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Signed Up July 8, 2016
Last Posted February 28, 2017 at 5:14 PM
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#1 Cannot get into game, HELP. in TF2 General Discussion

So I launch team fortress 2, everything is normal.
or so I thought.
As soon pressed " find game " it would never get into a game, though show how many games were reachable, players searching, etc.
Same with the server browser, it would never actually show any games but rather say no games responding to query, no matter how long it refreshed.
I can view my items from the main menu but as soon as I loaded tr_walkway it spammed my console with the fact it could not find my steam id or something of the sort, and items were off, saying the servers were down.
Things I have tried:
Waiting 2 hours finding a game in hope that the team messed something up and the times were extra long.
Uninstalling and reinstalling TF2
Getting rid of my custom hud and configs.
Powering down my laptop and rebooting
Signed in and out of my Steam Account
Verify game cache

Important things to note:
The occurrence only happened in TF2, cs:go and such worked perfectly normal
I have a windows laptop

This problem has been happening for 2-3 days

Any help?

posted about 8 years ago
#231 I've updated some huds in Customization

Can you update revhud? thanks!

posted about 8 years ago