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Signed Up March 1, 2014
Last Posted March 28, 2016 at 12:07 PM
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#87 Ok actually real 5000th thread now in Off Topic

Do we really get toucans when posting? mana and enigma pls

edit: rip, we don't, stop lying guys

posted about 10 years ago
#4 ETF2L Premiership Qualifiers: CPLAY.Tt vs. Team Colonslash vs. LEGO in Events

Who would want to actually get Sideshow to cast their games, seriously

posted about 10 years ago
#824 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
KanecoHerganKanecoI want to disable completely the healing targetID (when medic's healing me), the control points and the map/round timer, any help?
CSecondaryTargetID.res (or something similar) in hudlayout, HudControlPointIcons again in hudlayout.res and HudObjectiveStatus in resource
Do I just remove them or change any pos to 99999?
Because I removed the healing target file I think and now the game is using the default hud healing target

The healing target uses the standard TargetID file, so change ypos for everything to 9999 or something ridiculous (xpos won't work since you can't move targetids with it)

posted about 10 years ago
#16 I got VAC banned and it was a mistake in Q/A Help
CatgroovenopeCatgroove, what have you installed that's out of the ordinary, if anything? Any mods? Any dlls?
huds, that's all I've downloaded related to tf2.
Doug So, if I was in your place, the ban will probably disappear in a couple of days but it wouldn't hurt to contact Vitaliy.

Good luck.
thanks I'll definitely contact him.
brownymasterExpect an unban in about a week if you really didn't hack and don't have a virus (viruses can inject themselves into running programs and could cause an irreversible VAC ban).I'm pretty sure I dont have a viruses, so this is good to hear.

Thanks for the help guys :)

If you run a virus scan only with antivirus, do one with MBAM too, maybe it'll find something

posted about 10 years ago
#822 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

***double post im sorry***

posted about 10 years ago
#821 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
KanecoI want to disable completely the healing targetID (when medic's healing me), the control points and the map/round timer, any help?

CSecondaryTargetID.res (or something similar) in hudlayout, HudControlPointIcons again in hudlayout.res and HudObjectiveStatus in resource


how about this? the only way to select a character is to hover over it, and then the character will appear.

That's my hud, am I right? If yes, I wasn't able to fix it, not sure why

posted about 10 years ago
#22 Team Fortress 2 Open Source in Projects
404UserNotFoundTechDudeI don't feel like going back to the world where rocket explosions were square, crits couldn't be turned off, multicore rendering often crashed the game, scout double jumps looked like shite and you could change interp while you were alive to abuse headshots.
But we already can turn off crits, multicore rendering doesn't crash the game considering we're on the same engine as live TF2, scout double jumps can be fixed by just using the live tf2 animations (which nobody wants right now).

All the other exploit-related stuff, we're working on. We have several coders (including the former Oracle Mexico and ex-Microsoft coder, and the original coder/project leader) who can easily patch things.

EDIT: Forgot, we're also doing stuff Valve has never done, and fixing stuff Valve has never fixed. One of the things I'm excited about is the inclusion of player models with fixed hitboxes that aren't a hundred friggin' feet wide.

Can you fix invisible players in it? :o

posted about 10 years ago
#118 TF2 update for 1/27/15 in TF2 General Discussion
marqueeIf using a viewmodel command out for the games capacity is bad now, then why don't they just add a remove tracers command like they did in csgo? Seems like that would be a logical next step, and it dosen't look like it would be that hard to implement unless i'm missing something.

Don't forget that CS:GO and TF2 are developed by different teams, so TF Team might now know how to remove the tracers (pretty unlikely tho)

posted about 10 years ago
#472 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization
b4stianI can quickly update Hudas if you guys want to, what updates did they miss?

Fix TargetID for those guys that use floating health

posted about 10 years ago
#809 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
ShooshThis has probably been asked before but how do I add a server time left timer to my hud? Instead of just the round timer. I've tried this thread: http://teamfortress.tv/thread/11019/?page=1

but all the links have 404'd so any help is appreciated

Look here, it's somewhere at the bottom of the file, add it to your hud files

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Fixing Bball Sound? in Q/A Help

It doesn't only affects demos, it does it in-game too

posted about 10 years ago
#3509 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
jonazHerganthe in-game hud looks a lot like yahud-c (futura one)
Well yeah, captain obvious...

Why so rude? There's no need for that

posted about 10 years ago
#3 ETF2L Season 20 Fundraiser Announced in News

Adm, there's an Edit button if you didn't noticed

posted about 10 years ago
#801 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
ninjajiroSo I have another problem, I'm trying to move the freeze panel health below the health cross, but as you can see here, it's overlapping.

I tried changing the wide and tall values in "FreezePanelKillerHealth", but nothing changed.
Any help?

EDIT: still need help! The main problem is that the panel is not wide enough, but I don't know what to edit!

resource/ui/freezepanel_basic.res, change FreezePanelHealth

posted about 10 years ago
#3 ETF2L Showmatch: Reason Gaming vs. Ze Knutsson Rollerbladers in Events


rip sheepy

posted about 10 years ago
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