KikiWhile I do understand the problems top players currently have with Pro League, it's sad to hear so many big names giving up on the opportunity it represents.
Changes like the captain priority system and server choice have demonstrated a willingness on the part of the devs to accomodate the complaints people have had, so it seems if the top players are willing to participate, and to meet them half-way, Face It as a platform has alot to offer this community in terms of its dev support, scalable structure, uniting the community, and clear progression through divisions, things that pugchamp can't do by design.
None of those changes would've happened if you hadn't actually engaged with b4nny and the developers. Given that a project like tf2pl requires the whole community's involvement in order to really work, I would've hoped for some more leadership on the part of the Invite players.
I played PugChamp for the first time in months and it was a lot more fun because I could add up as classes I actually wanted to play and I have never been picked for something else. That's the key factor for me, Faceit has some positives for sure and if there is enough interest I might queue for some Advanced games and I don't want to see it die like the cynics but I play in what I think is better experience for me, that's PugChamp.
If it gets better and active I'd go back, I do feel there is a section of the community extremely cynical against the website just because it's associated with b4nny. Like that 12 year old kiddie steam group I got invited to, no thanks.
With that said no invite player is actively obligated to make Faceit work for TF2, I don't even rate them as much of a company having seen their financial performance recently and their management policies (check their financial report for last year if you want a taster), I only see them as a short term partner in the TF2 world.