Awesome! It was just below the center, so I added to the ypos value a bit, and it works. Here's the script if anyone wanted it:
"controlname" "CExLabel"
"fieldname" "fogCrosshair"
"visible" "1" //1
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "c-14"
"ypos" "c-22"
"zpos" "2"
"wide" "28"//28
"tall" "46"
"textAlignment" "west"
"font" "CrossHairKonrWings"
"labeltext" "i" //g
// Change the "1" to represent the crosshair you want displayed in the Crosshairs.jpg
// Remember, each resolution behaves differently, if your crosshair is skewed, not centered,
// you will have to play around with the "xpos", "ypos", "wide" and "tall" values.
// There are no fixed numbers for this
"fgcolor" "255 255 255 255"
// You can insert an RGB code here instead of the "White"
// R G B Transparency = color
// "255 255 255 255" = White
// "255 255 0 255 = Yellow
// "145 225 25 255" = Green
// If you change this, remember to change the same value in HudAnimations_tf.txt
// Otherwise the crosshair will change back to the default white color after
// flashing upon giving damage.