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Last Posted April 6, 2023 at 11:47 PM
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#43 wrangler in highlander in TF2 General Discussion
AvastThe comment about shooting the engy is a perfectly viable one. Except for the fact that with a wrangled sentry and a engineer with half decent positioning and teamwork can be very hard to kill. This just highlights the fact that the wrangler makes an already slower comp form slower to play and should just be removed if only for the fact that it unnecessarily slows down the game.

If it takes too much focus and ammo don't focus it, A sentry is a sentry, it isn't all powerful when you get kills unless you totally waste your ammo and position yourself retardly, an example would be trading a demoman for a sentry which most teams think is necessary when you can just focus fire other players and get a numbers advantage and co-ordinate together, as long as you don't group up and eat the same damage all at once from a Demo or Soldier.

My point is Wrangler isn't as strong as you make it out to be, I guess people coming in from 6v6 aren't used to facing it so much. That said I wouldn't particularly care if it was banned anymore than I'd care if anything else was banned.

posted about 12 years ago
#33 What maps did you like this summer? in TF2 General Discussion

I didn't play in the summer season but I watched some of the games and pugged a lot and let me tell you, apart from Crossaint they were all either horribly boring, badly designed or just plain shit to play in and not fun at all.

posted about 12 years ago
#39 wrangler in highlander in TF2 General Discussion

Wow this topic got derailed before I even posted.

And Wrangler honestly isn't that hard to kill, try shooting the 125hp Engineer opposed to the Sentry that can withstand 6 stickies and see what happens.

posted about 12 years ago
#68 ugc highlander rule in TF2 General Discussion
m4risaI remember you bitching to Hildreth because I gained captaincy for Team USA in the ETF2L Highlander Nations Cup. In return, he asked you for proof regarding the incident in Season 3 of UGC; you were unable to give any proof because there wasn't any fvcking proof.

Actually Infinite sent me a PM asking me to explain the admin teams decision, I chose not to reply because I didn't owe him a response, considering he was actually from Canada.

You are thinking of a time before though when ETF2L began a HL league Marisa was watched closely in her games but we knew we'd never get proof of her hacking as she is being watched and made to upload her demos every game of that season.
The thought in my head at the time was "I don't want to let a possible cheater play in my league" so I went to Infinite requesting the said POV demo, I offered to put him in contact with our AC staff and not myself and he responded with two reasons why, I don't post private conversations but the first reason was reasonable, the 2nd didn't make sense, I sent a reply to reassure him and he didn't respond to it.
That created doubts in my mind and a short while after there was a thread on UGC already mentioned created by a UGC admin, it still exists on the Leader forum in UGC and it was as described, an admin making a public poll with videos of a "suspected hacker". My response on the forum was this:

Hildreth;84326Just want to ask what do UGC think they're going to achieve by having one of their admins post a video of a suspected hacker and use a public poll? Is this poll going to influence decision of whether this player is banned? Is the UGC AC team actually looking / requesting any demos of this player?

All this thread does to me is make me doubt the legitimacy of the UGC AC team.

And the response I got from Infinite was condescending as hell:

infinite-;84333Opinions noted. Thank you o'mighty hildreth and xliv for your words of wisdom and encouragement.

Man that's such a bummer we are a joke! I guess that means I need to go contact all of the 32 teams who joined in the last 20 days to tell them to put clown suits on and join us for a joke-tastic-season.

Anyone know any good jokes? I do!!!

Where was the first frenchfry born??

answer= (in greece!)

Now that is generally the main reason I disliked UGC admins, the condescending way they treat community members for making reasonable criticisms. If I had gone on the forum and acted like Harbleu and Marisa have done on this forum, I could understand why they should lock the thread and forum ban them, but by simply providing feedback I get responses like that. I did write to the head UGC admin Fortnaught with lots of evidence supporting my disatisfaction with the way UGC admins behave to their community members and their attitudes have improved greatly over the past 6 months to be fair to them, haven't seen any reason to complain.

No sir, my complaints with UGC are with the AC team and in the past. Now they have removed the invite cap we will see the skill level improve from EVERYONE including the all-HL player teams like Bonus (minus Firefly the dirty no-good Invite), Blunderful and us of course, league has a brighter future in terms of skill level, perhaps platinum should be restricted to a smaller amount of teams but one leap at a time.

posted about 12 years ago
#67 ugc highlander rule in TF2 General Discussion
snakekryptoniteJust want to point out my team seems to be the only one in the top 10 of Platinum (other than bfl) than don't have an invite player on our roster and we could recruit some or form a team with some.

ever heard of bonus?

Bonus tried to get Platinum to play Demo, I don't count them. (Plus firefly is invite, we all know this).

posted about 12 years ago
#37 ugc highlander rule in TF2 General Discussion

It's okay Sal, I thought Marisa was hacking too until I heard things from UGC admins which convinced me otherwise. It is fairly obvious they banned Marisa for no real reason with no real proof, it looks really bad, reminds me of ETF2L AC team when BeaVerN got banned where league admins with little experience were banning people on whims.

But this has nothing to do with the invite rules being removed. Just want to point out my team seems to be the only one in the top 10 of Platinum (other than bfl) than don't have an invite player on our roster and we could recruit some or form a team with some.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 ugc highlander rule in TF2 General Discussion

Invite players? Finally we'll have some decent medics.

posted about 12 years ago
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