HedoKingogluBucakeif that's not a troll then i give up
Claiming that I am trolling doesn't instantly make my arguements wrong.
If you're just gonna spout bullshit without backing it up then I don't see why people should waste their time refuting it.
I originally intended to feel a bit smart by picking your 'arguments' apart and pointing at the historical view on marriage in the United - and mostly how fluid it's been, from interracial marriages to the reasons that people marry - but honestly I'm not gonna waste time on it.
Your arguments summed up are basically "It's abnormal!" "It's a break against tradition!" "Straight parents love their children because they have to, gay parents only love their children because they can" I'm actually gonna take a break here because I simply can't get over how stupid this is as an argument or even as a claim: it can either be read as paedo accusations (if that's what you're going for: Shame on you) or simply as "Gay people love their children" and then trying to argue that it is a bad thing. Besides the argument about 'biological reasons' simply doesn't hold true: The reality of the world is that there are parents out there that hate their kids. There are parents out there that are simply indifferent to their kids. And there are parents out there that love their kids. Some parents move through all of these states - god knows I was a hard kid to love with all the shit I pulled on my mother - and some parents only stay in one. I shouldn't have to argue with you on this simply because I can't fathom you living a life so sheltered that you've never seen the effects of a bad parent or just some bad parenting (and if you can say that you never have, in real life or digital, seen this then feel free to take a visit over at r/raisedbynarcissists and realise how small the world you live in are and how grateful you should be that you've only seen love around you and how shameful it must be that this love has inside you turned into disgust of the ones that haven't).
Anecdotally I can only claim to have seen loving gay parents, or more generally parents that have adopted, simply because they had to take the time to plan for it and set aside their own lives in the process of claiming responsibility for another. This is not to say that there aren't adoptive parents that simply weren't suited for the task but I'd wager that they are few and farer between than the 'accidental' kids of straight relationships (and as a fellow accident I can assure you that they too can be treated with love growing up, although they tend to put more strain on the parents' relationship).
Moving on to your last point: That straight families simply are stronger & that gay families aren't as committed to their children & that they are more inclined to breaking up & that all of this is due to 'biological reasons' of the hormones of the mother and the stereotypical responsibility and the sterness of the father. And all of this is just so, so blatantly false. I mean, I could go out and dig up some great articles on this (one posted in a peer-reviewed magazine last week that I for the life of me can't remember the name of but that simply said that there isn't less stability in a gay parenthood than in a straigh one) but I feel like a cherry picked article from my side won't make you suddenly change your position on this. I hope that it might have sowed a couple of seeds of discord but I won't put my hope further than that. And even if you don't find it in you one day to love the people around you, despite whatever life or background they might have, I hope that you'll one day at least accept them and teach your children to do the same. For me the path of acceptance and tolerance, both for myself and others around the world, took both time and effort, and some great minds challenging me, simply because I was born and raised in one of the straight homes that you seem to value so much.
Heh, I started out writing this while being pretty mad and now I just feel solemn. Guess it's time to hit the shower for me.
Also dollarlayer: How is marrying someone you don't love just for the benefits not the single most american thing possible?