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Last Posted July 18, 2020 at 11:10 PM
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#294 yomps has passed away. in TF2 General Discussion

: (, RIP.

posted about 4 years ago
#223 Tucker goes scorched earth, will be epstein'd soon in The Dumpster

The problem with your attempt to portray this as a gish gallop is twofold.

  1. There are really two ideas being discussed - the issue of Endogeneity confounding 'basic' statistical analysis that doesn't adjust for it, and then establishing how the idea of Redlining is just an example of an omitted variable (source of bias) that means the analysis being offered in this thread is flawed if it doesn't consider it The topic sentences establish this; and the structure through the piece.
  2. If you intend to make sweeping judgments on the behaviour and motivations behind large groups of human beings, you are making an overwhelming claim. The evidence and analysis you use for that claim should reflect the scope, breadth, and depth of it.

I would also add that something like Endogeneity isn't fair to discuss in just a few paragraphs and without developing an example. It is a weird topic and it isn't discussed a lot outside of the field, and I would feel I was acting in very bad faith if I didn't risk overexplaining it than not covering it in enough detail.

Anyway, if I was writing a dissertation I'd use latex. Formatting is more fun there!

posted about 4 years ago
#219 Tucker goes scorched earth, will be epstein'd soon in The Dumpster

/continuing on

The first attempts of African-American communities to emigrate in search of a better future for their families and their culture and their identity to a supposed environment that politically fought to end segregation; only to immediately be subjected to new segregated policies - redlining. Instead of taking my words for it, why not take a look at redlining maps yourself?. Or better yet, as a few people have suggested on twitter, you could combine it with google street view, and see the real-world current impacts of this policy firsthand. The referenced twitter post is quite correct - the impacts of redlining are immediately apparent once you can actually see the images. The line may be metaphorically invisible, but the impacts are not.

Of course, looking at housing and neighborhoods just as an indicator of wealth or income and thus the potential consequences of redlining isn't enough. We should be seeking to dig deeper if possible - and to some degree, we can. Housing is about the community you live in, and it shapes almost every facet of your behaviour. It's about the schools your children attend. It's about the sense of safety and freedom from crime that exists (I'm not going to link papers because it seems everyone agrees on this; and it's fairly obvious. It is also about the learned behaviours and routines you observe; which have vast impacts on everything from marriage to fertility rates, for both children (see previous, also this) and adults. Deny a social underclass the ability to move up in the world both in terms of economic justice and access to better quality neighbourhoods; and you lock them into a cycle of comparative disadvantage that the evidence overwhelmingly suggests can last over generations - an analysis that holds up both within neighbourhoods, and between counties. And these effects linger (see here again).They’re not a once-off control - living in better neighborhoods and all of the advantages they afford is a key part of inequality and wealth concentration in the United States of America to this day. Some have even suggested it’s the major driver for r > g inequality concerns in America, owing to Housing’s tremendous return on investment.

Which, in the words of a dear friend of mine who is dangerously close to finishing his Ph.D. on Roman History, is “Pretty fucking appropriate. Two Millennia later, and it’s still about land, eh?” Or, to reword a phrase from one of my favourite Science-Fiction series: “Control the housing, Control the universe”.

So, let's go back to issues of endogeneity. Redlining does appear to be clear example of structural racism, something that can’t be fought effectively through the individual agency of any one person; but especially those living in areas disadvantaged by it. It requires systemic change and institutional reform see: the entire career of Daron Acemoglu + James Robinson on extractive and inclusive institutions, otherwise, there will be no change. Hell, there's even comparatively "new" work by economists such as Treyvon D Logan investigating the role of more "Black inclusiveness" in political institutions and the impact it has had on African-American outcomes during the reconstruction period - here. With that in mind, the flaws of focusing on conditions such as minority on minority crime as a solution to societal ills without considering this big, overwhelming structural context becomes very clear. It is not unreasonable to consider outcomes are strongly influenced by a legacy of policies which discriminate against minority communities in America in terms of one of the most important (if not the most important) factor on their future success and life direction - that of the land they develop in?

To conclude, I would suggest consuming resources from people who aren't considering these matters in their analysis; subjecting their papers to academic review at some of the world's best journals might introduce a bias that's gone unchecked into one’s analysis, This is why the use of crime statistics or fatherhood statistics alone misses a significant degree of analytical depth and can lead to biased conclusions.


