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Signed Up April 17, 2014
Last Posted April 17, 2018 at 8:05 PM
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#4 Looking for map testing in Map Discussion
Hycecrackbabydumpsterfaceit new map weekends with points for prizes make it happen @b4nny
yes please sign me up.

Grizzle, I recommend playing 6's and gaining friends that play 6's.... most of my early testing came from asking a number of friends to come play on my maps on my server. Once I had enough attention, then I could get bigger groups / higher caliber players to test.

Not that I've ever made a map worth a shit, but I've found ways to try them....

I'm looking for a focused playtest with people who want to help and provide feedback. I have friends that play competitively, but individual feedback can only get you so far. I was just curious to whether there was an existing resource for playtesting that I was unaware of. What are good incentives for players to try new maps?

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Looking for map testing in Map Discussion

Hello! After searching around I've had trouble finding a place to get new maps tested for competitive play. It seems all the new map PUG groups are inactive. Beater just hosted a competition where contestants were able to get feedback, but now that that's over, there seems to be a lack of resources for mapper's looking for competitive centric feedback.

I guess I'm asking two questions. Are players interested in new maps, and if so, where can a mapper go to receive feedback?

As an unestablished mapper, I know it will be harder to find groups willing to test, but I would still like to try. Thanks.

My map thread.

posted about 6 years ago
#15 koth_forklift in Map Discussion

Been awhile since I've posted an update here. I didn't do a very good job of keeping track of the updates, so let's consider this a fresh start. Looking to get this playtested. I'm available most evenings (6:00-10:00 CDT) for playtesting, but you are welcome to test without me as well. Appreciate any feedback I can get. Thanks!

If you'd like to contact me directly, you can add me on Steam or send me a DM on Twitter.

Links: Thread
.bsp download

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Thread Name Change in Requests

Hello, if possible I would like this thread's name to be changed to koth_forklift.


posted about 7 years ago
#3702 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

I'm using Lawena's hud_killnotices HUD, while should display only the killfeed, but I'm having the PLR progress pop up. Any help?

Edit: Figured it out.

"fieldName" "HudObjectiveStatus"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "99999"
"ypos" "0"
"wide" "f0"
"tall" "480"
posted about 8 years ago
#1 Viewmodel issue in demo playback in Videos

Hi there. I've been trying to record this demo for awhile, but keep running into an issue where part of a viewmodel is missing. It's just this one, no others are giving me trouble. I've searched around but haven't had any luck. Here's the specific instance:

Engineer is missing his right hand. :\ I'd be grateful for any help or a nudge in the right direction. Thanks!

posted about 8 years ago
#13 koth_forklift in Map Discussion

Original post has been updated with new screenshots and links.

Tested this map on the server the other day and was fortunate enough to get some feedback from some of the members as well as the maker of cp_sunshine, Phi. I've made a major change by removing the doors connecting the side routes. This gets ride of the crazy flanks, so hopefully the map will play a little better.

As always, I'm looking for teams willing to playtest, so if you are interested, please post a comment here or message me on Steam. I should be available every night from 8pm-1am EST except for Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thank you guys!

Oh! And I'm still trying to figure out a name. Suggestions welcome! :)

- Grizzly Thread
.bsp download
.bz2 download

posted about 9 years ago
#12 koth_forklift in Map Discussion

Just pushed out an update for this map today. If anyone is interested in playtesting, please let me know. I would love to be around to watch/hear, so if anyone would like to schedule something, just say so. I'm available Sunday - Saturday 8pm-1am EST. Just leave a comment here or add me on Steam.

If for some reason I can't make the playtest, or the time is inconvenient, I'd still love to get any feedback I can. Demos and recordings of voice chat are always awesome. Thank you!

- Grizzly Thread
.bsp download
.bz2 download

posted about 9 years ago
#11 koth_forklift in Map Discussion

You can stand on the edge of this roof on both RED and BLU sides. Also not sure if intentional but there's a gap in the main building allowing you to see either into spawn or onto the point from this same position. Haven't found anything else yet but I'll update if I do.

Awesome, thanks for downloading the map and checking it out. I didn't realize there was a clipping issue with that roof. I'll get that checked out asap.

As for the gap, that's from my skybox brush. A lot of official maps has that as well, you just don't notice because you're never up that high. When I get into the detailing phase, I'll be sure to take care of it. Thank you, though! Really nice to know you took the time to look over the map that thoroughly.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 koth_forklift in Map Discussion

Hey everyone, I'm back. I've been fiddling around with this map off and on for several months now and have finally come back with a new version. I have updated the original post with the most recent links and screenshots.

What I really need now is playtesting and feedback. As I mention in my post, my schedule right now is a bit inconsistent, so I might not be able to attend many playtests, but I would really love to hear some opinions on the map. I tested once with some UGC players and the results were mostly positive. Unfortunately, I have been unable to schedule another test.

Anyone who is interested in testing, please let me know! I would really like to get this thing off the ground and see where I can take it, but I need your help! Thanks again, guys.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 koth_forklift in Map Discussion
hitherei'd love it if you could add unique spots in which soldiers could hide in (from a 6s pov) or demos could sticky trap

otherwise #2 has a lot of great points

oh yeah, i have a feeling that at your first screenshot op it looks similar to an official tf2 map, let me try to find the name

edit: found it, cp_gorge???

Haha, yes it's been compared to Gorge a lot. The bridge is nearly identical to Gorge's second. That on top of the Gorge theme really draws a lot of comparisons.

wareyaah yes you fixed this piece of brilliance good work

Not "fixed," but definitely headed in the right direction. :)

posted about 10 years ago
#3 koth_forklift in Map Discussion

Thanks for getting back with me so quickly. All of those issues are ones I've been trying to figure out how to remedy. That sightline is a nasty one, for sure.

I might move the spawn up (something I've been experimenting with in all the changes), but I would like to get it tested beforehand.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 koth_forklift in Map Discussion

I've been working on this map off and on for a few years and am ready to get some solid feedback and focused testing. I am available most evenings (6:00-10:00 CDT), but please feel free to playtest without me.

If you'd like to contact me directly, you can add me on Steam or send me a DM on Twitter.

Current Version: koth_forklift_b2a

Links: Thread
.bsp download

posted about 10 years ago