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Last Posted October 17, 2023 at 10:10 PM
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#16 tf2 pro mod in TF2 General Discussion

I feel like u can change a lot of the bad stuff through server plugins. I know tempus has quite a neat plugin made by larry that prevents most ramp bugs. Not familiar enough to know if plugins can stop rockets on teammates and other gameplay issues.

Also im not sure what would happen to the servers if running all of these plugins.

posted about 6 years ago
#408 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic

perfect example of how coming out about these things is difficult:

* [D|Dame III] iTac : time to up my hellbent flame
* [S|Esquire V] Shunix : shes gunna get false on u
* [D|Dame III] iTac : better not come near tempus unless she wants to cry herself to sleep again
* [D|Dame III] iTac : lets me honest you gonna employ that mess of person...
* [D|Dame III] iTac : be*
this was in a public server. false is my boyfriend for those confused here

from a tt member: "idk you cant take mireal seriously tbh
like i dont even like mireal, nor do i ever talk to him
but that reply was just written so humorously"

also hearing things about tt spouting 'mireal army'

despite all these things I am glad i said something. i know many others experience shit like this so i encourage you to step up. sure u may get some more hate but it's worth it to bring things like this to light

posted about 6 years ago
#2 Gaming Research Survey in Off Topic

good luck with your research!

posted about 6 years ago
#356 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic
DiscordI honestly feel like a lot of this could be prevented if people just spoke up when harassment happened, I've been in so many lobbies and pugs where stuff like this happened and if even 1-2 people spoke up for them it would be prevented, don't be scared of what other people think and help better the community.

a lot of times speaking up means putting yourself in a situation to receive even more hate

maelstrahmUnfortunately that will never end so it's just a smarter decision to grow a thicker skin and ignore it

telling ppl to grow thicker is invalidating their feelings and defends discrimination

posted about 6 years ago
#344 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic
taggI deal with this shit on a constant basis outside of the community And when the people I thought were my friends. Sat around and laughed when Bdonski texted them, called his cab driver a nigger, passed the phone around & then stared at me in silence. The last shreds that kept me feeling like I had a place in this community that I was trying to hold tightly onto were shredded up

it's actually insane that i havent seen this post ( http://www.teamfortress.tv/16106/rip-tagg#21 ) until today. At the time I was not paying attention to tftv at all, yet i literally heard NOTHING about this. Bdonski streamed a couple days ago and everyone was excited including me.. pretty wild how things slip by

posted about 6 years ago
#309 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic
MirealHellbent Hell, one of the most transphobic people in this community, mireal, has 3 jump maps named after him.
Hellbent, I am not sure who you are but I assure you I am NOT transphobic. The word "phobia" implies that my fear of your kind is irrational, which we all know is not the case. I have watched in silence as your kind has infiltrated all that I hold close to my heart; tf2 jump; my local golf club, and Sainsburys, but with your direct attempt at defamation towards me I feel inclined to strike back. Be warned, the Mireal Army does not take prisoners.

you and your friends posted transphobic things in the looking threads of nearly every trans person, with most of you getting banned. im sorry but 'my kind' is pretty fed up with that

EDIT: guess mods are cleaning up :)

posted about 6 years ago
#303 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic

Probably a bit late in the thread to post this, but I think not a lot of people would see it if I posted it to twitter. Probably not gunna surprise anyone

after i started transitioning:
- was harassed in my own stream by an army of alts. I don't know who any of them are but I am certain are from tf2 since that's all im known for
- branslam constantly berating me in jump servers, being transphobic and calling me trash at the game (idc about the latter)
- after i blocked and muted him, he changed his name to translam for some number of weeks
- called a tranny by so many ppl i cant count, most adding a 'kill yourself'.
- Cody and Akemi being transphobic to me in faceit, both got banned
- multiple ppl from the -tt circlejerk being openly transphobic to me
- close friends refusing to refrain from using the word tranny despite me constantly telling them to stop. one of them said that he doesnt consider it a slur because it 'sounds cute'. caused me to just leave that circlejerk despite having many good friends
- incredibly creepy and unwanted attention from some, mainly crypt and someone else from jump who i dont want to name
- not trans related, but ive been told to kill myself by itac for making a jump map
All these people I am name dropping are repeat offenders that show no signs of stopping their behaviour. I have some friends now that used to be awful towards me but have changed. I think that's important; there's always time to change your behaviour; youre not locked in to being a bigot.

