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Last Posted April 6, 2023 at 11:47 PM
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#141 ESEA S16 - Registration extended in TF2 General Discussion

good luck

posted about 11 years ago
#13 college sucks in Off Topic

Thread obviously made by someone who has never worked before.

posted about 11 years ago
#186 i52 in TF2 General Discussion
eXtineIt's my opinion that HRG having to play ESEA LAN with QuickFix, not the one they won to get crowdfunded but the one right before i49, really threw their game off. They had to practice for a month with Quickfix, then they had 4-5 days in between that and i49.

It's not an eXcuse as much as it is as an attempt to eXplain why they didn't play as strong as they could have. WP by Europe I'm not trying to take anything away from their victory, but as a NA community member it was sad to see HRG have to switch between two very different metas in the course of a week. The change was even more significant than going from ESEA whitelist -> Vanilla at i46.

On the contrary I think Broder and Epsilon were better teams - http://www.vanillatf2.org/2013/08/10-reasons-why-europeans-will-dominate-i49/

posted about 11 years ago
#22 I didn't know this about ESEA, did you? in TF2 General Discussion

Pays to be aware of every transaction you make, not noticing it for 4 months is pretty bad, you never know when you're going to be a victim of fraud, if you wait 4 months in that instance it may already be too late.

But yeah ESEA are money grabbing fucks, no matter how good that league is for TF2 I am not giving them another penny.

posted about 11 years ago
#230 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion

Are ESEA giving away free Premium codes?

Are TF2 players who want the league to succeed offering to pay premium and league fees for team's and players?

I don't see people wanting ESEA to succeed really trying to offer any other argument than a "no ESEA competition dies" argument. It'll get worse but well, love of the game will bring most of you back, if you do truly love the game that is.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 look at those muscles in Off Topic

Nobody told me masturbating increased muscle mass.

posted about 11 years ago
#77 ESEA Season 16 in News

I would hate to see ESEA stop supporting TF2 but at the same time I can appreciate why people would not want to play after everything that has happened. I cannot forsee ESEA ever coming back to Europe after the shambles of a first season, I feel like I wasted my time and money in the league.

It's important to note to all the Open players, you get somethigng from entering ESEA, it's a worthless argument to say there is no incentive besides watch a LAN, you get a share of the prizes albeit a smaller one correct? You get all the normal services, it all arrives as one complete package.

However it is really important for invite players to recognise this league has treated it's customers like shit, if they choose to not participate you cannot blame them for not doing it, you'd expect nothing less if you got poor customer service from any organisation. And by picking to play CEVO over ESEA, you're not killing competitive TF2, merely weakening the strength of the scene.

Of course I agree with Platinum's sentiment - Play as much as you can get - CEVO, ESEA, UGC.

posted about 11 years ago
#30 TFTV Highlander Invitational in News

Gentlemen's Club were upset by Electric Temptations:
We have Dead Ringer Storage vs Electric Temptations in the grand final, starting now!

posted about 11 years ago
#20 TFTV Highlander Invitational in News

mTs vs Gentlemen's Club going live NOW - http://teamfortress.tv/streams/view/TeamFortressTV

posted about 11 years ago
#8 TFTV Highlander Invitational -- Preview in News
RyushiActually insulted...

The teenage Admirable is a compliment worthy to gods.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 TFTV Highlander Invitational in News

mTs confirmed - ITS ON!!

posted about 11 years ago
#9 National Michael Cera Day Feb 14 in Off Topic

Or you could ask someone out for Valentines day, if I can get a date so can you son.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 TFTV Highlander Invitational in News
IARENOBODYNo uBs? What if mTs isn't able to show? Are you going to need replacement teams?

Yes uBs are next on the list to be invited if mTs can't make it.

Forgive me Penguinninja.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 UGC-HL Platinum Week 1 Power Rankings and Predictions in News
clorgHildrethclorgAll the top teams consist mostly of invite/main players. Highlander sure has changed a lot since last year
A lot of those rose through the ranks starting in HL, I don't see your point.
Last year there was a 2 invite player limit. Now most teams consist of more than half invite. Also "rose through the ranks" lmao

Fact checking, it is time to utilise this tool to help your cause, because you're way off course. Ginyu Force, Street Hoops - the last two champions, core of their team came from players who played in invite but started in Highlander, perhaps it is time for you to admit this scene has some talent in it.

I love the write up Argo.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 macro help in Off Topic

Take a guess, if you fail you will be corrected and you will learn, like the rest of the world learns.

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 ⋅⋅ 76