The absolute sad thing about this is none of you Americans are daring to dream.
You just say something is impossible and dismiss it based on theories, yet in Europe people continue to make tremendous efforts to attend I-series and community LANs. you have had bigger and bigger LAN events every year, the last one that happened at the start of October had a good turnout, 60+ TF2 players or so? That to me is a LAN scene growing - The I-series actually has Spring/Winter events dying over time but the Summer one remains stronger than ever, and that tournament didn't get good overnight, it went from small scale to large scale over time.
I compared prices of flights around Europe and America, on average it's slightly higher in US, cross country flights from coast to coast are pretty expensive, (£600+) though your closer (couple hundred miles) flights aren't that much more expensive than say, flying from Sweden to Birmingham, UK. I'll admit on average it's at least 20% more expensive, especially long distance.
However extra expense....isn't an excuse to just say "we can't do it, not possible" and compare Europe + US size. IT IS VERY POSSIBLE, it just requires hard work, committment and effort to make it happen and to many people here it feels like no-one is willing to be a Tapley or a Firestorm and make it happen.
The cost shouldn't even be a factor, isn't one of your favourite national movies "Field of Dreams" (or something). The famous quote being "If you build it, they will come" - Start small, like the LAN you had in October, build on it, build on it and start garnering interest for larger prize pools, Invite teams attending and eventually people will want to dish out $1,000 to attend.
And defy, considering the amount of logic Emilio gives you, you're one rude man to insult his intelligence when he makes very good points.