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Last Posted April 6, 2023 at 11:47 PM
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#27 RGL is actually a thing... in TF2 General Discussion
I'm not saying it can replace 6v6 in any way, and it shouldn't. It's inherently more flawed than 6v6. However, I feel that pushing it as a highlander replacement is a definite possibility, and one that should be encouraged imo.

Yeah 7 signups, it's really going to replace Highlander as a gamemode.

It might have a chance if Sigafoo actually used existing leagues as a platform for his game, when you only get 7 signups and you got the biggest prizepool in TF2 something is wrong with your format or how you present the format.

I do not get this obsession with non-HL players about "REPLACING" an existing gamemode that people still enjoy. As if it's more important to try and design the perfect gamemode than play with what has been established for years even though both gamemodes are far from perfect in many ways. Valve can turn around tomorrow and present us with a $100k and tell us to play Matchmaking (in it's current and poorly devolved format), top teams who want the money will signup, the community who can't win it won't give a shit because it isn't what is established. They might watch it but they won't play it.

This community will take any scrap it's thrown by Valve and eat it up like a hungry dog. If I won the lottery I am safe in the comfort of knowing I could host a 6v6 Heavy fist fight only cup for $10k and Froyotech will still enter with b4nny doing map talks on how many KGB heavies you run and how many heavies taunt kill from range.

posted about 7 years ago
#25 RGL is actually a thing... in TF2 General Discussion
nitea reminder that 7v7 prolander is literally designed to make engineer playable full time

A bit like another gamemode that has 9 players per team and there are 9 TF2 classes in TF2.......

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Is DeutschLAN 2017 happening? in LAN Discussion
georgebaiiTheMackey5I got told that someone got so drunk that he passed out in the running shower and created massive water damage. Last information I got (which is from quite some time ago tho) is that it's still not paid.
That was Murpheyyy fyi :^)


posted about 7 years ago
#12 UK GE 2017 in World Events

Politically UK will.be unstable for a while, however a weakened Tory government is a victory for social justice. It is interesting times in the UK, the uncertainty sorrounding Brexit and a now minority government will affect this country economically. But this is a great Platform for Corbyn to build on but at 66 years old I doubt by 2022 he will become the new PM, so much can and will happen.

I am glad there is a small victory for morality over economics in this election.

posted about 7 years ago
#48 no froyo @ i61? in TF2 General Discussion
-protoBumFreezethis doesnt need to turn into an eu vs na thing lol, both continents have 1 lan a year and we can keep it like thati agree but you dont think i have a valid argument? na teams have went to europe way more times than the other way around. should we not try to make it fair??

Point of a LAN is for the community to meet up. NA / AU players are a luxury at I-series, the event is better with them but survived without them. Most of the people come go for the social aspect not for the TF2 aspect. The opportunity for the best NA team to play the best 6 EU teams is what this LAN is about, and Rewind gives the best EU team a chance to play the 4 best NA teams. You never see Mid Prem EU teams play Mid Invite NA teams due to logistics.

posted about 7 years ago
#52 tf2 at i61 possible? in TF2 General Discussion

Next question - PC Rentals?!

posted about 7 years ago
#125 ESEA has outlived it's usefulness in TF2 General Discussion
GentlemanJonHildreth... this thread and the discussions around them should stop immediately.A guy gets a little bit of admin power and look at what happens

If you don't think it's wrong for people to categorically state "your TF2 should die so I can enjoy my TF2" is wrong, then I don't want to know you. That's basically what this thread is.

ESEA is good for the the Top players in the same way UGC is good for the newer players, each works to fulfill their purposes, however ESEA's success relies on filtering down to newer players and getting them interested in their league, UGC can survive and has survived exclusively on Highlander or just having newer players. A free community league works for some people, a paid league works for others, you should not be worried how people choose to spend their money as much as you should not be worried about the ambition of players who come from UGC and are comfortable playing UGC only.

It's same argument I have given for years about why Highlander is a good competitive gamemode for inclusiveness (if nothing else) yet people seem to be under the impression that something that works for some people in this community should not exist to facilitate their preferred (and slightly more popular gamemode) and still idiots bring it up.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 tf2 at i61 possible? in TF2 General Discussion
DerfelOh, so now I understand why b4nny and all of comp TF2 are pissed about.

Them delaying is fucking stupid, because teams have a long time to organize crowd funds, in order for them to travel.

It's not even that, people from some countries need Visas to travel, and they have 3 month deadline to pay for it and apply, now LAN is in less than 3 months so some people already paid for a Visa. These things can cost up to £100.

I do not know about the USA entry requirements, but places like Russia are like this. If it's not official, then people are going to lose money because the new Multiplay PR team are so unaware of how important this event is to this community, at the very least if they want to maintain the respect of the TF2 community, they should announce bad news VERY early.

posted about 7 years ago
#121 ESEA has outlived it's usefulness in TF2 General Discussion
GentlemanJonStarry_NebulaeOk wow I never knew that Europe only had one league ever... EU has had several leagues (including ESEA), they all fell to ETF2L for the main reason that ETF2L doesn't have a buggy shit client that fucks with your PC (sometimes in merely annoying ways, sometimes in illegal ways) and it's free. There have been various schisms, unlocks arguments, etc and they've spread across competing leagues. ETF2L's unchallenged dominance is a relatively recent development.

