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Country Australia
Signed Up December 15, 2013
Last Posted February 16, 2014 at 12:53 AM
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#46 Titanfall BETA coming soon in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#13 Ping Spiking for a Sec in Q/A Help
jewbagelsi have the absolute solution.

u have to delete your tf folder. when u do this u cant play the game, so u have to go to ur steam library, right click tf2, go to properties, go to local files, then verify integrity of game cache.

it will take a while to finish, but it worked for me. i highly recommend u give it a shot.

If the ping spikes only happen in TF2, then this could work. If the spikes happen during any online experience, then another solution is needed.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Ping Spiking for a Sec in Q/A Help
Makatf2ILIKEPIE69You should also update your drivers if you are on windows vista/7 as some of the older driver software have been know to cause packet loss and ping spikes.
oh I have windows 8 does that still have the same problems or are they fixed? also wouldn't that effect other games as well?

I'm not sure for windows 8 problems. Updating drivers and preventing wireless sweeps should stop ping spikes and maybe packet loss because packet loss can be caused by many things (router, ISP etc).
If the problem is only affecting one game then it might be your computer having trouble running the game.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Ping Spiking for a Sec in Q/A Help

On some computers connected to the internet via a wireless connection, the computer will periodically perform a sweep for existing wireless networks. This will create a lag spike every time.
This program will stop the sweeping.

You should also update your drivers if you are on windows vista/7 as some of the older driver software have been know to cause packet loss and ping spikes.

posted about 11 years ago