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SteamID64 76561198019239614
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Country United Kingdom
Signed Up March 5, 2013
Last Posted October 3, 2021 at 3:46 PM
Posts 193 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.25
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
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1290 x 960
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Mouse Razor Viper Ultimate
Keyboard POK3R RGB
Mousepad Razor Goliath control
Headphones Hyper X
Monitor 240hz BenQ
1 ⋅⋅ 10 11 12 13
#50 No Hats Mod in Customization

**UPDATE** Removed Asia fortress medals

posted about 10 years ago
#47 No Hats Mod in Customization


posted about 10 years ago
#1 Aligning my Crosshair in Customization

I have two screenshots of my crosshair. And I cannot tell which one is central.

In this one the lines on the sniper rifle align on the X and Y of my cross-hair but the dot is off to the left.

In this one the lines are off, but the dot is perfectly aligned with my cross-hair.

Is there a definitive answer or is my resolution (640x480) insufficient to support this crosshair.

Id really appreciate opinions and or advice, Thanks in advance!

posted about 10 years ago
#34 No Hats Mod in Customization


Here is the latest download of the no hats mod. -'04'2014.vpk

In regards to the invisible body parts, Snowshoe is completely right and in order to fix this I would need to work out which hats replace default models and then delete them from the no hats mod. As I am producing this mod mainly for those with FPS issues I will not be doing this. Additionally Snowshoes NoBodygroups fixes this outside of sv_pure.

You get used to Pyro's missing heads in the long run!

posted about 10 years ago
#19 No Hats Mod in Customization

So apparently there is no rest for the wicked... Who knew.

Removed the new thief promos. Enjoy!
is this right?

Yes that is right but you only need the latest version. The less VPK's in your custom folder the less TF2 has to load :D

asianriceguyYeah, that looks right. Does the new update affect this mod? I'm referring to this line:

- Updated sv_pure so client will detect corrupt or modified VPK files

AS far as I am aware VPKs in the custom folder are not the target of this update line as the mod still works in sv pure 2 (just checked). I think it refers to people who were unpacking and editing stock VPK files from other areas in the TF2 directory.

posted about 10 years ago
#14 No Hats Mod in Customization


So apparently there is no rest for the wicked... Who knew.

Removed the new thief promos. Enjoy!

posted about 10 years ago
#8 No Hats Mod in Customization
Duckybut sv_pure 2... :(

As far as I am aware this works in all servers.

MankoIs there a way to just remove unusual effects? That's one of the things that really bothers me and takes some fps from me.

Yes there is. Here is a download There is a known bug that occasionally effects will be visible but restarting TF2 fixes this.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 No Hats Mod in Customization

Blasphemous I know but if FPS is a problem or you find some hats garish and ugly give this a read.

With TF2 becoming increasingly unoptimised, a handful of players (myself included) have had to try and scrape FPS from wherever we can get it, so the nohats mod was a must for me when I started to play more seriously.

Originally created by Tricky_X I have recently started editing it to prevent the thread from dying.

The old steam thread can be found here

And my latest version can always be found here

Springrolls Headsfeet Version removes cosmetics (except pyro heads, demo feet etc)

Installation is easy, the downloaded file is a VPK which goes straight into your custom folder Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\

Then you just boot TF2 and the hats are gone.

So if you are struggling for FPS as valve cram more hats into TF2, give it a try it's not as blasphemous as it first seems.

Useful link-

Total Download count - 26683

posted about 10 years ago
#1334 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 10 years ago
#728 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 11 years ago
#108 Giveaway contest for all-stars! in TF2 General Discussion

37 Frags

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Signed Weapons in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks for the advice! I've sent a friend request on steam, however I'm not sure he will be inclined to accept a friend request from a stranger across the pond.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Signed Weapons in TF2 General Discussion

Is there a good way of asking for one of your weapons to be signed? For a while I have coveted a Rifle signed by Bloodsire and was wondering if there was a best way to go about getting my own? I know there was an auction during the charity live stream but despite donating and watching it, the signed wep auction unfortunately escaped my notice :/

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

posted about 11 years ago
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