ETF2L was also started very, very quickly after TF2 came out, founded by TFC players. They weren't late to market, they were first to market ahead of commercial competition.

Money has never been able to dislodge it permanently. There was some momentum behind the ESEA expansion but... they mined bitcoins and that was that.

Also ETF2L dominates because this is a community game and nothing more. That is the sole reason the game is alive, for profit leagues come and go and ESEA will soon join then unless there is a massive change in mindset from the community. If people want to play in a paid league or a community league that is up to them but the idea we as a community should be pressuring peeople to either withdraw from ESEA or UGC "for the sake of the game" or because they personally have a negative experience in a leagur is completely wrong and this thread and the discussions around them should stop immediately.

posted about 7 years ago
#142 What is the (possible) future for high level tf2? in TF2 General Discussion
Karlinfinite-yea yea first it was redrum, then me, now kumori.. at some point don't you have to ask yourself.. my god, could it be me?
you're the retard who fucked up the s12 hl prize pool by making it credit card donations only and no option for paypal, and before that being a massive asshole to anyone and everyone.

No disputes here

posted about 7 years ago
#138 What is the (possible) future for high level tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

Oh shit Infinite is back!

The only good thing about this game is community, that's all there is. UGC for all its criticism, even from myself over the years is one of the few places that with it's community has kept this game alive competitively, without community leagues this game is dead. ESEA may have given people a place to play to win prizes and go to LANs, but it's had 60 teams for about 5 years, community keeps this game alive, nothing else. It makes me laugh how people think HL or UGC is bad for the game, it's just fucking hilarious how dumb people here are, thinking this game isn't about anything other than about community.

And Kumori doesn't appear to have done any worse than anyone else has in TF2, since UGC is still the biggest league around. All I hear is a couple of "Platinum" players bitch about 2 or 3 controversial unlocks and something about removing Gold. So disagreeing with a whitelist and removing a Tier, and suddenly this person is DRIVING THE LEAGUE INTO THE GROUND? I think you need to explain point by point, exactly what's wrong with Kumori cos I find the hate really hard to understand. When I see videos by people criticizing admin decisions using Nazi's, I think it says everything you need to know about who is winning the argument and who is worth listening to.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 ETF2L S27 W2: BazookaSports vs. Lowpander in Matches

Probably moving this to Wednesday.

posted about 7 years ago
#51 Lowpander default loss ? in TF2 General Discussion

The issue of servers usually can be resolved by an admin and for Ubers part he does lag more on Dutch than German. This is simply a server dispute between teams that could have been resolved by an.admin, I do not think Unexpected were right to demand we play on their server first and not agree to do a Heavy Fist fight but we were all willing to let this go except ubrs. I never met a player so arrogsnt and disrespectful to his own team that he would willingly force his teammates to go through a shit server dispute and tilt us in the process. We all begged him to not make this an issue yet he still refused to join and demanded we got an admin. However what followed is the most bizarre thing I have ever seen in tf2 from a team that is people being so selfish and immature to grant the default win against his teammates wishes. Muuki is still one of.my favourite people in tf2 and will remain a friend, but his behaviour combined with the stubborness of Ubrs have destroyed what was the best, most promising team and otherwise fun experience I ever had in TF2 and destroyed our LAN team.

After this incident rebuilding the team which worked very hard to be in a.positon of potentially establishing ourselves as a top 3 team will be very hard to do. Naturally Funs and Crayon are not pleased with this and I find it hard to rebuild the team.

I never seen such a stupid reasom for a team.to die as this. I know we are not well liked for our playstyle and attitudes towards certain people but this is the biggest joke of all and most pathetic thing I ever witnessed in 8 years of TF2 and leading TF2 teams.

We have not died yet but we will see what we can do.

posted about 7 years ago
#23 Lowpander default loss ? in TF2 General Discussion

I do understand Unexpected's frustration and why they took the opportunity presented to them but it's not as black and white as Adysky makes it out to be. Equally I won't criticise Muuki or Ubrs, Muuki wanted to be the bigger man and give them a (very,very tiny) advantage in server ordering, Ubrs wanted to go through the rules of the league and have them applied by the book out of some crazy Latvian principle which we all went along, When you go down this route you delay the game until a team contacts an admin, we both did but they sided with Unexpected on the strength of what Muuki did. Rest of us never sought a default win, only for an admin to resolve it.

I won't go into too many details but we're disputing this default win, we made a Match Complaint to the admins, it's on them to decide if this stands, we feel the case for the default is unfair but I won't disclose this information as it's not relevant here, only to those making the decision.

Never seen anything like this before in my life, it's very very petty and I won't argue against our own involvement on how petty this issue was. But it's unfair we lose the game when Unexpected were equally as unaccommodating to us as we were to them on this particular issue. In future I'd rather see my team not go through these server disputes again and just play the game, instead of applying every ETF2L rule to the letter of the law, and delay games.

posted about 7 years ago
#548 Fantasy TF2: Let’s do this! in Projects

Judging by the scoring system roamers should be cheap AF. Also am way overpriced, not even I would select myself for that money.

posted about 7 years ago
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