Account Details
SteamID64 76561198275965440
SteamID3 [U:1:315699712]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:157849856
Country United Kingdom
Signed Up September 29, 2016
Last Posted July 27, 2017 at 2:20 PM
Posts 18 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 0.9
Windows Sensitivity n/a
Raw Input 1
1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse zowie ec1-a
Keyboard corsair k65 lux RGB
Mousepad roccat taito control
Headphones Audio Technica M50x
Monitor Samsung?
1 2
#7 Sad in Music, Movies, TV

The bucket list is pretty neato.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Headphone suggestions in Hardware

audio technica ath m50x.

Your welcome.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Need Smartphone Recommendations in Hardware

I recently needed a new upgrade. Having no money, I took a shot in the dark and bought a Huawei P9 lite. I couldn't be happier with the result. It's literally the best deal you can get for a good quality smartphone right now, definitely check it out!

posted about 7 years ago
#2407 PC Build Thread in Hardware
SetsulWell I've got nothing to work with here.
Just the monitor will be 200£ or more.
The smallest upgrade would be an i5-4570 and that'd be >200£ for 5% more performance.
The most expensive upgrade that still makes sense would be an i7-7700K overclocked to 5.0 GHz (~60% faster). You'll need a mobo and a cooler as well so that'd cost slightly less than 500£ + monitor.

By the end of the year new CPUs will be released, but it's kind of difficult to recommend them yet since neither the performance nor the names are known yet.
So I really don't know what you should be looking at buying.

That's fine. Thanks anyway! I'll probably just get a 144hz monitor and go from there. Any monitors that you could recommend specifically?

posted about 7 years ago
#2404 PC Build Thread in Hardware
SetsulAre those 500£ including the monitor?

Yes, sadly. I'm happy to wait until I have more, just want to know what I should be looking at buying and how much it'll all cost.

posted about 7 years ago
#2402 PC Build Thread in Hardware
SetsulWell you need at least 144 fps for it to be actually useful, anything beyond that is a bonus. You'll have to cap it anyway to not get screen tearing, so until you can get 288 fps all it would get you is more stable fps and/or fewer drops.
What would be your budget?

I don't have a lot. I've worked out I can have £500 by the end of the year. I'm not in a rush, but would like to have an idea of what I'm working towards.

posted about 7 years ago
#2400 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Hi nerds,

So I have a pc with an i5 4460 @ 3.2 Ghz and an AMD HD 7850. I get 200 fps average in - game, which is fine for me as I have a 60Hz monitor. However, I recently played on my friends PC with his 144Hz monitor and the difference was incredible and I would really like to get one.

MY QUESTION IS: How many frames should I look to be getting when running at 144Hz, can I achieve this with my current set up, and, ultimately, do I buy a 144Hz monitor yet or upgrade my PC first.

Recommendations on which parts to upgrade to would also be appreciated, bearing in mind my motherboard is an H81M and I have 8 GB of DDR3

posted about 7 years ago
#84 fav nicknames in TF2 General Discussion
Figglebottomvanqokwankcock/vancockyou forgot vancuck :3

Giraffe... the highlander player...

posted about 7 years ago
#54 fav nicknames in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#57 Original music thread! in Music, Movies, TV
RussianGuyovichGir_affeguyI'm legit in a band called Thalash...

P.S Yes, he knows...

..and a tune called Kaidus

He knows as well...

posted about 7 years ago
#55 Original music thread! in Music, Movies, TV

I'm legit in a band called Thalash...

P.S Yes, he knows...

posted about 7 years ago
#5 keyboard/headset recommendations in Hardware

In general, a decent pair of normal headphones (audio technica m50x, sennheiser HD 598 etc.) and a modmic is probably your best bet, sound quality in "gaming headsets" is pretty bad when it comes to sound quality in my opinion (too much bass, not enough of everything else.)

Peripheral wise, corsair never disappoint. Though if you want something a bit less flashy, get a ducky one. One think I do suggest considering is whether you buy a 10 keyless. I recently started using the corsair k65 and I am so much more comfortable when gaming. It's worth thinking about :-)

posted about 8 years ago
#2132 PC Build Thread in Hardware

I was wondering what the most popular graphics card for tf2 players is, and how many frames people are getting on average. Just wondering if I need to upgrade my graphics card. I have a weird AMD HD 7850 and an i5 4460, and get around 200 fps. Is this ok? I am using comanglia's config, running in dxlevel 8

posted about 8 years ago
#2128 PC Build Thread in Hardware
More like you have absolutely no idea.

TF2 is one of the most CPU intensive games. It only uses 2 cores though, so a quad core doesn't do shit.
The question was which CPU would perform better in TF2.
Gir_affeguyThe i5 will give much better performance in any game, due to its 4 cores instead of the i3's 2. Tf2 is a very CPU intensive game, so the I5 is so worth the extra money :-)It's just wrong.
Gir_affeguyThe i5 will give much better performance in any game, due to its 4 cores instead of the i3's 2. Tf2 is [not] a very CPU intensive game, so the I5 is so worth the extra money :-)Nope, still doesn't make any sense.

Yeah, I kind of messed up a lot. Sorry :-)

posted about 8 years ago
#2125 PC Build Thread in Hardware
Gir_affeguymurkscribeQuick Question, anyone can awnser it,but what gives more frames for tf2? i5 6500 or the i3 6100?
The i5 will give much better performance in any game, due to its 4 cores instead of the i3's 2. Tf2 is a very CPU intensive game, so the I5 is so worth the extra money :-)


Tf2 isnt VERY demanding on the CPU at all, but I feel like and I5 is just a better investment, as it is just a better CPU overall, and you will see benefits in things other than gaming :-) Sorry!

posted about 8 years ago
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