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Last Posted March 1, 2017 at 7:32 PM
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#17 What are the problems with gpit and other ad maps? in Map Discussion

Would changes to the format itself help at all? I personally like the idea of forcing rounds to be shorter (3-4 max time between point captures) or allowing Red to retake a point to give them a risk-reward scenario, but I certainly don't have any competitive background to vet those ideas.

posted about 8 years ago
#116 Valve Visit in TF2 General Discussion
DreamboatMR_SLINDave Riller
heh, if he worked where I work, his email would be driller. Thats awesome.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 cp_dross (5CP) in Map Discussion

Thanks, this is super helpful! I plan on making some large changes for a2, and this gives me a good idea of what's working and what isn't.

I'll be releasing a1a later today because I forgot to add func_respawnroom/visualizers. Version a1a is out. a2 probably won't happen for a few weeks because of finals.

EDIT: For the curious: B4nny ran around on the map and rambled about it for a bit. (Thanks to Phi for showing me this!)

posted about 9 years ago
#1 cp_dross (5CP) in Map Discussion

5CP map with questionable point designs. Somewhat inspired by a number of 5CP maps (blands, glassworks, metalworks, reckoner, probably some others), though I tried not to pull too heavily from any one in particular. Mid is split into three lanes, 2nd has a big side area, and last has a little raised walkway that I might add to the capture zone if it's not too hard to defend already.

Download (a1a) thread
Screenshots (from a1): Last | Mid | Approaching 2nd | 2nd and side area | Overview

posted about 9 years ago
#3 cp_5pire in Map Discussion

You should look into getting some proper lighting for the map. Not only does your map currently look pretty ugly without shadows, but it will also remove the lighting from every map loaded after this one until the server gets reset (or mat_fullbright gets set back to 0 somehow).

Y'know, apart from the other issues this map has.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 koth_quarry in Map Discussion

Updated to rc3a! It isn't really an rc, but there's been a fair number of adjustments to make the map for fun to comp. Namely:

-revised pickup positions
-changed point-side building a lot
-added stairs, but then removed them
-made mid bridge extend towards point
-added walls on flank area
-added stairs on flank area
-closed roof spawn exit
-more detailing

Screenshot album (16 images)
Download rc3a (.bz2, 12.4 MB)

posted about 11 years ago
#26 ctf_shanty in Map Discussion
kevthere's nothing to really expand on, ctf just doesn't really work in this game

there's no incentive to fight people in this map as soldiers can literally jump across the whole map with ease

medicing on this map is a nightmare
it just isn't fun
i'm sorry for my opinion

Thanks for the clarification. Makes sense, I've had similar issues playing this in pubs even - fights are spaced far apart and aren't fun. Heck, the map might even work as just a 3cp like Whitefrost.

BenroadsMaybe if you had to hold the intel on the point for 4-5 seconds it would make it less have your solly grab intel and dive on point since you cap instantly it does not really matter if you get killed by a sentry/whatever else they have.

Good idea, I'll look into it! Right now I'm trying to make offensive and defensive roles more defined, and this will help.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 ctf_shanty in Map Discussion
kevthis map is bad for 6s

keep it to hl or pubs


Map has been updated to a3. The right entrance/left exit has been closed off in favor of making the map more focused in an already unfocused gamemode. Additionally, the side route of mid has been shrunk by a bit.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 koth_quarry in Map Discussion

if you couldn't figure out from the screenshots that this map isn't badlands then there is no helping you

posted about 11 years ago
#1 koth_quarry in Map Discussion

Quarry is a smaller sized KotH map with unique, height-oriented design. Suspended above a large deathpit, buildings and wood scaffolds provide an intricate arena. In development for over a year and a half, Quarry has proven fun in both casual and competitive games.

Quarry was also the winner of's 3rd 72hr mapping contest, and was also a finalist in's Highlander KotH contest, sponsored by STAR.

DOWNLOAD (koth_quarry_rc3a, 12.4 MB)
(OLD) DOWNLOAD (koth_quarry_rc1, 12.1 MB)


posted about 11 years ago
#18 ctf_shanty in Map Discussion

...right. Download added; not sure how I missed that.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 ctf_shanty in Map Discussion

Shanty is an invade-ctf map, in the same style as ctf_converge. The objective is to deliver a neutral flag into the enemy's base to score points. When the flag gets captured, or gets dropped for longer than 10 seconds, it will return to the center. The flag cannot be picked up again until another 10 seconds have passed. The flag can be immediately picked up after being dropped from an enemy.

Shanty is currently on a3. I imagine that it will run much better on 9v9 than 6v6, due to the size of the map. Feel free to prove me wrong!


Pretty pictures:

Oh, and in case someone was confused: this map is not Badlands.

posted about 11 years ago