Looking to play top advanced and then qualify for invite the following season
pocket scout: golden
flank scout: nygma
pocket: pelt
roamer: tristen
demo: guyeh
medic: poliphobia
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198065575278 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:105309550] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:52654775 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | November 26, 2015 |
Last Posted | January 12, 2025 at 11:59 PM |
Posts | 287 (0.1 per day) |
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Looking to play top advanced and then qualify for invite the following season
pocket scout: golden
flank scout: nygma
pocket: pelt
roamer: tristen
demo: guyeh
medic: poliphobia
thegreatmage's biggest fan i watch all of his demos as well
ggs lombre was a lot of fun
i've never played with him but def one of the harder meds in advanced to play soldier against imo
dovenot replying to anyone in this thread.
I hate to be that guy on tftv to post negative things on an lfp but get over it
After everything I heard watching cadet streams during s5 and what cadet told me and many people I recommend not trying out for this team mainly because of beepboop. Watching the vods back of cadets scrims almost every night with him and hearing beep blame cadet for EVERYTHING was so mind boggling to me. Many of the things beep says to his teammates are things you don't say to your team no matter how bad the player is or if they make a mistake ffs he shit talks his pocket scout from s5 and calls vin cadet brain like wtf (https://clips.twitch.tv/GleamingSullenEagleFUNgineer-LnFkIX5fyA6sq0GG). If beep stops this cringe blaming everything on everyone else and gets over people not being perfect players this team could make playoffs in advanced with the right pocket scout.
I think jude zeno and dennis are all crazy at the classes they play and the rolls they fill and this core would do sick in advanced with the right players and combo scout if you can deal with beep.
gg milkies
gg rave team
you seem like a great gamer to have in a team environment!
gg raeko and blanc