On a few side notes, "Not an argument" is an intellectual trap. Not only does it assume a degree of combativeness, it devalues factual claims which provide support for an argument without explicitly outlining an argument - e.g.: there aforementioned evidence for the existence of structural racism in America through housing policy; and that it is mostly targeted at African-American communities implies White America has profited at the expense of African Americans, even if it does not in itself make that argument. Overuse of "not an argument" is, however, a very credible indicator that you spend more time consuming the arguments of Stephan Molyneux (no publications, no academic expertise, no specialized training or technical knowledge, no study of or implementation of policy-relevant to the debate) in comparison to somebody like Raj Chetty (who has done ... all of those things; many links of which are in this two-part post).

A lot of people make these types of errors in internet discourse, in every "sphere" of politics. Certain people get away with it more because they have opinions people upvote on the internet more (refer to the Democratic primaries). The internet is a bubble, twitter is an even more insulated bubble (internet forums being one of the most insular bubbles of all) and one would do well to consider the world outside it more often.

Anyhow, when people ask me why I want to have as little to do with the TF2 community as possible these days, this thread will be a good example. For fucks sakes, try and be better..

posted about 4 years ago
#218 Tucker goes scorched earth, will be epstein'd soon in The Dumpster

Haha oh wow what's happening here.


Well no, it's more the possibility that you are demonstrating an inherent flaw in simplistic statistical assumptions - how they can invite major errors when making specific statements; by neglecting the issue of Endogeneity. Given these are errors addressed in a second-year university textbook, this opens up one of two possibilities. The first is that you are making your arguments without knowledge of academic literature directly relevant to your claims, in which case I hope I can be instructive. The second (and more dangerous) is that you are aware of these issues; and you're ignoring them. In which case one has every right to question the fundamental motivations of why you are making such a claim. I will assume the first, because of the following:

Adam Ragusea has spoken a little about tricks of the trade - little pieces of jargon or ways of framing arguments that people skilled in a specific area use which tells other people in that specific area they are of the same club; and establishing that they are using credible techniques that people outside the club won’t necessarily follow. For those of us who do a little (or a lot) in economics, one of these is addressing the issue of 'endogeneity'. This is not an issue discussed to a tremendous degree outside of economics or econometrics, but it is hugely important to understand and grapple within this discussion.

So, why is endogeneity important? There are a number of reasons, but my favorite example is this example, in the AMA by Jordan Petersen. By reducing the analysis of the Gender Wage Gap to "choices", Petersen is making a fundamental error of forgetting that the choices women make are not made in a vacuum - they reflect existing frictions and conditions in the economy itself. To clarify, If women or racial minorities credibly believe that they'll be discriminated against in terms of wages or performance evaluation (of which a significant amount of experimental evidence exists; see examples like this Goldin paper here, or this, this, and here- there is also significant evidence of name-based and race discrimination; with the most famous example here; and a "fun" modern example of racial interactions with police in America found here), their “choice” is no longer a true reflection of natural market forces - it’s a forced choice influenced by other factors you have to account for; and knowing which way the causation goes is difficult. If this point is a little too theoretical, then see the examples by wumbotarian and integralds In the same Reddit thread. You could also watch Ben Lambert’s video on the topic.

So, the point here is that if you don't address endogeneity you have a real problem in using that data to support your argument; especially if there is a reasonable belief your assumptions are prone to omitted-variable bias. So, what possible omitted variable bias problems could exist in simply looking at issues like African-American fatherhood or racial disparities in crime; or any general assessment of minority outcomes in America? Of course, there are a lot of possibilities, so let's focus on one example of structural racism in America; and one that carries significant intergenerational wealth; income,social mobility and well ... everything impacts.


I think the Wikipedia article does a good enough job of explaining what redlining is, so I’ll focus on the impacts. Taking the summary, we can see at its most basic redlining was a series of policies occurring at every level of the American government to disenfranchise specific communities of access to certain services and resources. So, it pretty clearly ticks the “systemic” box. Given it targeted primarily minorities, I'd argue it ticks the "racism" box too.

It should come as no surprise that redlining therefore hurts the welfare of "Black America" (and other minorities) by denying access to housing and living in "good" neighborhoods. Denying services and support lowers the value of property; which has obvious consequences on wealth. It occurred at all levels of government; and was clearly targeted at minority communities, especially African-Americans; leading to significant losses in African-American wealth. A key point in time with which this was observable was the Great Migration where African-American families left the South of America at the end of the Jim Crow era to migrate North, in search of a better future. Which was … curiously followed by an increase in residential segregation in Northern American cities, with exactly the type of effects you would expect.

