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SteamID64 | 76561198046182112 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:85916384] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:42958192 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | April 6, 2013 |
Last Posted | September 13, 2017 at 11:17 PM |
Posts | 482 (0.1 per day) |
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frknKalkinalcoholthisit goes like this0 drinks: I'm shit1 drink : Im almost not complete shit2 drinks: I'm decent3 drinks: I'm pretty good4 drinks: I'm decent5 drinks: I'm almost not complete shit6 drinks: I'm shit7 drinks: I'm really shit8 drinks: what is ubr?9 drinks: is this dota 2???
10 drinks: zzzzzzzz
Math = Fun = Girls ;)
Very satisfied! With the finale and the show itself!!! :)
man, I get sad when I see any show end :( lol, I'll have to buy the series!
got to try it out
no but I did watch the Grizzlies take the lead!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
but Parks and Rec is a good show which hopefully will continue for a few more seasons!
Anyone keeping up with the office?
Anyone sad there is only a few episodes left :(
Bubba finally a good map list... :DMaybe ESEA will be as good!
they forgot gravelpit!
edit: (trollololol :P lol)
i said I wasn't going to talk about it here, I don't plan to preach or anything or ofend anyone, sorry if my post did(if it did i dont mind erasing it) but if you have questions I don't mind answering them, add me on steam :)
I understand the whole using smoke to relax you and take away stress but speaking from experience we shouldn't go to that, it won't lead is into any good. If you need a way out, I can help you, I know a really good way, His name is Jesus :) (if you want more info don't hesitate to add me on steam :)) -fyi, won't mention it again, so don't troll this message please
bump, just cuz i love takis :)
Disregarding all the drama, S14 will turn out into a good race!