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Last Posted January 7, 2015 at 10:38 PM
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#11 2015 eGO Arena Respawn Showdown in TF2 General Discussion

Matches will be streamed.

posted about 10 years ago
#9 2015 eGO Arena Respawn Showdown in TF2 General Discussion

I know many 6s players don't like the A:R format but I was asked to post it here for those who are interested. It's a 5v5 mode and 1st place prizes are up. I was confirming model numbers before posting. 2nd and 3rd place prizes will go up shortly as well. I'm trying to organize a badge for all participants.

What we're trying to do here is something different for those who are interested in it and something to bring members of all the various TF2 communities together. Don't like it? Don't sign up. No one's forcing you. It's just a friendly invitation. :)

posted about 10 years ago
#1 2015 eGO Arena Respawn Showdown in TF2 General Discussion

A gamemode that gives Arena second chances.

It's time for a showdown! Think you have the skills to match up against some of the best in Arena Respawn? Form a 5-man team and join the fray!

January 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 2015

Host: EdgeGamers servers

Open to the public.


How does Arena Respawn Work?

Arena: Respawn is a modification of TF2's Arena gamemode developed as an alternative to sixes, created by awk. Your goal is to eliminate the enemy team as quickly as possible. There are no respawn timers, but you can capture the central control point to respawn the dead members of your team.

Camping the point while you already own it will result in a minicrit debuff until you leave the capture area. The only weapon banned from play is the Vaccinator; all other weapons in the game are allowed, and players are encouraged to experiment with different loadouts and strategies.

You can learn more at the official A:R Steam Group AND if you want to practice before the showdown, you can do so on their public servers.

East Coast USA (New York, NY): connect
West Coast USA (San Francisco, CA): connect
London, England: connect

These servers run a modified version of Arena: Respawn with additional crit mechanics. The crit mechanics present on these servers are not present in competitive play.

The Pro Battle League (PBL) is also accepting signups for teams interested in playing A:R pick-up games. Get details in the PBL Steam Group.

Rules and Gameplay:

This event will be a ladder-match style tournament that randomly places 5-man teams against one another to determine a winner. After that, winners will go on to play other winners in the next bracket.

This continues until we have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place team.

Learn more about this tournament and sign up here.

posted about 10 years ago