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SteamID64 76561198011811223
SteamID3 [U:1:51545495]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:25772747
Country United States
Signed Up August 8, 2015
Last Posted December 6, 2017 at 2:49 PM
Posts 294 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity I
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Mouse Corsair M65 RGB
Keyboard Corsair K95 RGB - Browns
Mousepad Corsair MM300 extended
Headphones Razer Kraken 7.1
Monitor Nixeus 24 - 144 hz, BenQ GW2765HT 1440p
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#47 AMA toasterbr0 in The Dumpster

I liked this AMA better before he started answering questions.

posted about 7 years ago
#28 Last Thread in TF2 General Discussion

An inconvenient truth about TF2

Ever watched a Pro TF2 game and felt like you could do that too?

Well you just might be able to.

Hi, I'm -nobody- and i have investigated the so called "Pro" Scene for over 10 years now and i would like to share with you some pretty explosive information. In short: "Pro" players as you think of them, actually dont exist at all.
I know what you think: Who is this guy and what is he talking about? Well i'm talking about the biggest consipracy to hit "E-Sports" until now. But hear me out!

I have analyzed over 2000 "Pro" matches, have recorded the dats and compiled it to create a perfect, objective picture of the average "Pro" and his capabilities. I will show you the raw data here before we proceed:
av. time to kill opp.: 0.6 sec. median density of brain.: 342 g/m^3 median aim accuracy @ 100 pix. per sec.: 12.8 pix. av. hitratio per round: 0.6/1.0

Now these numbers may not mean much to you, but they only gain meaning once you compare these skill based stats to normal players like you and me. What i have found out has shocked me deeply as it will you:
The average "Pro" is at the skill level of a normal UGC Silver Player! (EU-region only)
Therefore we can follow that all the socalled "Pro" Players are performers probably recruited from MM ranks Problem Solver-Executioner and are actually quite low skilled and made it by paying people to "throw" for your entertainment. (From this point on I shall refer to "pro" players as performers for reasons made obvious in the last paragrahp alone.) But i didnt stop there. I took a special look at the so called Star players and the developement of their performance over time. I found that thier team's performance took a sudden rise once items mysteriously disappear from their backpacks. Now as a TF2 Veteran that has done his fair share opservations i concluded that more and more performers have infiltrated the scene. Most likely Valve is giving certain performers incentives in the form of unusuals and australium weapons. Why wont Valve support competitive TF2? Because they already are. This confirms that Valve is in on this and maybe even at the center of this conspiracy.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Last Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Stardew Valley is a great game

posted about 7 years ago
#22 If the competitive tf2 community was a video game in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#31 gunboats better than shotgun? in TF2 General Discussion
FUNKethe real question, panic attack or mantreads?

Umm, Righteous Bison? Goodness these "Youtubers" know nothing about TF2.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 edubble in Music, Movies, TV

Holy shit. I don't know why but this kinda hit me like a dump truck. A childhood memory of mine is dead? That's surreal.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 AMA toasterbr0 in The Dumpster

I don't know anything about you but this AMA is making me a little hot and I think I have a half chub.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 gunboats better than shotgun? in TF2 General Discussion

Shotgun is for patriots who want to put out big damage. Gunboats are for weak commies. Stars and Stripes beats Hammer and Sickle. Look it up!

posted about 7 years ago
#20 Call for Insomnia 61 Community Signatures in TF2 General Discussion

Hello Mr. Valve,

This is the competitive Team Fortress 2 community. We have an idea that, with a little support from you, would help make our small passionate scene financially viable for as long as people are interested in the game. It also has the added benefit of making you and your team metric boatloads of money. Please consider adding revenue share items into Team Fortress 2.

Concerned 6s scrub

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Call for Insomnia 61 Community Signatures in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#10 Call for Insomnia 61 Community Signatures in TF2 General Discussion
HiipFiregemmwho the fuck would buy my signature
posted about 8 years ago
#4 what is your guys' ranking? in The Dumpster

I'd say I'm a solid 5/10. I keep a clean shave and a nice haircut, but I could probably lose 5 pounds and my teeth aren't completely straight. Also I walk like duck so maybe I'm more a 4 or 3.

posted about 8 years ago
#17 What should I put on my conscious objector in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#5 last day of club penguin in Off Topic

It's the last day to get banned for spreading neo-nazi propaganda across the north pole :'( a sad day indeed

posted about 8 years ago
#28 Is this what we are teaching kids nowadays? in The Dumpster


posted about 8 years ago
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