Account Details
SteamID64 76561198041335138
SteamID3 [U:1:81069410]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:40534705
Country Switzerland
Signed Up January 29, 2021
Last Posted November 5, 2022 at 10:01 PM
Posts 26 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.2
Windows Sensitivity 8
Raw Input 1
1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Keyboard Logitech G213 Prodigy
Mousepad Steelseries
Headphones Sony Dynamic Stereo Headphones MDR-7506
Monitor ASUS
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#27 RGL S10 IM/AM/NC Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
brodymeanwhile hex is restricting rmx off soldier in IM

rmx is playing AM in the cup & main in the season of 6s
when did I restrict him?

posted about 2 years ago
#15 heks LFT season 10 (main/adv Medic) in Recruitment (looking for team)

LFT again, willing to sub for a team I could learn from c:

posted about 2 years ago
#30 EnzoDB LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 2 years ago
#20 loafe in Recruitment (looking for team)

silly lil guy
likes math rock

posted about 2 years ago
#44 fighting game players? in Other Games

I like strive & +R a lot. used to be a melee player, but i'm not as into it anymore. I also really wanted to try & get back into darkstalkers but idk if there's even a scene at all. would be down to play 3rd strike or sf 2 turbo/regular also

posted about 2 years ago
#9 heks LFT season 10 (main/adv Medic) in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 2 years ago
#1 heks LFT season 10 (main/adv Medic) in Recruitment (looking for team)

you may know me as the team leader of bombing balcony

I am looking for a team serious about improving in either Main or Advanced. I still need to work on some things to be on the skill level of advanced, but I think that I'm capable if given an environment that cares about improvement just as much.

thanks for reading & I hope to meet some new people <3

rgl: https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198041335138&r=40
steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/kritztheory/
discord: faith#2740

posted about 2 years ago
#7 MarioManz LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Brutally honest opinion/feedback of Mario; read all of this or read none of it.

I've played on pre-season teams with Mario about three times now, while he played diff classes, so I think I have a voice to judge
Mario isn't a bad player by any means, I think he has a lot of passion about the ideas of improvement, and he wants something to show off. I don't think this is an uncommon goal from most players, so I think he should be able to find a team with similar ideals & he can match up with.

I want to start off by saying, I don't think Mario is ready for anything above low-Main. Is there potential for that to change? Sure. But I think Mario oversteps a lot of his own expectations because "I've been playing the game so long", which, in my opinion, isn't necessarily true or even important. I think patience is his biggest weakness, and mostly patience for himself.
His DM is fine, but I find that when he even has a bad moment in a game, it can skew his self-perception if his team is not winning. Winning is priority above all, not necessarily improvement all the time.
I think his maincalling capability is there, but I think he needs to demo review more often. I know a lot of times he'll make jokes about having an ego, but sometimes I feel like it's questionable just how true of a joke that is. He'll have moments, or talk about teams, in that tonality, which, is something that can be improved upon just by surrounding & embracing a new environment change (not to blame -rep, but some of y'all def do not help his perception LOL)

Tl;Dr of this bit, he's a capable player but doesn't work his hardest always to achieve his goal, and sometimes gets skewed off-path because he's too focused on the end result rather than the now moments.

But on the bright side of things,

I find Mario to be a generally fun dude to be around, mainly when we're outside of competitive environments, which already indicates to me that he is capable of improvement inside that environment.
He has a competitive drive, so I think that if he wants to be deserving of playing on a playoffs-Main or any advanced team, he is visibly capable. It's just a matter of having an environment patient enough for him, and him being patient enough for himself.

In conclusion,
As a former TL of Mario, and as someone who's played on one of his theory-teams, do I believe he deserves to be Advanced? Not yet. Do I think he should be Main? Maybe, but expect him to improve throughout the season, not going in as a main player, but coming out as one.
He's not a bad pickup, by any means, but make sure he is working as hard as you expect him to, and be patient with his progression, as long as he shows he's working his best.

posted about 2 years ago
#58 sens check in Customization

been running it since OW in 2017, never changed it :p

posted about 3 years ago
#1 BerryHUD in Customization


hi, I posted a more incomplete/unfinished version of my hud awhile ago; here's the release version
made primarily for competitive 6s, this HUD is my attempt to optimize & clear up everything for competitive play, and keep the most important info accessible!

review me, tell me what I did right/wrong, if you want a personalization/customization, I can try that too :)




More screenshots

posted about 3 years ago
#9 looking for feedback on custom HUD in Customization

updated the screenshot album!

posted about 3 years ago
#8 looking for feedback on custom HUD in Customization
LukAEman when i see that "combo", "flank" and "pick" on class selection i hope this hud gets finished

I think you mean this in a good way LOL
I have the beta version up on github, I don't mind sharing it here, but I update it extremely frequently lol

posted about 3 years ago
#7 looking for feedback on custom HUD in Customization
doikuLooks good, I love the match hud and health

Changes I would personally make if I used this hud:
Show Content
- Update the healer's health to change color's during buff/ hurt sorta like this


- Update ubercharge number to change color during ubers sorta like this


- Make the 3d playermodel smaller because it seems distracting/ obstructs your view. Also iirc the model makes u drop fps so a bigger one might not help

- Not sure what the six is for over here. I'm guessing it's last damage taken. The different font makes it look a bit odd and I would change the position lower/above the health. Also adding a shadow to the number is always welcome


- Personally not a huge fan of killstreak counters being in the middle. I usually turn them off or put them to the side

Good luck :)

Also if you could upload screenshots of what the ammo/ low ammo, buffed/hurt health, scoreboard, effect meters (banners, stickies) looks like, that would be epic

So ironically, I made almost all of these changes since the original screenshots; I'm just dumb & didn't realize all of these weren't updated LOL
I can for sure give the updated version, the Über & health overheal + lethal HP both do have animations; I will try to make gifs to show them off as well.

I will also take the screenshots you recommended - thank you sm for the feedback!!

P.S. I also forgot; the '6' was for the uber counter, which I actually took out, as I felt it was unnecessary

posted about 3 years ago
#1 looking for feedback on custom HUD in Customization

I've been working on a HUD project for a couple months now, and I've been pretty active about showing it off to the public, but before I create a 'full release', I want more opinions on what I can change, fix, or just make look nicer overall

screenshot album: https://imgur.com/a/ldt9NXv
did I miss something you're specifically interested in? let me know & I'll add it in asap c:

this HUD was essentially me putting together elements I've found all around, modifying them to my liking, and creating it into my own custom thing. it's made for competitive, so nothing MVM or any of that has really been changed afaik.

thanks in advance for feedback :)

posted about 3 years ago
#23 MILKIES arrive to Invite in News

pop off gwen!!!

posted about 3 years ago
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