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Signed Up November 25, 2012
Last Posted February 28, 2024 at 8:13 AM
Posts 61 (0 per day)
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#3170 stream highlights in Videos

I nearly passed out man, thanks for clipping that.

posted about 7 years ago
#3153 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#3126 stream highlights in Videos
The moment of disbelief makes it for me

posted about 7 years ago
#4 good kid, m.A.A.d city in Music, Movies, TV

For any Bino/Kenny fans

I don't have anything useful to add to this conversation but I think this mashup is baller

posted about 7 years ago
#13 post ur ideal bf in Off Topic

posted about 7 years ago
#5285 Frag Clips Thread in Videos
collyGubbins belongs in the stream highlight thread

Sorry! I just CTRL+F'd for frag clip

posted about 7 years ago
#5283 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#11 17 in Projects
nuzeKaptain wins tbh

Drackk > All

posted about 7 years ago
#145 Lowpander swaps out Kissakala and Grenjabob, Crayon joins in News

I do not trust Hildreth, I have not for years. I don't think anyone should take his word without a considerable amount of salt. Many of you my not know or care who I am but I don't make these posts, I don't get involved usually if I don't feel I have to but some people in this thread think that he is a credible source and I am actually pretty worried that he has even been considered for the admin team, let alone given a trial.

Here's what I see here and how it relates to what I saw at the time and what I know now.

Thalashyou got kicked out of the ETF2L admin team?Permzillai can confirm what thalash saidSonnyBlackI can confirm everything Thalash ever said in the past and everything he ever will say in the future.PermzillaMuukiEngland Hildreth has also left the staff.
Obviously it just says "left the staff", it's not going to say "ETF2L are kicking this admin because they leaked stuff and we're pissed off" for the sake of PR?

What does that even mean, TF2 has been in the same shitty position for about 4 years

Makes sense to me.

HildrethThalashyou got kickedAll I did was post some facts

Some facts = A pastebin which had the entire news post copied

MuukiPermzillaObviously it just says "left the staff"I asked hildreth and he told me he hadn't leaked anythingHildrethI admitted I leaked some info

Hildreth is not to be trusted.

HildrethThalashMuukiHow did thalash come across this informationI only got informed about this incident today, and not 2½ years ago.

I had this information from the day I was sent the news post, by the person you sent it to.

HildrethI am not on trial here

You should be, I've heard copious amounts of bullshit come from you across multiple years.

Hildrethwell documented internally

Would that not have been documented by Sonny + Perm? The 2 who are currently backing up the fact that you leaked information?

nuzeThere is a clear difference. "He has no trust in you because of your past record" is Jon explaining the foundation of thalash's post - if hildreth did indeed leak information then thalash would be justified in not trusting him over discord.

This is important. Those who have been lied to by Hildreth or been shown that he is lying should call him out for it, especially when he thinks 3 years on, no one will remember him sharing admin information to impress a girl.

HildrethAs stated accusations of me being kicked for leaking are not true.

Your word vs. 2 head admins that got rid of you.

Hildreth It is true I leaked some very minor detail about the Swiss System

The whole of the news post copied in to a pastebin.

Hildrethwas settled internally.

By who other than Perm and Sonny?

HildrethI am disappointed Permzilla would lie

How many people will you call a liar?

HildrethI know for a fact he leaked the same information about the Swiss System ... prior to this.

Are you referring to an external writer proofreading the news post? Do you have any proof of this? For all the liars you're calling out, it'd be interesting to see you back ANY OF THE THINGS THAT YOU HAVE SAID IN THIS THREAD

HildrethI have all the facts to back this up internally

Ah yes, internally, suddenly everyone on the admin team who remembers your bullshit are gone and just now, you say that the proof is with the admin team. Bullshit. How come the internal knowledge of the head admins at the time is invalidated now that they don't have access to the forums? Have their minds been wiped?

PermzillaHow many of these admins were admin when this event happened? Since kkaltuu left recently I'm pretty sure it's none. But that's great that they believe your side of the story when none of them were there!


HildrethI will for my part back down if you admit what you said earlier is a lie, mainly around how I left the admin team in Spring 2015.MuukiI asked hildreth and he told me he hadn't leaked anythingHildrethI admitted I leaked some info and lets be real

Why don't you discredit your shitposting friend so that he stops trying to redirect this conversation away from you being a lying piece of shit?

HildrethAt this point this conversation has no value except a public shitting contest.

Yeah and yours smells the worst. Before you ask I don't have chat logs of you saying things that you've gone back on, I don't have the memory for the amount of things I've heard you say at lans which are just completely and totally unfounded but this all has to stop. You're full of shit, stop twisting little pockets of information taken out of context when you quite clearly have been called out.

inb4: 1 part of this gets ripped apart, therefore invalidating it in Hildog's eyes
What about the rest?
inb4: Part of the cjerk, you're just lying to back them up, HHH's word > yours
I love most of the people I've met in this game, I do not attack the idiots, only the liars. Man idk how people get credibility in this community but I don't think I'm famous for stepping out of line.

Have fun everyone, enjoy my wall. Also, giving default positions to teams who have reformed always causes controversy and rarely, if ever, gets the highest quality of tf2.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Scout LFT Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

I can't imagine my life without Sami. Recruit a fragger, make a friend.

posted about 7 years ago
#2592 stream highlights in Videos [Headphone user warning - Loud]

posted about 7 years ago
#12 ETF2L Season 26 Premiership playoff teams determined in News
Starry_NebulaeMidnightMickDrackk doing his ghey "Teapot" impersonation & WTF is up with Starkie's face?!!!Sinetijesus christ, stark's face
There is a dark shadow on part of stark's face that makes it look like part of his face is missing

Incorrect, Thalash bit Stark just before this, I was calming him down

also my eyebrow game is fierce

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Se7en vs b4nny in TF2 General Discussion

I don't think anyone will care

posted about 8 years ago
#45 ohboy in TF2 General Discussion
Xorickb4nny subs are the problem here

b4nny subs all have 1 thing in common, maybe that's the problem

posted about 8 years ago
#184 ESA Rewind LAN: Day 2 in Events
-Salb4nnyFor reference this is what you can do if you push on a pick while knowing they have a spy:

Hope that helps :)

My god, you are by far one depressing little child who is easily rejected by society.

Here is an advice: You WONT get laid by sitting on ur computer playing TF2 20 hours a day and then go talk shit to other people.

Seriously you are basically trying to make Starkie, a kind guy who probably even women easily go to him because of his humbleness, look bad because of your dumb ego.


Greatest comment of all time.

posted about 8 years ago
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