/continuing in the next post because of the character limit …

posted about 4 years ago
#48 How would you nerf scout? in TF2 General Discussion

Remove scout leashing with the medibeam. See if that's enough over a substantial period (at least a season or two). If not, consider either changes to Soldier selfdamage or reverting to the old stickies.

posted about 5 years ago
#9 Getting low fps unless I have the scoreboard open in TF2 General Discussion

That's the one thing I am absolutely certain it is not. I've monitored my computer's temperatures while dealing with for extended periods (2-3 hours at a time) and the maximum temperature for cpu/gpu has ever consistently reached while this is happening is 70-72c.

posted about 6 years ago
#7 Getting low fps unless I have the scoreboard open in TF2 General Discussion

Had the same problem. Changing huds doesn't fix it, and the longer I play on a single map the worse it gets - from an average of 600-700 idle all the way down to below 90 if I'm grinding up to an hour on a jump map or something.

posted about 6 years ago
#71 witch hunts within the community in The Dumpster

You can avoid saying discriminatory, hateful or 'ist' behaviours while being concerned with the possibility of community figures using power as a bully pulpit or for settling scores. Mccarthyism is the type of outcome everyone should wish to avoid.

This is in part why it is important that there be some kind of procedure for making allegations under the guise of organisations (wherever reasonably possible).

posted about 6 years ago
#133 Unpopular video game opinions in Other Games

Idk how well this fits in here, but I'll say it anyway:

Holding up a series like Mass effect as "art" because one thinks they are "good" and "tell a story" isn't useful discussion, it's just an excuse to circle-jerk what you like and piss on everything you dislike. There is a lot a lot of shitty media of all forms out there that is art all the same*; and if you want games to be seen as art then you should accept a lot of art is justifiably seen as bad. Some of it is even fantastic in spite of being horrendously bad - Ed Wood's stuff is full of classics. And ... that's okay. Nothing wrong with a little bad art in life.

But, trying to pass off the bad as "not art" and the good as "art" is a pretty cowardly attempt to dodge a conversation about what and why art is considered good or bad in the first place. Of course, the anger ]from journalists and 'authority figures' (hi Bioware devs, who couldn't bear the thought of making something videogamey) towards people like Investig8ivejournalism who originally made this argument comes as no surprise, because they were never interested in making art in the first place.

posted about 6 years ago
#26 The nicest player? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#156 what's the inspiration behind your alias? in TF2 General Discussion

Old Australian injoke in a few forums/magazines (PC Powerplay, AtomicPC) that started in a column by a writer pretending to be a shitposting cat. Said column ironically referred to any disastrous events as being "HaXxorIzed"and it thus became a way of saying "everything went impossibly wrong" as an injoke. It was used a great deal by somebody as a phrase who usually hung out on early anime-centric or pc-tech centric forums who lived in the same city I did.

Due to my cynicism, it somehow ended up being applied to me more than anyone else in my friendship circle; and eventually stuck as an alias.

tl;dr: It means http://memes.ucoz.com/_nw/6/51761730.jpg.

posted about 7 years ago
#54 RIP froyotech in TF2 General Discussion

Froyo definitely had their issues, but it would be good to see as much of the team as possible stick around and work on some of these weaknesses. Even if they didn't get as much attention on the stat boards, TLR and Freestate in particular seemed to do pretty well given the circumstances, with TLR often having to play second roamer (while b4nny played hard for the combo) and cover for late muma mids/when paddie really struggled; and Freestate showing a new and much more aggressive + effective side to him ever since sunshine in the esea finals.

posted about 8 years ago
#53 i58 LF: froyotech vs. Full Tilt in Matches

That TLR/Paddie/Freestate combination to chase Full Tilt down in the GC round was pretty sick. Froyo managing to grind out another messy map win.

posted about 8 years ago
#44 i58 UBR2: Jasmine Tea vs. froyotech in Matches

What a fucking war.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 i58 UBR2: Jasmine Tea vs. froyotech in Matches

Those GC TLR ubers were immaculate, what a great map one. Jasmine really got a lot of sucess out of pushing/punishing Paddie's bombs.

posted about 8 years ago
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