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Signed Up August 31, 2012
Last Posted September 19, 2015 at 2:48 AM
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#3428 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

Hey man, I like your frags. Just wanted to let you know that since this thread is more geared to 6v6 frags it might not like a HL spy video as much. Good stuff though.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 [Stream] Interests in Requests

posted about 10 years ago
#1 [Stream] Interests in Requests

My name is Interests. I've been playing spy in NA UGC Platinum for a few years now (as a backup since S7, starting since S10). I've begun to stream recently (pubs, with the possibility of other stuff in the future), and I'd like to be added to the TF.TV stream list.

Desired name: Interests
Stream URL:
Country: USA

posted about 10 years ago
#164 What pub community did you come from? in Off Topic

TeamPlayerGaming. Good players to play against, good times.

posted about 10 years ago
#24 Overwatch (Blizzard Game) in Other Games

If Overwatch is actually good, and has lots of funding and support for a competitive scene, maybe it would constitute the push necessary for Valve to improve their product (I.E. finally give support to the competitive community) and adapt.

But if Blizzard poured money into creating a good competitive community for Overwatch, and did it successfully while Valve stood by and did nothing with TF2's competitive community, I would be incredibly upset.

This all assumes that this game is actually good enough and well-supported enough competitively to take people away from TF2, but that could easily be the case.

posted about 10 years ago
#17 Split_ lft IM Scout/Med(?) in Recruitment (looking for team)

I believe in Split. He'll split you wide open. He'll split the uprights. He'll make the other team wanna split. Holy Split.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 percy harvin traded to jets in Off Topic
cryohi think the jets have bigger problems than their receiving game

I think this is also a good point. They're pretty thin at CB right now and their O-line has been shaky. As it looks now though, I think it works out for the Jets - conditional mid-round pick for him? after what Seattle gave up to get him? And he clearly has talent.

The questions poking around right now are whether this was a locker room issue, an injury issue, or a salary cap hit issue. Not sure what else it could be.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 percy harvin traded to jets in Off Topic

"During #Seahawks reg season career Percy Harvin had 23 catches He made $18.3M (@spotrac) for his efforts that's $795,652 per reception #NFL"

Edit: I suppose this doesn't include the Super Bowl, where he made a pretty big difference. Still, it's an awful lot of money to pay a guy for playing less than 16 total games with your team.

posted about 10 years ago
#73 Interests? in Off Topic

Ahh thesis writing - one of the best couple days in my life. A bottle of wine, 362 note cards, and 12 hours of typing lol.

Oh man you did it all at once? My professors are forcing us to do it in chunks to avoid the pain lol. Tougher man (woman?) than I.

posted about 10 years ago
#67 Interests? in Off Topic

I enjoy tf2 and writing a history thesis. And this thread is my name which is cool.

posted about 10 years ago