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Last Posted November 16, 2018 at 6:09 AM
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1 2 3 4 5 ⋅⋅ 37
#2 Essentials.TF Monthly Cup for August 2018 in TF2 General Discussion

so wait on what days will this cup take place

and no prizepool?

posted about 6 years ago
#6 Old map cup in TF2 General Discussion

turbine and gravelpit

posted about 6 years ago
#39 The New ETF2L WEBSITE SUCKS in TF2 General Discussion
DuMmTmwiethoofd helped them implement a "tomorrows matches" tab next to the "todays matches" one, actually the best thing to happen to etf2l since banning the vaccinator

I was kind of hoping that I could see all the matches for any given date, but I guess this is a step forward at least

posted about 6 years ago
#9 The New ETF2L WEBSITE SUCKS in TF2 General Discussion

when are they updating the recruitment section to actually reflect the divs we have now, or actually making the prem playoff bracket work properly instead of just embedding a toornament bracket

posted about 6 years ago
#7 lfp open in Recruitment (looking for players)

good team, good people, try out for them, they will pound and i will not be around to kill the team this time

im gonna sit at the sidelines cheering them on!!

posted about 6 years ago
#6 EssentialsTF July NA Monthly Announcement in TF2 General Discussion


cup’s this weekend

posted about 6 years ago
#66 EssentialsTF July EU Monthly Announcement in TF2 General Discussion
Muukiwhy would you try to attract low level teams (low commitment teams) to play 6 hours on a saturday?? and what does it add for 1) essentials to get more low level players playing since every low level player thats not playing is one less viewer for the stream as well (because most tf2 players are the same people that watch the streams)
2) for the low level players when they get matched against all the high level teams for the first 2 rounds and just get 5-0 shitstomped

1)The more teams in the cup means more potential opportunities for better sponsorships since the cups are bigger and attracting more people, the viewership is a minor downside but especially when the cups are on the twitch frontpage it doesn't really matter since most of the viewers will be people that aren't active tf2 players.
Also lots of the people watching streams are people not actively playing in teams or people who no longer play the game at all.
ALSO this cup needs teams and again you're not going to populate a cup with the limited amount of "high level" teams tf2 has (only 15 if you included all current prem and div 1 teams)
2) That's why you need more low level teams to compensate for all the high level teams so only the initial rounds(or none of the rounds if there were enough teams to divide teams into divs)

Also to reiterate, the only reasons these cups aren't even making it to the threshold is the fact that the promotion doesn't reach lower level teams, if it actually reached them we would atleast hit the 14/16 team threshold that both this monthly and the last NA monthly failed to reach.

posted about 6 years ago
#64 EssentialsTF July EU Monthly Announcement in TF2 General Discussion
MuukiIt's about attracting the good teams (me) and we are not attracted to it.

It's not at all about attracting good teams, the Essentials cups need lower level teams to keep the numbers up and they've been failing in that regard, of course they need to accomodate for top players as well, but the biggest problem with these cups and that they have failed to even make it to the 14/16 team threshold that is required to even make these cups happen and you're not going to fill a 16 team cup with only prem/div 1 teams.

posted about 6 years ago
#59 EssentialsTF July EU Monthly Announcement in TF2 General Discussion
MenachemHow did the Beater cup that get more than double the minimum that Essentials needs?

simple explanation, getting promotion on ETF2L got Beater's cup all the mid/low/open teams that Essentials never seems to get. Essentials only seems to get prem/div1 teams and the occasional div2/mid mixes. The most succesful Essentials monthly was the one that B4nny promoted and got a bunch of UGC and ESEA Open teams into, the only time Essentials succeeded with getting lower level teams to sign up.

posted about 6 years ago
#5 "Comedian" Nick Mullen Memorial Thread in Off Topic

fbi finally got a hold of him huh

posted about 6 years ago
#12 Best player of all time from each country in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#34 EssentialsTF July EU Monthly Announcement in TF2 General Discussion

I also dislike that people are not putting more effort into keeping these cups alive, but I don't think the right course of action is to try and shame people into playing them. If people don't want to play, they don't want to play and you should instead focus on getting the demographic of mid/low/open players that essentials is completely missing out on.

posted about 6 years ago
#32 EssentialsTF July EU Monthly Announcement in TF2 General Discussion
Scruff_HiipFireI'm not sure if you contact prem/div 1 teams directly to inform them about these cups yet, but you should

getting >high teams is gonna be a bit trickier outside of adding fucking everybody i dont have much advice
The issue isn't that people don't know about it, the problem is cause it's on a weekend and after scrimming 4+ nights a week before and also people have lives means people don't want to play on a weekend also seven winning everytime means it's not worth it to play most of the time.

of course the timing of the cup isn't ideal and some people in the higher divs might not be too interested in playing in the cup when they have little to no chances of actually winning it, but when beater's map cup got 40+ teams as opposed the essentials monthly getting 18 teams the next week, it seems like essentials is somehow not getting the attention of all the lower level teams that the etf2l cups do reach

posted about 6 years ago
#27 EssentialsTF July EU Monthly Announcement in TF2 General Discussion

I'm not sure if you contact prem/div 1 teams directly to inform them about these cups yet, but you should

getting >high teams is gonna be a bit trickier outside of adding fucking everybody i dont have much advice

posted about 6 years ago
#23 EssentialsTF July EU Monthly Announcement in TF2 General Discussion
gemm"i only heard about this event because i saw one of the advertisement posts. it really should be advertised better"

I mean hey, when most of the tf2 community only discovers that the cup is happening when they see the stream go live on the saturday/sunday, there's clearly an issue with promotion whether you like it or not

posted about 6 years ago
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