The reason I stopped playing 6s and am VERY close to just leaving this game altogether is that it depresses, infuriates and frustrates me. A good amount is how 6s has changed over the years, but mainly because it reminds me of all these people, and how nearly none of them received any consequences over what they said. Most are in positions of power, and so I cannot really do anything about it. Hell, one of the most transphobic people in this community, mireal, has 3 jump maps named after him.

I don't really know what to do about it if I could even do anything. Ban players? Change those map names? That would help me personally but it isn't something that's going to happen. The most salient memories i have of this game are awful.. but i still love playing whenever i block myself off to these memories.

I've avoided posting something like this because I was an awful person too when I played. I've said shit that still haunts me and I feel that it invalidates everything that I just said, like I deserve it in one way or another.

Also, 'have thicker skin' is just an excuse sociopaths use to discredit the notion of empathy (paraphrasing from John Cleese here)

posted about 6 years ago
#84 $100,000,000 for fortnite esports in Esports

im happy for fortnite and those who enjoy it i just really cannot understand why this is happening. I understand there's dev support and all that jazz, but fortnite and all these new massively popular shooters are ass to play and watch imo

i am, and prob a decent amount of ppl in this thread are, extremely out of touch

probably time for me to switch genre and be young again x.x

posted about 6 years ago
#14 trip lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 6 years ago
#15 happy canada day from exile! in World Events

happy canada day! <3 exile

posted about 6 years ago
#40 Can someone explain the benefits of playing ESEA? in TF2 General Discussion

you may laugh but it has a lot to do with money. At the highest level you do get a good chunk of change, especially so given that it's usually young people who dont really work that get a slice of it. Without that there is less incentive to win. Once top players stop getting competitive/quit then the game is truly dead imo.
there is also prestige, but i see that a majority of players playing dont even remember what ESEA LANs where like.

the best alternate scenario is to get a more community run league like etf2l and have a crowd funded prize pool, but this a lot worse than ESEA; having people fight over $6000+ vs. like 100 keys max or smth. No other company is going to offer a league for this game, at least one that is suitable for tf2 (tf2pl will not be)

so the long and short of it is that there is nothing else that will be as good. ESEA blows ass but honestly we're lucky we still have it at this point

posted about 6 years ago
#257 faceit is killing na tf2 pugs in TF2 General Discussion
brycei dont understand how constantly changing pug services will solve the problem. there is finally a chance for a big company to come in with a pugging service and they're willing to listen to feedback and now you want to bait?WackyfireballIsn't there invite pugs?Walrexfriendly reminder that pugchamp isnt so fun for the boys getting fatkidded for hours on endb4nnyAttempting to further fracture the community is what will actually do harm.shenaniganYou don't have to agree with me but if you want pure invite pugs then why not just organize scrims instead of clogging other pug servicesTino_"Things would be better for the game if everyone just agreed with me because I am right"
Literally a quote from banny.
b4nnyIt's true though.b4nnyYou're rejoicing over steps backwards.MenachemIf developers see there is a dedicated audience for a certain type of game, they'll want to make stuff for that audience.TwiiKuuI highly think that ditching the shitshow that is ESEA would be a grand idea, with the added benefits of having a centralized competitive platform.vulcThe amount of Alts in faceit is actually disgusting lmfao. Alfa and his egf have been queueing in beginner for the past week and still haven’t been bannedSpyromancer

ow my head

posted about 6 years ago
#6338 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 6 years ago
#48 faceit is killing na tf2 pugs in TF2 General Discussion

i was on my way out anyways but i did like playing pugs until faceit came around
i just want to get on and play what i want to play, and there is no way to do that anymore. even in inhouses i gotta fight to play the class i want to play

playing in esea again was fun until i realized there is no good way to practice thx to faceit
this pretty much just made me stop playing 6s altogether

posted about 6 years ago
#144 ESEA Season 28 Intermediate Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
n3mekdeddyive never one heard anyone on my team say that b4nny or faceit were killing tf2, infact a few players on my team still actively play faceit. its like you've never spoke to hellbent lmfao....

I do think they are killing tf2, and so are you by sandbagging/being a raging egotistical asshole and so am i for throwing. although, i wouldnt have thrown if your sorry asses played invite where u belong. plus annoying you is hilarious, seeing you try to put ppl down that no longer care

if youre staying in IM for the money that's the most selfish shit there is, but i dont think that's why. seems to me youre too scared to play invite as youll learn just how much of a legend you arent. go ahead and prove me wrong. maybe the game will die a little slower for it too, since you seem to care so much about that

posted about 6 years ago
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