more heavy polish, four friends aren't likely to make a small server just to play it.

Although I see your logic, this gamemode is incredibly easy to install on any server (it was even designed to work on listen servers). It does most of the work for opening the server up to the public, although some minor things like port forwarding will have to be done manually. When I was testing the configs, all I had to do was "exec base" on my listen server and my server, and tada, anyone who wanted could join.

Again, thanks for your feedback, and I'll look into adding some of your ideas in the future.
-Gideon Seymour

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Apocalypse Rising: A Custom Gamemode for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion


This video shows off the new gamemode I created. All it is is a simple config file that the server downloads, and executes, allowing for anyone connected to play in a Zombie Apocalypse, without any download required by the client.

From "About.txt": "The game is a four player co-op match where you attempt to complete the original objective of the map. In Upward, you push the cart, in Process, you capture the 3 control points, in King, you try to capture the control point and survive for 3 minutes. Unfortunately, in Apocalypse Rising, the players are hindered by zombies. These zombies spawn in groups of 6, every 20 seconds. Not only that, but each player only has one life per match, adding to the overall difficulty. [There are 3 maps that have support included in this, Upward, Kong King, and Process, all of which represent a different difficulty. Included in the readme file are instructions for adding compatibility to new maps.]

Apocalypse Rising was created in order to give clients a fun, easy way to play TF2 as a zombie game. The policy I had when making this was that I wanted there to be absolutely no download on the client's end, and that policy has held up until the end.

I'll take a moment here to say that Apocalypse Rising is completely open source, just read the configs to see what's happening, and feel free to change or add stuff to it.. Maybe I'll even make a video on that."


Thank you for looking at this. -Gideon Seymour

posted about 11 years ago