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Signed Up March 16, 2014
Last Posted February 21, 2017 at 9:04 PM
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#64 TF2CENTER BANNED ME in TF2 General Discussion
DoctorMiggySo you posted none sense about harassing tf2c players to make yourself seem edgy and cool?
Either you're lying here for sympathy, or you're lying in your UGC post for non-existent +frags.
Real winner.

The contents of the post I made on the UGC Forums are not relevant. You are allowed to believe I am as unfunny and cringe inducing as you want, but the fact still remains that I was banned from a service completely unrelated for the contents that should not theoretically fall under their jurisdiction. To clarify, I do not care about being unbanned from TF2Center, nor do I believe I will, I just find it interesting/stupid that people were banned for similar, even not as provocative or offensive, things.

posted about 8 years ago
#61 TF2CENTER BANNED ME in TF2 General Discussion

Except I wasn't actually sitting in a mumble and flaming anyone. The fact is that I posted on a public forum about something that didn't happen and they banned me on the premise that it did happen, instead of waiting for evidence of such an event occurring like an actual responsible admin would. Irony and sarcasm is very difficult to detect on the internet, so the idea that you would ban someone for a forum post "admitting" the breaking of their rules is beyond ridiculous. Now, if I actually was sitting in their mumble and just flaming people of course I would deserve a ban, that goes without saying, but it didn't happen, and there is a lack of evidence that it did happen. (Even at that point, a perma login ban is a bit of overkill, IMHO).

The only thing I am concerned about is where the TF2Center draws the line when it comes to censorship. Should I be banned for shitposting about their admins on a forum that isn't there own? In my opinion, no, I shouldn't. There are many cases in this thread and probably people who haven't posted here where they were banned because of something completely unrelated to the way their site is run. The bottom line is that a good admin/moderator of a specific service would theoretically stay within the boundaries of their operations instead of going out to the internet searching for a reason to be offended and as a result whack their ban hammer, but there is obviously a difference in opinion for whatever reason.

posted about 8 years ago
#56 TF2CENTER BANNED ME in TF2 General Discussion
cereaII say this on every tf2c thread

just fucking be respectful and play the game under a normal alias and you wont get banned. maybe you ahould have gotten a warning or a shorter ban but cmon you were asking for it

tf2center is fine for what it is just dont be a retard and play pugs if you want higher quality games

I don't see how I, the OP, or several other posters were asking for bans when the extent to which the admins will go out and find something they seem to be ban worthy hasn't been clearly defined or ever will be clearly defined. If the admins documented very clearly what they deem bannable in their rules on the front of offensive posts, aliases, or other community interactions unrelated to their website I think people would be outraged to find what you can actually get banned for, but it'd still be miles better than just banning someone because the admin(s) went out looking to be offended.

If a TF2Center admin is patrolling this thread, what you're doing is wrong and very harmful to the growth of the game that I think we both enjoy playing competitively so I would just like to ask that you stop this absolute insanity and mind your own business.

posted about 8 years ago
#67 fuck dirtymort in The Dumpster

air are you a real human being

posted about 8 years ago
#56 fuck dirtymort in The Dumpster

can you provide me with this highly exposing information, I need to know now and don't care enough to "do my research "

posted about 8 years ago
#47 TF2CENTER BANNED ME in TF2 General Discussion

EDIT: Upon further examination, it appears I was banned because of a post I made on the UGC Forums, so if any of you care about your ability to play TF2Center lobbies, I would be extremely careful about what you post about TF2Center anywhere under the public eye apparently. Stay safe gamers...

posted about 8 years ago
#6 if the internet shut down in Off Topic

downloading as much scientific data as physically attainable

posted about 8 years ago
#83 cookye makes a comeback in TF2 General Discussion
mwell at least ur keeping up with the 'adamantly posting things about things u have no understanding of' modus operandi of spreading ur words on the internet

keep it up!!!

what are u even saying like my original post was an articulation of how much time seagull spends in overwatch to be at the level hes at based on primary sources ie interviews he's had on various formats

you have something stuck very far up ur ass making you unable to admit u were wrong and its very amusing to me

posted about 8 years ago
#80 cookye makes a comeback in TF2 General Discussion
mGoofyGorillamGoofyGorillaI don't think people realize that people like seagul literally play overwatch for a good 10-11 hours a day
not true at all

Screenshot of an interview he had admitting long hours:

Reddit AMA post admitting he plays 14+ hours before tournaments:


ahh yes this is for sure very solid evidence

its literally the definition of a primary source like alright buddy i guess hes just lying about how much time he spends on the video game

posted about 8 years ago
#79 cookye makes a comeback in TF2 General Discussion
mGoofyGorillamGoofyGorillaI don't think people realize that people like seagul literally play overwatch for a good 10-11 hours a day
not true at all

Screenshot of an interview he had admitting long hours:

Reddit AMA post admitting he plays 14+ hours before tournaments:


ya im not gonna go into it but please dont link me reddit threads telling me shit when ive got half his team on my friendslist

alright master googler i guess you win again

posted about 8 years ago
#63 cookye makes a comeback in TF2 General Discussion
mGoofyGorillaI don't think people realize that people like seagul literally play overwatch for a good 10-11 hours a day
not true at all

Screenshot of an interview he had admitting long hours:

Reddit AMA post admitting he plays 14+ hours before tournaments:


posted about 8 years ago
#43 cookye makes a comeback in TF2 General Discussion

I don't think people realize that people like seagul literally play overwatch for a good 10-11 hours a day

posted about 8 years ago
#192 Invite players in Open? in TF2 General Discussion

no im ok trust me its just the fact that this thread is more than 1 page long and isnt in the dumpster

posted about 8 years ago
#190 Invite players in Open? in TF2 General Discussion

or how about we do nothing and we all stop complaining about something that doesn't have a relevant solution due to it not being a relevant problem

honestly we as a community are very good at complaining about the most irrelevant trash when our real problems remain unsolved and linger dormant until someone tells us it's going to be ok and then we pick apart their statement so that we can complain about more irrelevant trash

posted about 8 years ago
#77 Invite players in Open? in TF2 General Discussion

Yes because after 2 semesters of a CS minor I have definitely learned everything there is to know about skidding and le hacking

posted about 8 years ago
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