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Last Posted April 6, 2023 at 11:47 PM
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#67 OWL starting today in Esports

LuL Sac ofc football clubs are globalized and commercialized today but that is not why people support their football team. You're making the example as a way of criticizing people for not wanting to follow their "local team" that we should because football is the same when English football clubs all have a heritage and connection with their local communities, sons bring their fathers to games, my Dad got me into football and supporting my team and I don't follow my team because they are successful but because they are my team.

Franchises will never have the same appeal to people from Britain than they will do Americans, even if the London Spitfires won everything I couldn't care less, they have zero connection to my locality, my country. If they want to attract a fanbase based on locality they should tried recruiting at least one British player and made him the face of the team, to me that just seems like a good PR move, because like it or not people connect more to people of the same nationality when they're looking for someone to follow.

And this rhetoric attacking football supporters sounds like you got some issue with the modern workings of football and how supporters act, luckily for me none of it has anything to do with my point so I can dismiss it and sleep well.

posted about 7 years ago
#58 OWL starting today in Esports
sacHildrethgemmgo London Spitfires (don't recognise any of those players but im glad i have a physical location to tie the team to that i am connected to thanks OWL administrators)
Glad to follow my local team (all players are from a country 6000 miles away btw).
Ah yes just like Chelsea and Mann United are running with mostly brits right. better players give better results which in turn boosts the teams prestige and income.

This has nothing to do with OWL but will correct you anyway.

Chelsea and Manchester United like most football teams have a century old history and heritage, they are built around their locxl communities and though their global brand and success has given them a new far reaching audience, the core of their fanbase is geographically built from generation to generation. When these teams formed back in the 1800s up to before TV took English Football to new heights in in the 60s, each team represented their local community with majority of players being local and homegrown from their youth teams, hence the development in the fanbase being focused on locality.

The Premier League was formed in 1992 to better tap into the huge potential for TV rights and increased revenues which in turn led to the global spread of the Premier League. It was not formed for teams to get better results and players and results (English teams pre Premier League era and pre Heysel Disaster ban we very successful in Europe), it was purely financially motivated but as a result over time has attracted better players due to higher wages and also the increased competition.

Even today the core fanbases of Football clubs will be bred from historical following based on locality. British players have less to do with it than long established heritage.

This is why I think the idea of franchises will not be successful if they just take the London team fill it with Koreans and Americans nost of whom probably have no idea what a Spitfire was, they cannot expect people to connect with the team on a geographical scale which was the purpose of setting up the OWL in this manner.



Plus the game is really fucking confusing and shite anyway.

posted about 7 years ago
#37 OWL starting today in Esports
gemmgo London Spitfires (don't recognise any of those players but im glad i have a physical location to tie the team to that i am connected to thanks OWL administrators)

Glad to follow my local team (all players are from a country 6000 miles away btw).

posted about 7 years ago
#38 Lowpander disbands in News
who am i supposed to follow now

Follow your heart Cookye <3

posted about 7 years ago
#85 These People Need to be Stopped. in TF2 General Discussion
LonsforHildrethPeople here will probably go up in arms about this comment, but it's just the internet, if you got any tiny reason for people to start name calling you, they will do it, thick skin is needed - This is the reality of the world, it's full of cunts.
I think that just trowing your arm up and saying "Welp, its the internet, nothing we can do" is going at it the wrong way.

Yup I am saying that, because it's true whether you accept it or not. World is full of cunts, deal with it or post for justice on the internet or ignore it, don't bother me none, either way you won't change human nature.

posted about 7 years ago
#76 These People Need to be Stopped. in TF2 General Discussion
Grenjaboblavenderreally hope none of you are pretending this is new to any of you. trans players have been constantly harassed in this game since it's been launched 10 years ago.
Literally this.

Pretty much anyone who's not generic white male gets harassed in this community constantly.

Everyone gets harassed at some point, people just use gender, race, age, sexuality as further ammunition.

People here will probably go up in arms about this comment, but it's just the internet, if you got any tiny reason for people to start name calling you, they will do it, thick skin is needed - This is the reality of the world, it's full of cunts.

posted about 7 years ago
#35 A public message to ETF2L in TF2 General Discussion

LuL people falling for cheap PR stunts.

