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Last Posted May 25, 2014 at 1:40 PM
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#10 Port Forwarding Help in Hardware
Cobra447Port forwarding isn't necessary to connect to mumble.

What happens when you try to join the server?
Are you able to ping the murmur server(s)?

I can actually ping the mumble servers. My issue is that when I join a server, I just get disconnected. To clarify the message is just "Disconnected from server"

posted about 10 years ago
#9 Port Forwarding Help in Hardware
brandbrandHipsterI've done all of the necessary steps to port forward Mumble, but I don't know how to find the Global Port Range. If anyone could help me out on how to identify it, it would be greatly appreciated.just so you know, in case you have time warner cable, since twc sucks major asshole, they decided that you cant port forward their routers so, in case you have that shitty company, you cant port forward.

my personal experience,why do i use twc because in the south east, their is only twc and uverse, but, the town i live in is scheduled for google fibers to come next year so its a payoff

I no longer use Time Warner.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Port Forwarding Help in Hardware
BEARTATOMumble should not need port forwarding to work. Are you trying to run a murmur server?
The 'Global Port Range' is not really a real term, its some shitty made up thing your router- a motorola NVG510 I think, calls the port forward range. Anyways, whatever your trying to do, just enter the port that you are trying to forward twice. So if I wanted to forward port 64738(the default mumble port) I would enter 64738-64738.

Next time please try to provide us some idea of what you are trying to accomplish. Your two sentence question was cryptic as fuck and was related to the specific model of router you own.

I'm sorry about the info man. This is a bit weird to understand.

First, I'm not trying to create am murmur server. I'm just trying to join one.
Secondly, you were right about the modem. It's a NVG589.Hereis what is currently entered. As you can see, I've entered 64378 for the port for mumble (it was actually before I even posted this thread.) Nothing has changed.
Thirdly, Changing the QoS was the first thing I had changed. I've reinstalled already and have tried different ports in an attempt to port forward. I haven't been banned/removed from any whitelist on the servers I've tried to join. I've enabled and disabled TCP. My certificate is just fine, so I've done a lot of the basic troubleshooting that I know of for mumble.
I'm not really sure what the problem is. Please respond with some more questions or just ask for more and specific info that you need. I'd really like to figure this out.

And sorry again for the "cryptic as fuck" question. I hope I provided better information. I was really thrown off by the "Global Port Range" because I've just switched to this modem and have never seen that before.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Port Forwarding Help in Hardware

I've done all of the necessary steps to port forward Mumble, but I don't know how to find the Global Port Range. If anyone could help me out on how to identify it, it would be greatly appreciated.

Quote from another post I made on this thread:

First, I'm not trying to create am murmur server. I'm just trying to join one.
Secondly, you were right about the modem. It's a NVG589.Hereis what is currently entered. As you can see, I've entered 64378 for the port for mumble (it was actually before I even posted this thread.) Nothing has changed.
Thirdly, Changing the QoS was the first thing I had changed. I've reinstalled already and have tried different ports in an attempt to port forward. I haven't been banned/removed from any whitelist on the servers I've tried to join. I've enabled and disabled TCP. My certificate is just fine, so I've done a lot of the basic troubleshooting that I know of for mumble.
I'm not really sure what the problem is. Please respond with some more questions or just ask for more and specific info that you need. I'd really like to figure this out.

posted about 10 years ago