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Signed Up March 25, 2013
Last Posted July 18, 2016 at 7:59 PM
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#38 Heavy & Pyro: How could they be changed? in TF2 General Discussion

For those saying to tighten the spread of the flamethrower, do note that a standing pyro's flames are about as tight as they get in terms of spread, until the tip of the flames. To narrow that, Valve would have to make the boxes themselves smaller, which is an interesting idea. Otherwise, they could reduce or remove the random horizontal velocity changes that each entity has every tick which would be appreciated as well. Edit: (Or what Kav said down below)

Personally, I'd like to have some way to actually see what I'm doing with my weapons, and for others to see that as well.
For example, regardless of how you feel about airblast, a good start would be making its range more clearly defined.

Similarly, it'd be nice to see what I'm doing with my projectile shooter gun, similar to pretty much every other projectile shooter gun. Flame mechanics and movement at further ranges is already pretty interesting IMO since it keeps your momentum. Though perhaps it wouldn't be enough, it'd at least increase the skill ceiling of pyro if one could see where they were shooting.

That said, attaching particles to each of the flame entities and making the client do predictions for each of them might be a bit taxing on performance. I'd like to see Valve test hitscan on the phlog, since it at least looks hitscan-esque.

posted about 8 years ago
#103 TF2 SoCal Series in LAN Discussion

This was SUPER fun. I'd love to come to another if I wasn't leaving SoCal.
Here's what was good and what could be better/was notsogood.


    Venue was nice, staff was friendly.
    When things went, they went well.
    Close games were HYPE
    Maps on the flash drive was handy.
    Best of one maps was nice and quick.
    I C E Y W I N D
    B4nny (and everyone else involved) was(were) super chill

Suggestions for future events:

    Try to get the managers of the venue to run Windows 7 or 8, until 10 is stable
    Get TF2 installed and working on EVERY computer beforehand. Try to get some batch files that automatically clear out user settings from the tf folder as well, so there's no weird carryover from one user to the next.
    Best of one map until Grand Finals, maybe Winners/Losers Finals
    OR best of three maps for each game, where each map is a half round
    Have an MGE or DM lan server available for pregamin', as well as a lan mumble server

Great event, hope the next one is even better :)

posted about 9 years ago
#88 TF2 SoCal Series in LAN Discussion

I should be going this weekend, assuming I don't get lost taking the train from San Diego.

Hit me up if you need a bad scout/medic/last point pyro.

Thanks for your work b4nny!

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Twinweapons lft Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Twin is a really sweet guy and an amazing scout.
He's super willing to learn and is very dedicated to getting better.
Definitely try him out.

He's also indirectly made many people happy by giving me 30-40 strange items with the intention that I give them all away. They've all found good homes.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Hard Ass Johnny's Stream in Requests


I stream Platinum Pyro POV scrims, matches sometimes, and pubs.

Country: USA

I play for UGC plat team Kimberlite Council. It's a new team that's been doing decently in mid-plat.

posted about 11 years ago