This is why Trump was elected.

I still don't understand why Granary isn't in the map pool when Reckoner and Sunshine are, but I hope this is rectified.

posted about 7 years ago
#27 can you have real friends online? in Off Topic

You saying we not friends Cyanic?

posted about 7 years ago
#27 iM NOT RACIST in The Dumpster
ZestyThanks for clearing that up. I can now put you in my list of players who are NOT racist.
If everyone else could post in this thread saying whether they are or aren't racist that would help a lot thanks.

I'm extremely racist.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 if i don't play TF2 for like 5 weeks will get bad? in TF2 General Discussion

Not if you play the game consistently for the next 5 weeks afterwards.

posted about 7 years ago
#118 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

Burgers be gone.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 unbearable freezes/fps drops in Q/A Help

Go offline on steam friends and see if that solves it.

posted about 7 years ago
#107 OH SHIT in TF2 General Discussion
lucrativePeople who say this will do next to nothing for the league are dangerously ignorant and are tunneling on the fact they think this was a move made to attract UGC players when that is likely not even close to the main purpose. Quit being a bunch of forum warriors looking for up frags.

Any step forward is a good step for TF2, small or large. Embrace and support that shit

I will say two things on the subject:

1) Most people are turning this into a "chance to kill UGC" discussion and making it about that, I am merely posting the reality, ESEA may understand their demographic well but I understand competitive TF2 better than any of them having been a part of it for a decade, it will not work.

2) Unlike ESEA, UGC/ETF2L have never forced me to pay for the pleasure of installing malware to damage my computer - Could not care less if this league dies.

Oh and I don't care about upfrags - the respect of this forum is meaningless to me, bullshit needs to be called out whether it's popular opinion or not.

posted about 7 years ago
#106 OH SHIT in TF2 General Discussion
vipercan a ugc admin post here giving us a legitimate reason to keep ugc 6v6 divisions around now?

- they don’t make the league any money
- they don’t draw any new players considering the only people who habitually play ugc 6v6 are hl players and esea players; both of which are doing it for the free medal
- the numbers for ugc 6v6 have dwindled as heavily as esea’s have (ugc used to have iron, steel, silver, gold, and plat 6v6, now it’s just iron, silver and plat afaik)

why not just consolidate 6v6 into one league in north america?

if ugc thinks keeping their 6v6 divisions around will help they’re delusional and are just shooting the whole north american competitive community in the foot

This game is a community game built on communities - you think taking away the only NA community league and forcing people who want to play 6v6 TF2 to pay to play (bear in mind this free entry offer probably only survive one season as well) is going to grow TF2 then you're the one that is delusional, just kill the game quicker.

And also the competitive community is more than ESEA and this forum.

This UGC hate is really weird, it's like people on this forum want to find something to blame for why TF2 isn't an eSport, when everyone knows the real reasons are Valve / Games design and lack of general interest in the game are the reasons.

posted about 7 years ago
#70 OH SHIT in TF2 General Discussion

Level of delusion in this thread is disturbing.

ESEA is still P2P, even if it is less expensive than previously, the very notion of P2P still exists.

Secondly, level of interest in TF2 isn't high enough for this to be anywhere near sustainable beyond one season, best case scenario ESEA gets 20 new teams, downward trend resumes, ESEA would have to keep marketing offers to keep the new level of growth sustainable.

Thirdly I doubt anyone from ESEA actually did any research on what the demographics who play UGC but not ESEA actually want in a league, I don't think the answer is "to be a little less cheaper to play" - When you put community leagues and P2P leagues together in TF2, the only advantage ESEA has is prizes (of which are meaningless to the average newer player) or are counteracted by being by products of something people do not see the need to pay for due to the alternatives (stats, servers, forums etc).

The P2P model doesn't work in TF2, as proven throughout history and when the community is half its size today than it was 5-6 years ago, if anyone truly believes this will have any impact at all then you're extremely deluded. I would love to see P2P leagues being successful in TF2, but this is just some cheap ploy which will not work even if UGC advertised it on their forums or not.

Time to wake up TFTV.

posted about 7 years ago
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