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Last Posted September 4, 2016 at 9:10 PM
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#25 Ultiduo Grove in Map Discussion

Here's some more feedback after having tested a7

The map definitely feels better than previous versions. the high ground, if you can call it that, kind of makes sense. Although I'm not entirely sure the purpose it serves when it's not really high ground.

As a medic, this map just feels so unsafe at any given time. There's nowhere you can really stand and feel protected, and there's nowhere you can retreat to. When you try and get on point again, you either have to jump 3 times on the boxes, which leaves you super vulnerable, and you can't heal. Or you walk up the ramp, which makes you super vulnerable to spam because there's only one place to go. You can't just play from the ground and let the soldiers sit on high ground because they literally can't be healed from the ground. I just feel like at any time I'm just risking taking 100 damage if their soldier shoots at me and not them. Also throwing arrows on this map just feels super awkward at times because there isn't a safe place to get an arrow.

From the defender's perspective, this map is super easy. you fight the soldier who has to either take high ground with no heals, or take spam on the ground and do basically nothing. It feels really easy and the defending medic can just stand on the ramp and hold there and be semi-safe. Defense has a massive advantage, it feels whichever team gets the point first has a massive advantage.

From the offensive perspective, it's just so hard to push. The medic has to climb the ramp or the steps and take spam, and the soldier has to basically jump alone a lot of the time, and if they don't knock the other soldier off, it's game over.

A lot of the changes are good, and I may be the vocal minority here, but on maps like koth_ultiduo or ultiduo_baloo, I feel safe as a med and soldier, and feels it's at least semi-balanced for attack and defend, yet on this map I don't feel that way.

There's always the option of a baloo point, which I know a lot of people seem to dislike, however I like the idea, but at that point, why not just play baloo? Cause on baloo, you're semi-safe behind point, there's the walls by spawn where you can arrow your soldier, arrow them behind point. You can follow your soldier around the point a lot easier, and the map isn't meant to have medic and solly on the high ground together. When you have the medic and solly on high ground together, naturally they have an advantage because the opposing soldier and med have to climb the high ground, and medic's mobility includes jumping and walking, so he can't maneuver super easily.

On baloo, you can defend the point from the ground, which is nice, because in overtime you can still run out and block people easily. Here you have to climb the steps onto the point to even attempt to block it, which makes it super difficult.

If you want to have the medic and soldier on high ground, you can make a baloo-esque point. Make it capable from the floor, add like some steps that the medic can jump up to the point from, but still be semi-protected possibly, and maybe make the point higher and the stumps on the side higher alongside it. Maybe it's a terrible idea, but I think it's worth a shot. A7 is the best version yet, no doubt about that, but for a medic, in my opinion, it feels not safe.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 Ultiduo Grove in Map Discussion

Speaking from a player's perspective and not a mapper's perspective, here's some more feedback.

Let's start with the good. The fixed spawn/cap times and reduced map size definitely help make the map feel more like ultiduo. Excellent job on that. Before it was just super boring sitting on cap forever and spawning forever, so this makes it more fast paced and interesting. The lack of clutter with trees is a change I like.

However, there's more about the map that I currently just dislike. For starters, just from what I played, the high ground stumps on the side are basically useless. Let's use this amazing drawing to help better represent my point. If blue has the point and red wants to re-contest from "high ground", the blue soldier can simply walk away and take like 40 damage spam rockets, that's it. the med is safe-ish on the ramp, and red med has a hard time healing red soldier due to how the high ground is designed. Essentially, like baloo, the only high ground is the point. Those spires on the side don't really add much in my opinion. Maybe other people think differently, but that';s just what I've seen. This is what I feel is the biggest flaw with the map currently.

There's some minor things I don't like, mostly just clipping. You wallbug with the trees, walls, and boxes way too frequently. If you want to make the boxes usable, they need to be consistent. Also the skybox is low like others have pointed out.

The map is shaping up well (just please don't use a6v2) and I hope my feedback can help in some way. :)

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Ultiduo Grove in Map Discussion

I tested out the map yesterday on a3 with some friends (Logs here)

The changes to a4 were really not game-changing. "Move center tree to make more room" Didn't change much from Version A3 to Version A4, it mostly just looks different, which is fine.

"Reduced Respawn Time" is very slightly affected from what I saw. On average on A3, you had a 12 second respawn when you own the point, which is ridiculous in ultiduo. On version A4, the spawn is about 10 seconds, which is still a little ridiculous. When you don't own the point, both maps seemed to have a spawn time of 7 seconds. On both koth_ultiduo and ultiduo_baloo, it's 3 seconds when you have point and 0 seconds when you don't have point.

"Reduced cap time" from 25 seconds at 1x and 16 seconds at 2x to 20 seconds at x1 and 13 seconds at x2, a good change, but again it just seems long. Compared to something like koth_ultiduo where it's 10 seconds at x1, and 8 seconds at x2.

"Extended resupply area" Red spawn is fixed, blue spawn isn't.

Overall it's a step in the right direction. Overall the map just feels too slow and too big honestly and there isn't really much "high ground advantage", like baloo or koth_ultiduo have. Maybe it's a good thing cause it's different, but it just seems mostly like floor fights.

Love the design of the map, just could be scaled down a bit, hope later versions turn out even better! :)

posted about 8 years ago